Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (2024)

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Everything I’ve learned living in Spain about how to make the best authentic, delicious, fresh tomato gazpacho recipe — in just 15 minutes!

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (1)

Fresh tomato season has finally returned again, which means that it’s time to start making allllll the gazpacho.♡

I’ve been a fan of this refreshing, chilled, Spanish tomato soup for years. But ever since we moved to Barcelona, we have become next-level obsessed with it in the summertime, especially after having had the chance to spend time in Andalucía, the region where gazpacho originated. Down in that part of the country, gazpacho is available just about everywhere you turn — from restaurants, to bars, to coffee shops, to every little supermercado that you pass by. Even here in Barcelona, our nearest grocery store offers no less than seven different types of grab-and-go bottled gazpacho! It’s everyone’s favorite light and refreshing meal here to beat the summertime heat. And when made with the season’s best ripe produce — oh boy — there’s nothing better.

That said, if you have the chance to visit Spain, you will find that gazpacho here varies slightly from region to region. And of course, there are a million non-traditional ingredients and twists that modern cooks love to try too. But that said, Andaluz-style tomato gazpacho is probably the version that comes to mind when most people think of this blended soup. So if you happen to be craving a bowl (or a glass with a straw, see below!), here is my go-to gazpacho recipe that I absolutely love. It’s quick and easy to make in just 15 minutes or so, and I consider it lo mejor —just the best!

The BEST Gazpacho Recipe | 1-Minute Video

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (2)

Spanish Gazpacho Ingredients:

Gazpacho is the quintessential summer soup because all of the fresh ingredients are deliciously in season this time of year, and there’s no need to heat up your stove or oven! Just prep your ingredients on a cutting board. Then your blender or food processor will take it from there. To make this homemade gazpacho recipe, you will need:

  • Tomatoes:Roma tomatoes or what we call “branch tomatoes” here in Spain (medium, round, soft-skinned tomatoes on the vine) are standard for traditional gazpacho. But really, any ripe, juicy, fresh tomatoes will do. There is no need to peel your tomatoes for gazpacho, but I do recommend coring them (scoop out the white flesh and seeds).
  • Cucumber: 6-inch Persian or Kirby cucumbers are most often used in Spain, peeled and seeded. But I usually just toss in half of an English cucumber instead. Whichever works for you!
  • Green bell pepper:Some of my Spanish friends arefirm believers thatgreen bell peppers, specifically, are a must for authentic Spanish gazpacho. But I’d say that any color of bell pepper you have on hand will do. :)
  • Bread:Leftover white bread is the key to the texture of authentic gazpacho, helping to thicken it slightly and round out the flavors. Our friends here taught us to discard the crusts for optimal texture. Then to help the bread blend well, you can either:
    • blend up the gazpacho, then poke the slice of bread into the center of the soup and let it sit there for 10 minutes to soften before blending it into the soup, or
    • just run it under the faucet and soak completely with water, ring it out completely with your hands, then add the bread to the soup ingredients and puree
  • Red onion:Just half of a small red onion, peeled.
  • Garlic:I use two small garlic cloves, or one large clove.
  • Olive oil:Many traditional gazpacho recipes are loaded with lots of olive oil. But nowadays in Spain, they often cut down the amount of oil to make the soup a bit healthier. This recipe just uses 3 tablespoons.
  • Sherry vinegar:Andalucía is known for its sherry. And of course, it’s sherry vinegar (vinagre de Jerez), which is always used to make gazpacho here in Spain. That said, though, if you can’t find sherry vinegar at your grocery store, you can sub in some red wine vinegar.
  • Ground cumin:One of our friends in Andalucía taught me the secret of adding cumin to your gazpacho, which is actually a popular ingredient in the south of Spain due to the region’s proximity to Morocco. I love the subtle, earthy note that it adds to this recipe.
  • Sea salt and black pepper: Essentials!

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (3)

How To Make Gazpacho:

To make homemade gazpacho soup, simply:

  1. Puree the soup:Combine all of your gazpacho ingredients in a blender or food processor, and puree for 1 minute or until the gazpacho reaches your desired consistency. (I love mine super-smooth.)
  2. Chill:Transfer the soup to a sealed container and refrigerate for 4 hours or until completely chilled.
  3. Serve:Then serve the soup nice and cold, garnished with your favorite toppings.

