Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (2024)

Posted on 2010/09/27 by allyson89 Comments

Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (1)

Out of my crazy cat lady-like obsession with pumpkin (and, who am I kidding? all things orange) during the Autumn months, came this gem of a simple dinner. This pasta/pumpkin combo may not sound too appealing for some folks , but each and every person I served this stuff to absolutely loved it.

Pumpkin. Alfredo.

It is utterly delicious.


  • 1 package of your favorite pasta, 12-16 oz. (I highly recommend Tinkyada brand for Gluten Free)

sauce ingredients:

  • 1 package (12 oz.) extra firm silken tofu
  • 3/4 cup canned pumpkin
  • 1/2 cup nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseed (flaxseed meal)
  • 1/2 – 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp ground allspice
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • olive oil and sea salt to taste


Cook pasta according to package directions.

While pasta is cooking, combine all sauce ingredients together in a food processor. Blend until smooth.

When pasta is finished cooking, drain, rinse and return to pot. Toss in a light amount of olive oil to evenly coat the noodles. Salt lightly if desired.

Combine the sauce with the pasta until the desired pasta/sauce ratio is reached. This recipe makes enough to generously coat 14 oz. box or bag of dried pasta.

Awesome with pecans mixed in!

Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (2)

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Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (13)

Filed Under: Dinner, Gluten-Free, Pasta, Sauces

89 Responses to Pumpkin Alfredo

  1. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (14)Kylie says:

    I know it’s summertime, but I need to make this now! It looks amazing!

  2. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (15)Becca_K says:

    I made this last night and it was amazing! It was cheap to make, fed a lot of people and left overs today were just as good. I’ve been vegan for about 2 months now – going from a very heavy meat diet. Your recipes have helped me through the transitions very nicely.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (16)allyson says:

      Aw, that’s wonderful Becca! Thank you for letting me know this. :)

      Best wishes on your culinary journey!

      <3 allyson

  3. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (17)Eileen says:

    Made this tonight! It turned out well. The olive oil for taste is essential. I tried it before the final salt and olive oil, and boy does it bring the alfredo flavor out doing so. I like that it’s mostly alfredo flavored with a subtle hint of pumpkin. A fun recipe. Thank you!

  4. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (18)Marain says:

    Just wondering how you think this recipe would taste without the tofu. I cannot eat soy.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (19)allyson says:

      I think it will be less creamy, but maybe not too bad tastewise–are you okay with eating cashews? if so, I’d recommend replacing the amount of tofu with the same amount of raw cashews, soaked for an hour or two and then blended until creamy. :)

  5. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (20)Finn says:

    Hey, quick question- Would it do any harm to heat the sauce up, and if not, how would you go about it? I’m just wondering because I’m sort of new to this, so I haven’t worked with most of these ingredients before.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (21)allyson says:

      Hi Finn! It would be totally fine to heat it up. I’d recommend a small saucepan, over medium-low heat and maybe keep a tablespoon of non-dairy milk (or even water) nearby for thinning if necessary. A whisk is handy too to keep the sauce from getting lumpy. :)


  6. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (22)RockStar says:

    Hi! I made this tonight for my sister and my nephew
    And they loved it! I loved it too! We were just wondering
    what the purpose of the yeast was for. Is it too make the
    Sauce thicker? I was also amazed by how fast it was ready, I thought
    “did I miss a step?” Haha. Thanks for this simple yet amazing dish!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (23)allyson says:

      Hey Rockstar,

      The purpose of the yeast is just to add a cheesey flavor, but it does also affect the texture a bit. :) Glad you enjoyed it!

  7. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (24)Charissa says:

    ohmygosh! This is soooooo good. I finally got around to making it and absolutely loved it. I did use the cashew cream instead of the tofu (since I’m sort of new to tofu and have been finding tofu dishes hit or miss). Plus, my 8 year old daughter, who likes pumpkin pie loved it too! Would love to add a link on my website to your recipe if you don’t mind. Thanks for posting such a clever dish!

  8. YUM! This is amazing! I made and blogged about a vegan risotto similar to this recipe about a month ago and yesterday I made a pumpkin noodle casserole using real cheese, but this pasta recipe is awesome! I am totally doing this next time!

