What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (2024)

The kitchen is a very important part of every home. Aside from its function, the modern kitchen has evolved from being a space to prepare food to a social space where family or friends commune while preparing food. As such, it is imperative to have a kitchen layout to suit your needs.

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (1)

Open-plan layouts were specially designed so you can prepare food while entertaining family or guests. A good kitchen design will take into consideration different factors before coming up with any design decisions.

Table of Contents

A couple of important questions you might have to ask your client or yourself before you remodel the kitchen are:

  1. How much space do I have, and where is it located?
  2. What type of kitchen layouts do you prefer? Which one fits best in your floor area?
  3. How many family members are there in the household?
  4. What are the appliances you need, and their sizes?
  5. How much cold storage and pantry storage do I need?

These questions can provide helpful information that will guide you in designing your kitchen. You also need to consider what we call the “working triangle” or the “kitchen triangle,” a tool used since the 20th century to design kitchens.

The principle of the working triangle basically states that the three main areas of the kitchen – the sink, the fridge, and the stove – should form a triangle.

According to this design principle, the distance between each of these areas should be between 4 feet to 9 feet, and the total length/distance to each area should be a minimum of 13 feet to a maximum of 26 feet in total.

Following this principle will help guide you in designing the floor plan, and will also help ensure the efficiency of the design.

There are, however, limitations to this, because real estate prices have gone up, and some kitchens are really small and compact and may not be able to follow these rules at all. If you have more flexibility in space, however, the working triangle is definitely an easy and helpful tool that you can use.

So, what are the 6 types of kitchen layouts? Here’s an illustration to provide a visual guide:

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (2)

No matter what type of kitchen layout you have at home, the working triangle will definitely help guide you in designing.

These are the most common layouts:

  • One Wall – these are common in smaller spaces like apartments or small townhouses. The floor plan is literally against one wall in one straight line.
  • Galley – these are usually small areas located in narrow rooms. The counters would be against two walls parallel to each other
  • L-Shape – this is a common layout in both traditional and modern kitchens. The countertops form an L-shape and are placed against walls perpendicular to each other.
  • U-Shape – the counters form a U-shape, occupying 3 walls perpendicular to each other.
  • Peninsula – this type of layout is common in open-plan spaces. Three sides of the countertops are against the wall, and one counter extends perpendicularly, in which the additional counter acts as a space divider or a counter dining/bar area.
  • Island Kitchen – if any of the above layouts add a kitchen island to the design (it should be detached from any walls), it can then be considered an island.

One Wall Kitchens

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (3)

The common problem of one-wall kitchens would be the bottleneck, especially when there’s not enough counter space.

Ensure ample space between the sink, range, and fridge to avoid this. If your counter space is very limited, consider using a compact-sized sink and range to compensate for the lack of space.

Galley Kitchens

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (4)

The challenge for galley kitchen designs is the narrowness of the space. When designing your drawers and cabinets, make sure there is enough space left when you swing out the doors or pull-out the drawers.

The minimum space between countertops should be 3 feet, but 4 to 5 feet is the most recommended distance as it allows better traffic flow.

L-shape Kitchens

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (5)

L-shape is the most common type of kitchen layout, especially in open-plan layouts, as it doesn’t occupy too much space and allows for easier planning, giving you more space and flexibility.

In L-shape kitchen designs, you also need to take special care in planning for your door swings and drawers so as to not obstruct movement. Corner cabinets are usually tricky, and one trick to maximize the space under the corner counter is to install a storage carousel.

We recommend using door hinges that have at least a 160-degrees opening angle for the cabinets at the corner to access the carousel easily.

U-shape Kitchens

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (6)

U-shape kitchens have the advantage of having 3 counter spaces you can play around with. In some cases, the room’s floor area is big, so having one of each of the sink, range, and fridge on each wall will not create an efficient work triangle.

In those cases, try to put two areas on one counter – the sink and the range, for example – or you can also dedicate one whole wall as a storage/pantry wall if you need more food storage space.

In smaller U-shaped kitchens, however, having one area on each side of the counter is doable. Ensure that you have at least 3 feet of clearance between two countertops as well.

Peninsula Kitchens

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (7)

The additional counter space in Peninsula kitchens makes it easier to plan the design. The peninsula area is often used as a bussing area, a snack area, a breakfast area, etc. If you like entertaining guests while cooking food, placing the range on the peninsula is a good idea.

Sinks are sometimes placed in the peninsula, but you can keep it open and empty if you want to maximize the peninsula’s counter space for food preparation and dining.

Kitchen Island Layout

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (8)

For one-wall kitchens, a great way to add more counter space is by adding an island. The island can be used as a space divider, a counter or bar area, and more.

Similar to the peninsula, you can place your range or sink in the island. If your kitchen island is freestanding, however, it will mostly be used as additional prep space or a breakfast counter.

What is your favorite type of layout for kitchens? Let us know in the comments below.

What Are The 6 Types Of Kitchen Layouts (2024)


What are the 6 basic kitchen layouts? ›

There are six basic types of kitchen layouts: Island, Parallel, Straight, L-Shape, U-Shape, Open, and Galley. The L-Shaped kitchen is most suited to homes that do not need too much worktop spaces while the galley shaped kitchen is suitable for small homes.

