Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (2024)

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Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (1)

I am sureyou know by now that I am a great sushi fan of sushi and can eat it at any timeof the day. I can start my morning with a sushi roll for breakfast, a bowl ofchirashizushi for lunch, and conclude my day with nigiri and sake for dinner.

Despite myprofound love for raw fish and seafood, I sometimes crave for a change oftaste. Off late I have been experimenting with different types of meat, otherthan the regular salmon and tuna to make sushi.

One of therecipes that exceeded my expectations and turned out to be a lip-smackingdelight is the teriyaki chicken sushi roll and today I will share with you therecipe and instructions on how to make it at home.


TeriyakiChicken Sushi Roll Recipe

If you musthave seafood in your sushi, this recipe also works well with smoked salmon. Iprefer ‘smoked’ over raw to retain the cooked sushi aspect of it. Now, let’stake a look at things you will need to make Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll athome:

What you will need:

  • Seasoned sushi rice
  • Chicken tenderloins cut into 4 thin strips
  • Japanese cucumber cut into thin strips
  • Ripe but firm avocado, cut into slices (optional)
  • Nori sheets
  • 3 tablespoons teriyaki marinade
  • 3 tablespoons of sushi rice wine
  • 1 tablespoon sesame oil

Before you start preparing the chicken, cook sushi rice in advance so that there is enough time for it to cool down. Once the rice cools, season it well with vinegar, sugar, and salt. I have created an article to help beginners step-by-step with cooking and seasoning sushi rice to perfection. Read it here.

While thesushi rice cools, let’s prepare the chicken. For this, add a tablespoon ofsesame oil to the pan and put it on the stove on medium heat. When the oil ishot, add thin strips of chicken and sprinkle some kosher salt over it. Turn itover and sprinkle salt on the other side as well.

Cook both sides of the chicken until it changes color and becomes golden brown. When the chicken is thoroughly cooked, it not only tastes much better but the bacteria is also destroyed. Use a sharp knife (see my favorite) to ensure that the meat has turned succulent and tender.

When thechicken is well cooked, it will release some juice and become easy to breakwith a knife or fork. The outer skin should be slightly golden, and not haveany traces of pink color. Make sure you do not overcook the meat or else itwill turn too dry, chewy and tough.

Now add thethick teriyaki marinade to cooked chicken strips and let it simmer for a fewminutes. This is an important step to ensure that the meat gets infused withthe teriyaki flavor.

Cook untilthe sauce is reduced and the chicken turns dark brown in color. When it isproperly cooked, remove from the pan and allow the chicken strips to cool.

When boththe sushi rice and teriyaki chicken is ready, let’s get to the final and mostimportant step – rolling the sushi. To do this, place the bamboo mat on thekitchen counter and cover it with a plastic cling wrap. Put the Nori sheet overthe plastic wrap, rough side facing upwards.

Now, take amedium ball of seasoned sushi rice and layer it on the Nori sheet leaving aone-inch gap on the top and bottom. Now arrange the fillings, first thecucumber strips, then avocado and lastly chicken strips. You may add 1 or 2cucumber pieces over the chicken and drizzle some teriyaki sauce over it.

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (2)

Lift the bamboo mat from one end and start rolling by applying gentle pressure to make a compact roll. When you reach the end of the roll, wet the edges with water and seal it. Give the roll one more hug with the bamboo mat to ensure that the fillings stay together.

Now, take asharp sushi knife and moisten the blades so that the sticky sushi rice does notstick to it. Cut the sushi roll into 6-8 equal pieces and serve with Japanesesoy sauce, wasabi, and pickled ginger.

If youdon’t plan to eat the Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll immediately, cover it with acling film and refrigerate until the guests arrive. Serve chilled with sauce.

Uramaki Or Inside-Out Style

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (3)

If you wishto make an inside-out roll, the sushi rice and filling preparation will remainthe same. After you add a layer of seasoned sushi rice over the Nori sheet,flip it over to have rice facing downwards. Now arrange the fillings over theNori and start rolling to make a compact roll. Seal the edges with a few dropsof water.

Sprinkletoasted sesame seeds over the sushi rice to make the exterior more crunchy. Youmay also use different toppings of your choice to enhance the taste. Someexamples of toppings can be finely sliced avocado or bell peppers with mayosauce drizzled on the top.