  9. […] also making a variation of this pumpkin pasta, greens, and some whole wheat garlic […]

  10. […] up on a friend’s blog, a few days ago. The original recipe by Manifest:Vegan, I’ve adapted it to be soy free by replacing the protein from tofu with soaked cashews for an […]

  11. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (26)Marlene says:

    Hi! I made this recipe before sometime this fall and loved it! But, now I’m cutting out all sorts of foods that are considered potential migraine triggers, and one of them is yeast (including beloved soy and nooch!). I of course know how nooch tastes and the cheesiness it adds to recipes, but I’m having trouble figuring out if it serves other purposes than just flavor. Does the nooch add to the creaminess of this recipe? Could you suggest a substitution? I’ll be using white beans instead of tofu, which I’ve used for sauces before. I would love to be able to still eat this sauce while I’m on the elimination diet!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (27)allyson says:

      Hi Marlene!

      That’s terrific you enjoyed this recipe. I hope you find a good reason for those pesky migraines… best of luck!

      I think if you just leave the nooch out- it won’t matter too terribly much on the outcome. I added it to this mostly for flavor and a touch of texture… the white beans sound like a perfect substitute! I think you will come to a pretty close proximity of the original if you just leave out the nooch altogether- or you could sub some of the white beans out for pureed soaked cashews (if those are okay to eat). They always give a nice “cheesy” sort of flavor to sauces too.

  12. […] The original recipe is from Manifest Vegan. […]

  13. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (28)Desi says:

    I’m dying to try this recipe! Do you think it’s ok to use a blender instead of a food processor? Do you think it will ruin the consistency of the sauce?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (29)allyson says:

      Hi Desi- I think a blender would work well with this sauce (possibly better than a processor. the key is to get it all very smooth) – just blend until creamy :)
      hope you enjoy!
      <3 allyson

  14. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (30)Roxanne says:

    I’m sad to say that I really didn’t like this dish. I thought it was so awful that I threw it out. And I’m not one to waste food, so that says a lot. I think it would be a lot better with cashew cream, though. I’ll give this recipe another try using cashew cream, and hopefully I’ll come up with an edible result!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (31)allyson says:

      bummer. must be one of those dishes that just isn’t for everyone. Its one of our faves, for sure!

  15. […] the first dinner on the new stove, I turned to two alfredo recipes for inspiration: pumpkin alfredo on Manifest Vegan and easy vegan spinach alfredo from Healthy. Happy. Life. I’ve been eyeing these recipes […]

  16. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (32)Stephanie says:

    I made this tonight and my boyfriend and I both loved it! We roasted up half a butternut squash we’ve had sitting in the refrigerator instead of using pumpkin, and also added some shiitake & crimini mushrooms because mushrooms make everything better. I seem to have run out of pecans inexplicably, so I garnished it with toasted pumpkin seeds instead.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (33)allyson says:

      great!! I agree… mushrooms do make everything better. Especially shiitakes (I simply adore those!)

  17. I’m so behind on my blog reading…sad that I didn’t see this post sooner! It sounds amazing, and I’m continually impressed by your food photography. :) Mmmm, alfredo…

  18. […] call 'em!) to everything. From cupcakes to burritos, I've done it! This week, I found a recipe that made my spooky Halloween ready heart rejoice—pumpkin alfredo from Manifest Vegan. I've […]

  19. I’m so making this sometime this week. What a creative recipe :)

  20. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (36)Holly says:

    I want to make this tonight and use up the pumpkin I have left over from Thanksgiving… but.. do I heat the sauce after I’ve mixed it? The recipe says nothing about that.. and I’m not sure how I feel about cold cream sauces!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (37)allyson says:

      hi Holly!

      good point, I haven’t ever had a need to heat up the sauce after it’s mixed because my pasta is always so darn piping hot when it comes off of the stove… but yeah, you can definitely do so. it also works to mix the sauce into the pasta and keep it over a warm burner until it reaches the desired temp. great question… thanks so much for asking!

      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (38)Holly says:

        I’d recommend using less flax seed if you heat it – the flavour changed a bit and it thickened quite a bit.
        I’m admittedly less enthusiastic about this sauce than I’d hoped..

        • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (39)allyson says:

          Sorry it didn’t turn out as you’d hoped- I have had lots of people share that they enjoy this sauce very much as is…
          Thanks for sharing!

  21. Last night, I made the alfredo! My brother ate 2 servings. I would make it again. Didn’t add flaxseed. Thank you for the recipe!!

  22. this looks amazing!! all of your recipes do! i’m SOOO glad a friend passed your website on to me, I’m in awe and dying to catch up!!!

  23. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (42)Mo says:

    Definitely saving this one! It looks absolutely fabulous!

  24. […] Pumpkin Alfredo (via Manifest: Vegan)- Pumpkin and pasta may seem like a strange combination, but you’ll be in carb heaven with a bowl of this creamy, nutty, zesty chow. […]

  25. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (43)Amanda says:

    This sounds so yummy, I am actually going to prepare it tonite for dinner! Just one quick question though, I was confused on the tofu part…do I put the tofu in the food processor as well?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (44)allyson says:

      Hi Amanda!