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (4)

Gazpacho Soup Toppings:

With such a simple pureed soup, toppings are a must in my book! I like to add any combination of the following to gazpacho:

  • Homemade croutons:Easy to make with any leftover bread that you happen to have on hand.
  • Fresh herbs:Basil, thyme, oregano, rosemary and/or chives are some of our faves.
  • Fresh-cracked black pepper:Always a must, in my book.
  • Olive oil:An extra drizzle on top is traditional in Spain.
  • Cream:A drizzle of cream (or sour cream) can be nice, if you would like a creamier soup.
  • Spanish ham and chopped hard-boiled eggs:These toppings are traditional with salmorejo, but they are also popular with gazpacho in the south of Spain.

Or, of course, it’s probably most common to just sprinkle a few of the leftover chopped gazpacho veggies on top (such as tomato, green pepper, onion or cucumber). Whatever sounds good to you!

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (5)

HowToServe Gazpacho:

You can either serve gazpacho soup in a bowl or mug, garnished with your desired toppings. Or to keep things super simple, many places in Spain just serve gazpacho over ice in glasses with a straw, which I really love! (See photos below.)

The one thing to note when serving gazpacho is that it needs to be thoroughly chilled. So plan to blend up the recipe a few hours before serving, so that it has ample time to cool off in the fridge before your meal.

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (6)

Possible Variations:

While the recipe below is for authentictomatogazpacho, there are of course zillions of ways that you could customize your gazpacho. You could:

  • Add fruit:Watermelon, cantaloupe, and strawberries are the common additions to red gazpacho here in Spain. (Here is my recipe for watermelon gazpacho.)
  • Add veggies: Beets, zucchini and corn are also popular additions.
  • Add extra herbs:Feel free to also add in any fresh herbs that sound good, such as basil, rosemary, thyme, or chives.
  • Add spice:This is definitelynot a common addition to gazpacho in Spain, since the country almost always avoids heat in its food. But I sometimes love adding in a few slices of jalapeño or serrano to this recipe to give it an extra kick.

Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (7)

Late-night gazpacho with a straw while visiting Sevilla.

Buen provecho, everyone!


Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (8)

Authentic Gazpacho

★★★★★4.9 from 151 reviews

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 mins
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Yield: 4 -6 servings 1x
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My favorite recipe for how to make authentic, fresh, delicious Spanish gazpacho.



  • 2 pounds ripe Roma tomatoes, halved and cored*
  • 1 small (1/2 lb) cucumber, peeled and seeded*
  • 1medium green bell pepper, cored
  • 1/2 small red onion, peeled
  • 2 small garlic cloves (or 1 large clove), peeled
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons sherry vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt
  • 1/2teaspoon freshly-cracked black pepper
  • 1/2teaspoonground cumin
  • 1 thick slice of white bread, soaked, crusts removed*
  • optional garnishes:homemade croutons, chopped fresh herbs, a drizzle of olive oil, or any leftover chopped gazpacho ingredients


  1. Purée. Combine all ingredients together in a blender or food processor. Puree for 1 minute, or until the soup reaches your desired consistency.
  2. Season. Taste and season with extra salt, pepper and/or cumin if needed.
  3. Chill. Refrigerate in a sealed container for 3 to 4 hours, or until completely chilled.
  4. Serve. Serve cold, topped with your desired garnishes.


Tomatoes: To core the tomatoes, simply scoop out and discard the seeds, plus any of the tough white cores.

Cucumber:Or you can just add in half of an English cucumber, which does not need to be seeded.

Bread: We typically just use a baguette. To soak your bread, I recommend simply running it under the sink for few seconds to soak it with water. Then ring our the extra water and add the bread to the blender or food processor.

Storage instructions:Leftover soup can be transferred to a food storage container and refrigerated for up to 3 days or frozen for up to 3 months.

posted on June 15, 2020 by Ali

Main Dishes, Make-Ahead, Soups / Stews


Authentic Gazpacho Recipe - Gimme Some Oven (2024)


How do you get the bitterness out of gazpacho? ›

Too bitter? Add some fresh fruit, more tomatoes, or even a pinch of sugar.

Should you peel tomatoes for gazpacho? ›

Although it's often okay to leave on tomato skins when cooking them, they are too fibrous to slurp in soup form. To remove the skins, mark a small "X" on the bottom, gently lower them into boiling water for 30 seconds, then shock in ice water. The skins will slip right off, and you can proceed with the gazpacho recipe.

Is gazpacho better the next day? ›

Does gazpacho taste better the next day? Yes, it does! Gazpacho should be chilled for at least 30 minutes before serving, but letting it chill overnight is best, to allow all of the flavors to meld together.

