The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (2024)

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Have you ever tasted something that’s pretty much blown your mind? No, really. I’m being serious. The first time it happened to me, it was Thai food. I had never tried it before and my first bite was like heaven!

I’ll admit, it’s only happened a handful of times in my life, but when it does… I never forget how that first bite tasted. This was definitely the case with my Mom’s famous homemade buttermilk pancakes.

I am a huge breakfast fan. Always have been. That being said, I’m also VERY picky about my pancakes. Pre-made mixes are fine if you’re camping or in a time crunch, but if you’re going to make pancakes… then MAKE pancakes.

The secret ingredient in these amazing, life-changing, melt in your mouth, fluffy cakes of goodness… is buttermilk and melted butter.

Fattening? Um… yeah. But absolutely, positivelyworth EVERY calorie. I promise.

We all doctor our pancakes up a bit differently around here. Some with peanut butter and syrup…

others, with butter and powdered sugar.

But one thing we ALL agree on, is that once you try theseincredible buttermilk pancakes, there is NO going back to those gummy, heavy, grainy mixes again. Your taste buds will now know what a real pancake SHOULD taste like.


The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (13)The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (14)The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (15)The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (16)The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (17)


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  1. SarahJarnagin says

    Sounds delicious! I'm definitely trying these this week. One question – is the "cube of butter" a tablespoon or a stick? I'm guessing a stick….


  2. Anonymous says

    Those look uh.may.zing. But I'm confused about the "one cube of butter"… Is that 1tablespoon, 2, a whole stick??


  3. Lizzy says

    Yummmmo! That last pic with the strawberries and whipped cream is making me crazy!

    On a non-pancake related note, your girls always have the cutest clothes! Where do you shop for them?


  4. Unknown says

    Peanut butter and syrup is the best! My kids think I am crazy! They won't even try it!


  5. Jenn Jantz says

    those look YUM!!!
    ps. I love your polka dot sweater 😉


  6. Samantha hobbs says

    I would love to know where you got your dishes! I love them!!


  7. Susan says

    I will thank you later for the pancakes but now I must know – WHERE did you get that navy polka dotted top??? It's crazy-adorable and I think I need one for our cruise!!


  8. Heather says

    Peanut butter on pancakes is the best.thing.ever! I'm always so excited to find other people who appreciate that combination. What do you mean by a cube of butter? I feel stupid not knowing!


  9. Chef Stinson Family says

    Um, yes. These will be on my menu this weekend! They look AMAZING! Thank you for sharing! 🙂


  10. House of Smiths says

    Sorry everyone, the cube of butter is a whole stick. That's what it means 🙂
    I'm going to change this when I get back on my computer, it's confusing… hence the reason I'm not a food blogger. Ack! haha!


  11. Shannon b says

    I'm a pb and syrup kinda girl. Love your sweater I have it in white it's one of my favs! I didn't see blue. I think we will try these New Years day 🙂


  12. Heidi says

    You should try some whipped cream cheese…discovered that a few years ago and my kids won't put anything else on top of our pancakes…and I agree with you about the mixes…it's from scratch or nothin else 🙂


  13. Becky says

    Hi Shelley, What's the font you used for BUTTERMILK PANCAKES on your recipe card? I love it!


  14. Krista Todd says

    Can't wait to try these 🙂 I definitely will printing and putting it in my recipe book!


  15. Sarah @ Will Run for Pasta says

    Will definitely be trying these!! So glad you clarified the cube thing because I totally would have gone with a tablespoon, but maybe that's considered a "pat" of butter. Who knew butter could be so confusing, ha!


  16. Sarah @ Will Run for Pasta says

    These look so good, will definitely be trying them soon! I'm so glad you clarified the butter because I would have gone with a Tablespoon, although maybe that would be a "pat" instead of a "cube". Who knew butter could be so confusing, ha!


  17. Ashley Bogard says

    This comment has been removed by the author.


  18. Ashley Bogard says

    You need to go to Joe's Cafe in Orem and get the "order of 3 pancakes" it is more like 23 pancakes, okay not that many but tons! They are amazing. I am going to make this recipe for sure. Thanks for sharing!


  19. Hildie says

    This is the same recipe I use (although I got it from Cooks Illustrated, I think). To save time in the mornings I put several batches of the dry ingredients in ziploc bags. It's kind of like package mix that way. I use half whole wheat too to make sure there's a little more nutrition.
    In case you don't have any fresh buttermilk, buttermilk powder works really well in this recipe. You just combine it with the dry ingredients and use water for the liquid. I always keep some in my fridge for buttermilk "emergencies".
    My kids like these so much that a couple don't use syrup or anything! They even taste great plain!
    I'm glad you're inspiring people to make pancakes from scratch. Kids deserve a nice, homemade breakfast!