      Yep, the silken tofu goes in the processor with everything else in the sauce. :) I hope you enjoy!


      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (45)allyson says:

        I also just amended the recipe to make it a little less confusing! thanks so much for the question and bringing that to my attention :)

        • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (46)Amanda says:

          Thanks so much! It’ll be done in about two minutes I’ll let you know how it goes!

  26. Oh man, this looks amazing, I love pumpkin so much!! Looks so creamy and with the warm spices and pecans on top, SO GOOD!!

  27. this really looks yummy, I’m gonna get some pumkin, I have a butternut squash…..may even do it that way.

  28. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (49)Gina says:

    I love you for this. LOVE you. In a totally food-related way.

  29. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (50)MJ says:

    I can’t believe I just now found your site, so much to catch up on! :)
    Question – I am GF, very lactose intolerant (and maybe casein also), but can’t have soy. What could I use instead of the tofu?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (51)allyson says:

      Hi MJ!

      Thanks for the question/comment :) Instead of tofu, cashew cream would work well. Here’s a great recipe: (minus the sweetners)

      I would think that 1/2-3/4 of a cup would be the correct replacement for the amount of silken tofu called for in this recipe.

  30. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (52)Jennifer says:

    I LOVE everything about this!! Dairy free, pumpkin, gluten free pasta! YUM

  31. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (53)Trish says:

    I love anything pumpkin….that is a definite must try!!!!!

  32. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (54)Kate Fisher says:

    A couple of other people have mentioned – what about if you can’t get canned pumpkin? Fresh pumpkin and butternut squash are easily available in the UK and Netherlands. What, does anyone know, is the equivalent of 3/4 cup of canned pumpkin in fresh vegetable?
    And why use canned anyway? The first experience of pumpkin I ever had was a traditional pumpkin pie made with canned pumpkin. It was vile. It put me off trying any kind of squash for years.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (55)allyson says:

      Hi Kate,

      My advice to Julia, who couldn’t locate the canned, was that fresh cooked pumpkin would be suitable, but may effect the texture a bit- leaving it less thick. Try roasting the pumpkin, mashing it, and then draining in a sieve for an hour or so. Although, I would think that the exact equivalent for 3/4 cup of canned is not necessary, as it’s just a sauce.

      As far as using canned pumpkin, I personally use it for convenience- just as I use store bought tofu and pasta, etc. I agree, fresh is best!

      Thanks for the comment.

  33. I made this last night, it is amazing! A huge hit with my sons! My only wish, that I had made extra pasta!

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (57)allyson says:

      Awesome! Thank you for making it Krista. My kids really enjoy it as well… we’ve had it multiple times :)

  34. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (58)Beth says:

    OMG. This looks amazing. Can’t wait to make it (hopefully soon!)

  35. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (59)julia says:

    i was planning on making this tonight but can’t find canned pumpkin anywhere in québec city! how absurd! i was wondering what you would suggest as a replacement… how much fresh pumpkin, or any other easier to prepare squash? i saw someone suggested butternet…

    let me know if you have any suggestions! who’d have thought it would be so difficult to find canned pumpkin?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (60)allyson says:

      Hi Julia!

      Thanks so much about the Chickpea salad! What a great comment :D !

      I would definitely think you could sub out some pureed fresh roasted pumpkin or butternut squash in this recipe. Depending on the texture of the squash you end up using, the sauce may end up a little thinner… but I don’t think that would necessarily be a bad thing!

      Sorry you can’t locate the canned- I’m not sure how I would cope without it right now…

      Again, thank you! Your comment made me smile :)


      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (61)julia says:

        wow, i can’t believe how promptly you respond to comments! thanks for the suggestion, i will let you know how it turns out.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (62)Kimberly says:

      I have a similar recipe for pasta with roasted butternut.

      Halve the butternut and bake it till very soft. Roast a head of garlic along side it. Once the butternut is cool enough to handle scrape out the flesh, squeeze out the garlic and mash. Add some pepper, vegan parmesan/ nutritional yeast, and (optional) sage, and a bit of water if you need to think it out.

      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (63)Kimberly says:

        or rather, ‘thin it out…’

        • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (64)allyson says:

          sounds delicious Kimberly. I love roasted butternut squash almost as much as pumpkin… okay, just as much. all shades of squash are delicious in my book ;)

  36. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (65)Dianne says:

    This looks perfect for putting on butternut squash ravioli or pumpkin gnocchi! Thank you!

