Young "Mother Hubbard's"Baking Day Recipes Continued... - Mandy and Michele (2024)

This week we continue on with more recipes from this booklet… All credit given to the Hubbard Milling Company.

Formula For Jiffy Flour/Foundational mixture


  • Mother Hubbard Flour- 4 quarts
  • Baking powder- 1/2 cupful
  • Salt- 3 level tablespoonfuls
  • Lard-2 level cupfuls

Method: Sift the Mother Hubbard Flour with the dry ingredients several times. Work in the lard until no chunks are visible. Pack in mason jars or other convenient receptacles with covers, NOT air-tight, and keep in a cool, dry place. The refrigerator is the best place to store it, as a good refrigerator is always dry as well as cool.

When ready to make quick breads or hot breads some of this flour may be mixed with milk or water and eggs, if the bread to be made requires eggs, and made into any kind of quick bread desired.

An egg beaten into the milk or water for any biscuit dough increases the food value of the quick breads. All breads when mixed and placed in their respective pans for the oven may be held over in a cool place a few hours or overnight then baked immediately before serving.

Dainty Muffins

Three cupfuls of jiffy flour and 1 egg beaten in 1 1/2 cupfuls of milk and 2 tablespoonfuls of sugar. Drop in well-greased muffin pans. Brush tops with melted fat. Bake in a moderate oven, 400° Fahrenheit, 25 minutes. Makes a dozen large muffins with peaked tops.- Hey, we got a temperature and a time with this recipe! Yahoo!

Quick Raisin Bread

Young "Mother Hubbard's"Baking Day Recipes Continued... - Mandy and Michele (1)

Measure 3 cupfuls of jiffy flour and stir into it 1/2 cupful brown sugar. Beat 1 or 2 eggs into 1 1/2 cupfuls of milk and stir into a stiff dough. To this add cupful of cleaned, seedless raisins. Turn into loaf pan. Bake 45 minutes in a moderate oven. If the pan is not the covered kind. – Stop right there. MARIE!- Seriously… a covered bread pan? This I will have to investigate!

And just like the Christmas commercial of Santa bumping into the M&M and Peanut M&M exclaiming, “They do exist!”, eureka I found one! Man! What one doesn’t learn.- Please continue Marie- If the pan is not the covered kind, place a cover over the bread for the first 20 minutes. – Michele here, a piece of tin foil would work or flip a bread pan over the top of the other one. Problem solved.

Foundational Cooky Recipes

A quick note: don’t call the Edgerton Enterprise office to tell them I misspelled the word “Cooky”. That‘s how Marie spells it. Don’t mess with Marie and the 1920’s grammar. Marie looks like she could “pound” you a good one. Now, on to our cooky/cookie recipe.

There is no need for so much duplication in cooky recipes. Two Foundation Recipes will afford all the variation necessary for sugar cookies.

  • No. 1 Foundation Cooky Recipe is made without eggs, although eggs may be added.
  • No. 2 Foundation Cooky Recipe is made with eggs and is a richer cooky.

Variations can be added to either one equally well. FAT may be as preferred- butter, lard, margarine, or clear drippings. SUGAR may be brown or granulated. If powdered sugar is used measure about 1/5 more than granulated. FLAVOR will come from spices, extracts, nuts, fruit that may suit your taste. FLOUR will be a bread flour (Mother Hubbard- you knew that was coming) is used for all cooky purposes. If a soft or pastry flour is used more will be required than these formulas call for, or about 1/5 more.

Young "Mother Hubbard's"Baking Day Recipes Continued... - Mandy and Michele (2)

Foundational Cooky Recipe No. 1- eggless


  • Sugar- 1 1/2 cupfuls
  • Fat- 3/4 cupfuls
  • Soda- 1 teaspoonful
  • Buttermilk- 1/1/2 cupfuls
  • Mother Hubbard flour- 4 cupfuls

Method: Sift the flour with the soda if sour milk is used or with baking powder, if sweet milk is used. Work in the fat, stir in the sugar, brown or white, add the buttermilk or sweet milk as the case may be, and mix lightly. Anything in the shape of flavor, nuts, and fruits may be added to this cooky mixture. If time permits, chill before rolling out.

Foundational Cooky Recipe No. 2


  • Mother Hubbard flour- 4 1/2 cupfuls
  • Sugar, brown and white- 3 cupfuls-* I’m thinking you pick one, brown or white.
  • Soda- 1 level teaspoon
  • Fat- 1 1/2 cupfuls
  • Eggs- 4

Method: Sift the flour and soda together, mix in the fat as for pastry. Add the sugar and then the beaten eggs. This is more easily handled if chilled. IF packed in a cracker box or other mold and chilled for three or four hours or overnight it can be sliced very thin for crisp cookies or thick for soft cookies, making a square cooky.

Recipe for Little Folks

Nuts and Karo Roll

To a cup of powdered sugar add three level tablespponsfuls of maple karo and one-half cupful of minced peacan or peanuts.

Take large slices of fresh bread and spread this filling. Roll them up tightly and hold with toothpicks. When set and firm, cut each roll into three pieces.

Friends, that wraps up our nearly month-long article tour of Young “Mother Hubbard’s” Baking Day recipe booklet. There are many fun recipes in this booklet, perhaps I can share a few more near the holidays. Till next time, here is to good food, good friends and a very good life!

Young "Mother Hubbard's"Baking Day Recipes Continued... - Mandy and Michele (3)

Michele Bruxvoort

Michele Bruxvoort is sure to draw you in with her delightful sense of humor and love for living life. She enjoys reading, repurposing, as well as remodeling the family home with her husband. Drawing from her life experience as wife, mom, and follower of Jesus, Michele brings you a very honest and real perspective on life. When you don’t find her writing, you can find her mowing lawns, stocking shelves, taking care of her grandbaby and tackling her latest life adventure.

Wisconsin native and empty-nester, she now makes her home with her husband of 27 years in the South West Prairie plains of Minnesota.

Young "Mother Hubbard's"Baking Day Recipes Continued... - Mandy and Michele (2024)


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