  20. chrissyl80 says

    How many does this make? Its just two of us here and the reciepe looks like it makes a lot? Can/should I half it?


  21. Janet says

    They look good, I'm excited to try them! Thanks for the recipe. 🙂


  22. Mel Cable says

    This is similar to our Sat. morning recipe. we recently have started adding some real vanilla!


  23. Jill says

    YUM!!! And….did I see a white cabinet behind you in a one photo?? We need a kitchen update!!


  24. Anonymous says

    What is a stick of butter. Measurement please. ex. 1, 1/2, 1/4 cup. Thank you.


  25. Ruth says

    So is it 4 c. of flour and 4 c. of buttermilk? Equal proportions, hmm? I knew a cube was a stick! When the kinks are out of this recipe I want to try it. Once my mother-in-law sent out a recipe that called for 4 Tbp. baking powder…


  26. Mandy says

    Love the dishes too! Please share the source!


  27. Mandy says

    We will be trying these in the morning! Also, I LOVE the dishes! I have been wanting to go to a all white dish collection, where are they from?


  28. MarySue says

    Darling post! I'm a from-scratch baker too and I'll be trying your recipe. We usually so sourdough pancakes. Happy new year.


  29. Anonymous says

    Okay, side topic…. Is your cabinetry white now?!! I love it!!! Just see a little bit behind your shoulder, along with your new gorgeous tile! Did I miss the latest kitchen update post, or is that coming soon? Either way, I love it!

    Oh, and the pancakes look yummy! I will have to see if I can adapt them to make them gluten free so I can try them!


  30. Becky says

    Hi Shelley, I just checked out the SNF Darcey Hall font and that is the font you used for THE BEST on your recipe card. I'm looking for the font that you used for "buttermilk pancakes" on your recipe card. Thanks so much! Sorry to be a pain! Becky


  31. Miss M. says

    how many pancakes does this recipe make?


  32. Anonymous says

    Yummy pancakes! dye, I 1 1/2 the recipe for ny family of 8 and we have plenty leftover…


  33. MMP's Mommy says

    Hey.. I made these delicious pancakes this morning and my family would like to say THANK YOU:0) They were a HUGE HIT and we will definitely be making these again.. Happy New Year


  34. Susan says

    Still waiting for info on the polka-dot sweater. Don't tease us, SPILL it sister. 🙂


  35. Ashley C. says

    I'm not even a huge pancake girl…but that picture makes my mouth water! I'll have to add this to our reportoire (how do you spell that word?!)!


  36. mtsnyder says

    I made this yesterday morning, and OMG YUMMY!!! But also, this recipe makes a TON of pancake batter!!! I guess I should have been clued in when I needed a bigger mixing bowl, but holy cow!! I have the leftover batter (after 3 people ate seconds) in my fridge and I will be eating pancakes for a week! 🙂


  37. mtsnyder says

    Even if you half it you will have leftovers!! I put the leftover batter in a tupperware container in the fridge and made them again this morning 🙂


  38. Michelle F says


    I think this is the font you are looking for?


  39. Carrie says

    I'm a font collector too and am interested in knowing about this very cool font!


  40. Carrie says

    Thanks for the recipe, I've a goal of cooking from scratch more in the upcoming year and this looks like a great place to start!


    p.s. I would love to know about the "buttermilk" font too!


  41. Michelle says

    These were amazing… and make a TON! We used them for eggs in a basket the next day and they were just as delicious! Thanks for sharing! 🙂


  42. Josie says

    Thanks so much for the perfect pancake recipe! We had them this morning for our New Years Day brunch to start the day out right and they were yuuuummmy! All my kids ate them up quick and my husband said it is his favorite pancake! It is a wonderful recipe and I followed your directions to a "t" – I thought you explained very well. Thanks again for making our New Year start right! 🙂


  43. Simo says

    this looks really good, thanks for sharing. how many pancakes can you make with this recipe? oh an: happy new year! 🙂


  44. Ofelia, from Mexico City says

    Im a pancake lover. Recently, at my mom's home, we cooked them from scratch too. Sometimes we added vanilla, other times cinammon, and others tritured almonds… They are delicious with bluberries too!


  45. Candice says

    I made these for New Years Day brunch. They were delicious. My entire family loved them. Thanks for the recipe!


  46. Hazuki says

    These look SO good! I'm ashamed to admit that I use instant batter…and the "just add water" kind, at that! LOL My mom taught me a little trick to make them fluffier – add a bit of baking powder (or soda?) LOL. I'm clueless. That's still no excuse for not making them from scratch. I'm trying this whenever I get a chance! Thank you.