  37. I never considered pumpkin in pasta! That seems pretty cool!

  38. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (67)Mandee says:

    I am definitely going to try this minus the tofu. And I was lucky enough to receive Tinkyada pasta in my last package swap, it was fantastic!

  39. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (68)Ricki says:

    I want this to be my dinner tonight! Sadly, I’m not allowed nutritional yeast. Any sub ideas?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (69)allyson says:

      Hi Ricki!

      Okay, so the nooch is pretty subtle in there flavor wise… it more or less adds a thickness to the sauce. If you can do a little veggie bullion (maybe 1/2 tsp or half a cube) and a little extra flaxseed meal, the taste/texture would probably be similar… or a nice dry nut flour of some sort would work well too :) If veggie bouillon is a no-go, then I would think omitting it and adding some extra spices would be great too!

      Honestly, I contemplated leaving the nooch out altogether on this one the first time I made it. I’m kind of in the habit of tossing it in everything these days… so, I would think you could give it a shot without :) It may be even better that way! (creamier?)

      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (70)Ricki says:

        Sounds good! I hadn’t thought of a nut flour but maybe a cashew flour made in my coffee grinder would add the thickness without changing the flavor too much. . . I really just have to make this! :)

  40. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (71)Amy says:

    Making this tonight! I’m going to be baking pumpkin cream”cheese” cupcakes tonight and will have enough pumpkin leftover! Mmmm

  41. AMAZING! What a perfect autumn meal. I rarely have pumpkin in savory dishes, usually only using it in baked goods….but the few times I’ve had it I LOVE it so I definitely need to experiment more. This looks like the perfect place to start.

  42. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (73)Katrina says:

    Weird! This sounds so unique, and I’m pumped to try it. Cool idea!

  43. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (74)Morgan says:

    Oh wow!!! Yum!!! I love all things pumpkin, and this looks like such good comfort food!

  44. I seriously just salivated onto my keyboard. MUST MAKE THIS!

  45. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (76)Mandi says:

    OMG lady, you just made my heart skip a beat! I’m so making this, like.. now!

  46. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (77)Leinana says:

    Omg this looks incredible! I am also obsessed with all things pumpkin – I LIVE for Thanksgiving and pumpkin season! I will definitely be making your recipe this week – your posts are always so inspiring :)

  47. Oh yum! I wonder if this would work with roasted butternut squash instead of canned pumpkin! I have 3 squash taunting me right now.

  48. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (80)Jennifer says:

    I LOVE pumpkin and alfredo! What a delicious autumn combo!

  49. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (81)Natasha says:

    This is perfect! I’ve been looking for a pumpkin pasta recipe.

    Quick question- is extra firm silken tofu different from regular extra firm tofu?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (82)allyson says:

      hi Natasha!

      This has been a hot topic today! Apparently, the type of silken tofu I purchase comes in a package that doesn’t need refrigeration and is labeled “extra firm”… I have also seen it available in a “firm” variety. Then again, I have also seen silken tofu in packages that need refrigeration (sorry for all the confusing details!)

      I don’t think I have ever noticed a difference between the two silken varieties; but, nowadays I can only locate the “extra firm” type in the aseptic package … so that’s what I use. Silken tofu is silky smooth and for lack of better comparison, resembles a hard boiled egg white in texture.

      Here’s a link to the exact stuff I am using:

      Looks like it also comes in “soft” etc…

      (The regular tofu I use comes in a water packed plastic container that needs refrigerating… it has a much chewier texture than the silken, and would not be a particularly good candidate for this recipe because the pumpkin alfredo sauce texture is mostly determined by the texture of the silken tofu).

      Hope that helps!

      Thanks so much for the question :)

      • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (83)Natasha says:

        Thanks so much for the link! I actually have that brand in my supermarket. I’ll pick one up next time I’m food shopping.

        Thanks for the heads up with the regular tofu. I was going to use it for the recipe but will save it for something more appropriate :)

  50. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (85)Gabby says:

    Wow trying this tonight!! I am definitely pumpkin obsessed. Happens every year starting around now till December :)

  51. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (86)Joanna says:

    This looks absolutely delicious. But what is the function of the flaxseed? I don’t think I’ll be able to find it, does it need to substituted or is it vital?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (87)allyson says:

      Hi Joanna

      Thanks! And, the flax Just adds a little flavor, texture and extra nutrients. Definitely not vital! :)

  52. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (88)Crystal says:

    So timely! I have both leftover canned pumpkin and noodles in my refrigerator right now. I’m definitely making this for lunch.