What are the six kitchen designs? ›

6 Popular Kitchen Layouts
  • L-Shaped Kitchen. An L-shaped kitchen looks exactly as it sounds. ...
  • Parallel or Galley Kitchen. A galley kitchen — also known as a parallel kitchen layout — is typically designed between two walls. ...
  • U-Shaped Kitchen. ...
  • Island Kitchen. ...
  • G-Shaped or Peninsula Kitchen. ...
  • One-Wall Kitchen.
Mar 16, 2024

What are the 6 types of a commercial kitchen layout? ›

As a result, most commercial kitchens fall into one of six common layout types, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
  • THE ASSEMBLY LINE An assembly line kitchen works just like an assembly line in a factory. ...
  • THE GALLEY. ...
  • THE ZONE. ...

What are the 5 most popular kitchen layouts? ›

There are five basic kitchen layouts: L-Shape, G-Shape, U-Shape, One-Wall and Galley. The size and shape of the room will typically determine your layout. Although variations and deviations do exist, most kitchen layouts are based on one of the following shapes.

What are the 4 basic kitchen layouts? ›

Basic Kitchen Layouts

There are four main kitchen layouts: “Galley,” “L,” “U,” and “G” (Peninsula). Each accommodates a work triangle in its own way.

What is the kitchen layout? ›

What is a kitchen layout? The kitchen layout is the shape that is made by the arrangement of the countertop, major appliances, and storage areas. This floor plan helps define the kitchen's work triangle – the path that you make when moving from the refrigerator to the sink, to the range to prepare a meal.

How to choose a kitchen layout? ›

7 Kitchen Layout Ideas That Work
  1. Reduce Traffic. ...
  2. Make the Distance between Main Fixtures Comfortable. ...
  3. Make Sure the Kitchen Island Isn't too Close or too Far. ...
  4. Place the Sink First. ...
  5. Always Put the Stove on an Exterior Wall. ...
  6. Keep Vertical Storage in Mind. ...
  7. Create a Floor Plan and Visualize Your Kitchen in 3D.

Should the refrigerator be near the sink or stove? ›

The sink, main refrigerator, and stove should be in close proximity to each other. You require a minimum of 4 feet between each point to easily maneuver, and equally not more than 9 feet. This allows easy access to get food from the refrigerator to a preparation point, and then into the oven.

What is the golden rule for kitchen design? ›

A Golden Rule for Kitchen Design

A kitchen work triangle is made up of three areas; the sink, cooktop, and refrigerator. By connecting these three areas within a certain length, you can create a more efficient kitchen design.

What are the 6 rules for designing a restaurant kitchen? ›

  • Flexibility and Modularity. A commercial kitchen is a dynamic place, so its layout should be able to accommodate change. ...
  • Simplicity. ...
  • Flow of Materials and Personnel. ...
  • Ease of Sanitation. ...
  • Ease of Supervision. ...
  • Space Efficiency.
Oct 9, 2018

What are the 6 important consideration or factors in designing a commercial kitchen? ›

Space planning, equipment selection, safety and sanitation, workflow, and energy efficiency are some of the most important factors to consider. A well-designed commercial kitchen will not only increase efficiency and productivity but also provide a safe and enjoyable environment for your customers and employees.

What are the 5 types of commercial kitchens? ›

There are five commonly used in most commercial kitchens: assembly line, island, zone-style, galley and open kitchen. Each one has unique benefits depending on the style of restaurant you want to open, the type of food you are cooking and the amount of space your building allows for kitchen space.

What are the 6 types of kitchens? ›

These are the six types of kitchen layouts:
  • The galley layout.
  • The L-shaped layout.
  • The U-shaped layout.
  • The island layout.
  • The peninsula layout.
  • The one-wall kitchen.
Oct 27, 2022

What is the least efficient kitchen shape? ›

Some peninsula kitchens are inefficient because the peninsula sticks too far out, thereby blocking the walkway. L-shaped kitchens have the potential to flow well, but they don't always provide a circular traffic pattern. Of course, you may only have the option to use one of these layout styles in your space.

What is the most popular kitchen style now? ›

Today, kitchen design styles trend towards a combination of classic and modern styles, known as transitional. However, as we mentioned above, traditional and contemporary are still holding the top spots.

What is the general rule in kitchen layout? ›

The work triangle connects three important work areas of the kitchen: the cooktop, sink, and refrigerator. This area should be unobstructed and the distance between each zone should range from 4 feet to 9 feet so that one can efficiently move between tasks such as cooking, cleaning and food preparation.

What is the most basic layout principle followed in the kitchen? ›


The work triangle is the relationship between three of the main appliances used in the kitchen – the refrigerator, sink, and the cooker. As a rule of thumb, when we add the lengths together, the sum should not be less than 3.5 meters, and no more than 6.5 meters.

What kitchen layout is popular in small homes? ›

The best layout for a small kitchen depends on your space. Consider a U-shaped or galley-style layout for maximum efficiency. Organize your space using the kitchen triangle rule to create a smooth path between the sink, oven (or stovetop), and refrigerator.

How do I organize my kitchen layout? ›

10 Steps to an Orderly Kitchen
  1. Tip #1: Empty Cabinets. ...
  2. Tip #2: Group Like Items. ...
  3. Tip #3: Organize the Cabinets. ...
  4. Tip #4: Use Clear Containers to Store Items. ...
  5. Tip #5: Store Containers and Lids Together. ...
  6. Tip #6: Make use of Vertical Space. ...
  7. Tip #7: Use Lazy Susans. ...
  8. Tip #8: Use Drawer Dividers.


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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.