Teriyaki Chicken Handrolls

Aftergetting the maki rolls right, I decided to try my hand at making handroll usingthe teriyaki chicken sushi roll recipe. I admit that I twisted the recipe a bitfor the handroll but the results did not only look aesthetically pleasing butalso tasted incredibly good.

For the handroll, you will need:

  • Chicken breast fillets (500 grams)
  • 1/3 cup teriyaki marinade
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil
  • 8 Nori sheets, cut into quarter size
  • 2 tsp of wasabi paste
  • 6 green onions, finely sliced
  • Pea sprouts, neatly trimmed (100grams)

Start bycooking sushi rice as per the instruction provided in this article. Season therice with vinegar, sugar, and salt as mentioned.

Take aglass or ceramic bowl, and mix chicken fillets with the teriyaki marinadesauce. Now place a pan over a gas stove on medium heat and add oil to it. Whenthe oil gets hot enough, add the seasoned chicken strips.

Let thechicken cook for 6 minutes on medium flame and then flip over to cook the otherside again for 6 more minutes. You will see the chicken releasing water andturning brown in color. Prick the chicken strips with a sharp knife or fork tomake sure they are cooked thoroughly. Now, transfer the chicken to a plate andlet them cool. When they cool down, cutthe chicken pieces into 1 cm thick slices.

On thekitchen counter, place the quartered nori sheet rough side facing upwards. Dampyour fingers and take a teaspoon of seasoned sushi rice to spread it around themiddle of the nori sheet.

Dab alittle wasabi on the rice to enhance the flavor. Now arrange chicken strips,green onions and pea sprouts close to each other. Now fold the nori sheet toform a cone shape and seal the edges with a few drops of water. Make sure thesprouts emerge out of the cone slightly.

4 Different Variations For Chicken Sushi RollRecipe

#1. You canadd more fun to the recipe by trying different variations for cooking thechicken pieces. One of my favorite variations is canned shredded chicken mixedwith lite mayo. I prefer this style when I am too busy or lazy to prepare thechicken separately.

#2. Anothervariation that’s an absolute favorite and reserved for days when I am in themood for lengthy preparations is sweet chili chicken sushi roll. For this style,you will need to marinade chicken strips with sweet chili sauce. Then heat oilin a pan and cook both sides for 5 minutes until the chicken is thoroughlycooked and turns golden in color.

#3. If yourkid loves chicken sushi, you can make a filling of chicken schnitzel for hislunch. Heat oil in a frying pan and add crumbled chicken schnitzel to it. Cookfor about 3-4 minutes on both sides or until the chicken is cooked and golden.Drain excess oil in an absorbent paper and cut the chicken into thin strips.

#4. Thosewho like to add some heat to their sushi rolls can make spicy chicken fillingsfor sushi. The recipe contains shredded threads of thoroughly cooked chickenmixed with spicy Japanese mayo sauce or sriracha sauce.

Gluten Free Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll

If you areon a celiac diet or have a gluten intolerance that does not mean you cannotenjoy the different flavors of sushi. You just need to be smart and moreinformed about the choices you make to ensure that gluten does not creep intoyour food unnoticed.

While thetraditional teriyaki chicken sushi recipe mentioned above is not gluten-free, Idecided to share a special version for all my friends who wish to cut glutenfrom their diet. For this recipe, you will need the following items

  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Boneless chicken thighs
  • Gluten-free teriyaki sauce

Trim thefatty part of the chicken pieces. Mix prepared chicken and teriyaki sauce in abowl evenly and refrigerate for 20 minutes for the meat to absorb the sauce

Preheat thegrill on medium heat or use a frying pan for cooking chicken if you don’t havea grill. Brush some olive oil on the grill pan and put the chicken thighs onit.

Grill for4-5 minutes, and flip the pieces using a pair of tongs to ensure that they getcooked evenly. When the sauce tends to caramelize, turn down the heat. You maygive a second coat of sauce on the chicken to enhance the flavor.

When thechicken is cooked well, remove from heat and let it cool. When the chickencools completely, use a sharp Japanese knife to cut it into even strips.

Use thesechicken strips in preparing your gluten-free grilled teriyaki chicken sushiroll. Follow the same steps as mentioned above but use the gluten-free chickenstrips as fillings. Also, remember to serve tamari sauce instead of traditionalshoyu.

Teriyaki Sauce Recipe

As teriyakisauce has a major role to play in this delicious chicken sushi roll, I decidedto help beginners make this special marinade sauce at home. Although you canget it in the stores, I prefer making at home.