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (89)allyson says:

      oh, enjoy! I wish I had some leftover gf noodles so I could make some more!

  53. This looks really delicious! Thoughts on substituting a vegan parmesan cheese for the nutritional yeast?

    • Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (91)allyson says:

      Hey JL!

      Sounds delicious to me! :D The nooch is really subtle in the dish, so I think the vegan Parmesan would be great!


  54. How very creative! Never thought of putting pumpkin in pasta…I’m finding us bloggers have been pumpkin happy these last few weeks. ;)

  55. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (94)Mihl says:

    I think I am getting pumpkin obsessed too. Especially after looking at this. Wow!

  56. Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (95)Noelle says:

    I want some. I might make this this week. I have everything!!

Vegan & Gluten-Free Recipes by Allyson Kramer (2024)


What can a vegan gluten-free person eat? ›

Staples such as fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, nuts, and seeds are naturally free from gluten. Instead of eating cereals for breakfast, aim for a bowl of oatmeal, chia pudding, or soygurt with homemade granola. For dinner, replace pasta with rice, beans, or lentils, and add some tofu or tempeh on the side.

How to live vegan and gluten-free? ›

A gluten-free, vegan diet should include a variety of fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and plant-based proteins. Gluten-free grains are also permitted, such as quinoa, oats, and brown rice.

What is a vegan substitute for gluten? ›

Gluten-Free Alternatives
  • Almond Flour. Almond flour has become a popular gluten-free alternative in recent years. ...
  • Buckwheat Flour. Buckwheat is an Asian plant ground into flour and is used in many recipes as a gluten-free and vegan substitute. ...
  • Brown Rice Flour. ...
  • Coconut Flour. ...
  • Sorghum Flour.

What happens when you go vegan and gluten-free? ›

You can be on a gluten-free vegan diet, where you are eliminating animal protein, eggs, dairy, and fish, as you would as a vegan, but you'd also have to get rid of gluten-containing grains, such as wheat and rye, as well as some oats (you need to check labels to make sure they say gluten-free, as some oats can have ...

What is a vegan source of protein for gluten-free people? ›

Amaranth and quinoa —at about 8 to 9 grams of protein per cup of cooked grain—are among your best bets for packing in the protein. Other whole grains including millet (6g of protein per cup),2 buckwheat (6g of protein per cup), and teff (10g of protein per cup),3 make for good vegan and gluten-free options.

Are potatoes gluten-free? ›

The simple answer is yes — potatoes are gluten-free. Gluten is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, barley, and other grains. Potatoes aren't grains, they're a type of starchy vegetable. That's good news for people who can't tolerate gluten because they have celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Is oatmeal gluten-free? ›

Yes, pure, uncontaminated oats are gluten-free. The U. S. Food and Drug Administration considers oats a gluten-free grain under its gluten-free labeling regulations and only requires that packaged products with oats as an ingredient contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten overall.

What is vegan for celiac disease? ›

Make sure to include a variety of protein sources (especially if vegan) such as legumes (lentils, beans, chickpeas, peas), GF soybean products, nuts and seeds. Include nutritious GF whole grains in the diet such as, amaranth, buckwheat, quinoa, sorghum, and teff.

What is the best gluten-free meat? ›

Plain, fresh cuts of meat, including beef, poultry (chicken, turkey, etc), rabbit, lamb and fish/seafood meat, are all gluten-free. However, be careful with breaded or floured meats, which typically contain wheat and therefore gluten.

Can vegans eat rice? ›

Yes, absolutely! Rice is a common grain in all cooking and has a significant place in the plant-based world too. Some rice dishes may not be suitable for vegans though, so if you're eating out or following a recipe make sure there are no meat, fish or other animal products being used before you tuck in!

Is hummus gluten-free? ›

Hummus is usually gluten-free, but not always. Traditional hummus is naturally gluten-free as are most brands such as Sabra Hummus. There are reports out there of certain brands either including flour in their hummus or just declaring that their hummus may contain wheat and/or is made on shared equipment.

What vegan meats are gluten-free? ›

Beyond Meat products are made with non-GMO, gluten-free pea protein. Try the Beyond Beef, which is a great staple for DIY ground-beef recipes such as tacos, meaty pasta sauces, and hand-formed meatballs.

Can vegans eat gluten-free bread? ›

Why is gluten-free bread not vegan? Gluten-free bread often contains ingredients that make it non-vegan, such as honey, milk, or butter. Some gluten-free bread brands also contain eggs, which are commonly used as a binding agent in baking. If these animal products are used, then the bread is not vegan.


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