What does salmorejo contain that gazpacho does not? ›

Salmorejo is a cold creamy thick soup that comes in a bowl. It also stems from the south of Spain, but specifically Córdoba. Different from gazpacho, one of the main ingredients is bread. This gives it a more pink orange appearance and thicker texture than gazpacho.

What is used as a thickening agent in gazpacho? ›

The quick answer is raw tomatoes — along with uncooked peppers, onions, garlic, olive oil, vinegar, and stale bread used as thickener — although the relatively newfangled addition didn't come about until the 19th century, after the discovery of the Americas.

What seasoning counteracts bitterness? ›

Sweetness: From sugar, honey, fruits or otherwise, sweetness will counteract bitter and sour flavours. It can also be used to cut down the heat of a particularly spicy meal. Saltiness: Salt plays two very important roles in flavouring a dish. Firstly, it balances against bitterness.

How do you know when gazpacho has gone bad? ›

One can determine the freshness of gazpacho by looking for changes in color and smell. A dimming of the vibrant hues of the vegetables or an off-putting odor can signal that the gazpacho may no longer be fresh and should be discarded. Signs of spoilage: Color change from bright to dull.

What is a substitute for tomato juice in gazpacho? ›

If you're making gazpacho and don't have tomato juice, you can use a combination of blended fresh tomatoes, red bell peppers, cucumber, and a splash of vinegar as a substitute. This mixture will still give your gazpacho the desired tomato-like base and refreshing flavor.

Is gazpacho soup good for you? ›

But the benefits of gazpacho go beyond the temperature. Made from tomatoes and vegetables, it carries numerous health benefits, too. It's a source of Vitamin vitamin A, Vitamin vitamin C, and Vitamin vitamin E, along with several other minerals and nutrients.

Does gazpacho lower blood pressure? ›

The team found that in addition to cutting overall blood pressure by up to 27%, both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels were inversely associated with gazpacho consumption.

Who eats gazpacho? ›

Gazpacho is widely eaten in Spain and Portugal, particularly during hot summers, since it is refreshing and cool. Although there are other recipes called gazpacho, such as gazpacho manchego, the standard usage implies a soup.

Is it OK to freeze gazpacho? ›

Absolutely! You can make batches of gazpacho, place in airtight containers, freezer bags or even ice cube trays and freeze for 3 to 6 months. To thaw, place in the refrigerator the night before and let thaw slowly (do not try to speed up the process in any other way).

What do the Spanish eat with gazpacho? ›

It may not be a meal on its own, but it can be when paired with another dish or two. Continue with the Spanish theme and choose something vegetarian like tortilla española or patatas bravas, serve it with seafood such as fried calamari or paella or a selection of small plate dishes like empanadas and croquettas.

Why is my gazpacho bitter? ›

Removing the skins from your tomatoes and cucumbers will remove any chance of tiny fibrous bits floating in your gazpacho. Additionally, the skins contain naturally occurring flavonoid compounds, which can impart a bitter flavor.

Why is my gazpacho pink? ›

While a gustatorily stultifying purée of tomatoes and tomato juice is lipstick-red, real gazpacho falls somewhere between pink and orange, thanks to the olive oil, bread, and nuts. But you can trick the eye by adding a nice green garnish. (Fresh herbs are fine, but avocado is better.)

How do you neutralize bitterness? ›

The Fix: Balance bitter flavors by introducing something salty, sweet, or sour. For naturally bitter foods such as kale, you can soften the flavor by add a lemony vinaigrette, Parmesan cheese, and pomegranate seeds. You can also elevate kale by tossing it olive oil and salt, then roasting it in the oven until crispy.

What to do if your soup is too bitter? ›

Add sweet vegetables like carrots and beets. They will sweeten the broth and deepen its color. You might also add a bit of miso (or salt) and/or a squeeze of lemon juice. Sweet, salt and acid balance bitter flavors.

How do you fix bitter tomato soup? ›

Add Some Baking Soda

If your tomato sauce is too acidic and verging on bitter, turn to baking soda, not sugar. Yes, sugar might make the sauce taste better, but good old baking soda is an alkaline that will help balance the excess acid. A little pinch should do the trick.

Does salt get rid of bitter taste? ›

And while salt can enhance sweet, sour, and umami flavours, it tends to reduce our perception of bitterness. “Bitter tastants activate our bitter taste receptors, signalling to our brain that we consumed something bitter,” Sara says. “Salt, and more precisely, sodium ions, activate salt receptors on our palate.”


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