What you will need:

  • A quarter cup of fresh orange juice
  • 1 tsp. Sesame oil
  • Half cup of coconut aminos
  • 1 tbsp Raw honey
  • 2 large garlic cloves, finely minced
  • 1 tsp. fresh ginger, finely minced
  • 1 tsp. Rice vinegar
  • 1 tsp. Arrowroot
  • 1 tsp. coconut aminos

Take a bowland add the top 7 ingredients to it. Whisk lightly to make an even mix, put thepan on medium heat and bring it to boil. Reduce heat and let the mixture simmerfor 5 minutes. Now mix the last two ingredients in a bowl and slowly pour intothe pan. Stir the mixture for about 1 minute or until the sauce thickens. Letthe sauce cool down completely and you may now use it in the teriyaki chickensushi roll recipe.

Top 5 Cooked Sushi Roll Recipe

Besides theawesome taste of chicken cooked in teriyaki, another reason why I love thisstyle of sushi is that it rules out any bacterial contamination. Hence, youdon’t have to worry about the chicken getting infected with bacteria or yoursushi going bad if it sits outside for too long.

Thefreshness window of cooked sushi rolls is much higher than those containing rawfish or seafood As a result, they serve as delicious food you can pack inschool or office lunch boxes. Here are the top 5 cooked sushi roll recipes youcan try at home.

1. Spicy Crab Sushi Roll

If you are a seafood fan, this cooked sushirecipe is something you would like to make at home. You may use real crab meat,cooked with spicy sauce to use as fillings. Alternatively, you may shred theimitation crabsticks into fine threads and mix it with sriracha sauce, mayosauce, and masago.

2. Florida Sushi Roll

You have probably heard about California roll and Philadelphia roll, so here’s presenting another amazing sushi named after a U.S. state – Florida sushi roll. This is a contemporary styled sushi roll that contains cooked crayfish along with other ingredients to bring out the authentic flavors. Crayfish contains a low amount of mercury and when cooked properly, it is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

3. Smoked Salmon Sushi

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (4)

This typeof sushi is great for those who don’t get sushi-grade salmon in their area orhave apprehensions about eating raw fish. Beginners can try the smoked salmonsushi to get familiar with the idea of eating sushi. The recipe includes afilling of smoked salmon strips, avocado, and cucumber.

4. Chicken Katsu Sushi Roll

If you area fan of fried foods, you are going to love this recipe that contains crispychicken strips as fillings. You will need a whisked egg, panko, and flour tomake crispy breaded chicken to be used as fillings.

Start bydipping the chicken pieces in flour, then coat it in egg mixture, and thencover with panko to get tasty fried chicken. The Chicken Katsu sushi roll alsocontains other ingredients such as Romaine lettuce, cucumber(optional), andavocado (optional).

5. Heaven Sushi Roll

Bringtogether crab tempura and coconut shrimps in a sushi recipe, and you have aperfect formula for the taste of heaven, don’t you think? The fried coconutshrimps go inside as fillings within the roll and the shredded crab stickstempura form the crispy toppings that are to die for.

To add alemony zest to the recipe, you may add a small pie of lemon on top of eachbite-sized piece. Although preparing this style of sushi is time-consuming, thefruits of labor are truly worth the pain and patience.

Related Questions

Is teriyakichicken sushi safe for pregnant women?

Yes, itdoes not contain any raw meat, hence there is no risk of bacterial infection.Pregnant and breastfeeding women craving for sushi can satisfy their cravingswith this delicious roll.

Is this sushi gluten-free?

Theteriyaki marinade may contain hidden gluten so if you are on a celiac diet,make sure you buy gluten-free teriyaki sauce from an Asian grocery store. You can also buy it online fromAmazon.

Should Ilet the chicken piece sit with the marinade for a few minutes?

The moreyou allow the chicken to sit with the marinade, the more flavourful will be thetaste of cooked chicken. I suggest pricking fine holes on chicken breasts usinga fork to allow quick and easy absorption of the sauce.

How manycalories in Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll

A servingof 6 pieces of Chicken Teriyaki Roll contains about 500 calories, which can bebroken down into 36% fat, 15% protein, and 49% carbohydrates.


Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (5)

Article Name

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe


Do you wish to try something new? Read on to find my teriyaki chicken sushi roll recipe and other chicken variations that you may use as fillings.



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Easy Homemade Sushi

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Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (6)

Teriyaki Chicken Sushi Roll Recipe - Easy Homemade Sushi (2024)


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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.