    And for those of you asking about the sweater, it looks like it's Old Navy. I have a pink one with white dots. I could be wrong, though. 🙂


  47. Stephanie @ Macaroni and Cheesecake says

    These pancakes look Ah-Mazing!!


  48. Jessica Fleming says

    Quick question… I just made this recipe and the batter is super runny… not like your pics! Am I reading it right – 4 C flour and 4 C buttermilk? 🙂


  49. House of Smiths says

    Hmmm… that's right! It should be really thick actually, and not runny at all. Did the pancakes still work out?


  50. Lisa Pate says

    I made these for my husband and son last week and we all loved them! The batch made a ton and we ate on them for days. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe with us, it's definitely going to be a family favorite for years to come. 🙂


  51. Anonymous says

    Just made these with King Arthur white whole wheat flour. They were wonderful. Yum. I love a big recipe because I don't have to double to have extra to freeze for school mornings! My kids thankbyou.


  52. Anonymous says

    Made these yesterday morning and again today with all of the leftover batter and still had pancakes left. Yummy! Just wondering if anyone has an opinion on whether it is better to freeze the leftover batter or freeze the leftover pancakes?


  53. Unknown says

    I just made these this morning and after my first pancake all I wanted to do was give you a big hug. I've been eating crappy pre-mixed boxed yuck all my life and from now on I'm only going to make this recipe and refer to you as "the pancake lady"


  54. Julie says

    Made these about a month ago and they were the BEST! I'm planning to make again this weekend!

    Thank you for Sharing!


  55. Unknown says

    I JUST made these today (quite literally we just finished eating them). The recipe made about 25 pancakes and they're ALL gone! My family of 6 scarfed them down! I found your blog through a google search looking for a good buttermilk pancake recipe. Love your blog! I'm your newest follower! Thanks for the recipe; it's a keeper! 🙂 (My kids say thanks too!)


  56. Unknown says

    I just finished making these for my family, the recipe was PERFECT. thank you.


  57. Ruth says

    My family and I just had these for breakfast and they loved it. I followed the recipe to the last detail. My almost two year old son even commented 'nice pancakes'. I beamed with smiles. Thank you and I'll be sharing the recipe with my friends. Thanks again and have a good weekend from Helsinki, Finland!


  58. Anonymous says

    I'm just some random person who, on Sunday morning, googled 'best buttermilk pancake recipe' and yours popped up. I'm so glad I clicked on it, because we just got done eating them and they are sooooo good. I always have greek yogurt at home, but not buttermilk, so I used 1/4 cup yogurt and 1 1/2 cups milk (oh, I cut the recipe in half since there are only two of us) and it worked wonderfully. So fluffy and tasty and, heck, I'm going back for more! Thanks! ~jayne


  59. Unknown says

    I made these this morning and they were super yummy! Then I tweeked them a little by adding some vanilla and Cinnamon.


  60. Sarah - Roots and Wings says

    I just made these. The batter was SUPER runny, but I cooked one up just to see if it would work. It ended up really thin and "lacy," but delicious! I added flour until it became thicker and it ended up being almost 1.5 more cups!!!! I don't know what I did wrong. But they're still really yummy!! And I have a TON leftover to freeze for quick breakfasts! Thanks for the recipe!


  61. Sarah - Roots and Wings says

    I just made these and the batter was SUPER runny. I cooked one up just to see if it would work and it was thin and "lacey," but tasted amazing!! I added flour until it got thicker and it took almost 1.5 more cups to get thick – and still not as thick as your pictures. I have no idea what I did wrong! But they're still really good! Thanks for the recipe!!


  62. Unknown says

    Tried them this morning, with an extra splash of buttermilk. They were light and fluffy and turned out great! Next time I'll add a little vanilla. I think the key is adding the ingredients in the order you suggested. Thanks for sharing!


  63. Unknown says

    Tried them this morning, with an extra splash of buttermilk. They were light and fluffy and turned out great! Next time I'll add a little vanilla. I think the key is adding the ingredients in the order you suggested. Thanks for sharing!


  64. Anonymous says

    How big of a serving does this make?


  65. Anonymous says

    How big of a serving does this make?


  66. Leery says

    Oh yezz girlfriend, these are the only pancakes I'll be making from now on. I halved the recipe and added two teaspoons of vanilla. We had six each and we never have six of anything! Our poodle stole one – bad girl. Tried the peanut butter & syrup – oh so decadent and loved it.


  67. Leery says

    Oh yezz girlfriend, these are the only pancakes I'll be making from now on. I halved the recipe and added two teaspoons of vanilla. We had six each and we never have six of anything! Our poodle stole one – bad girl. Tried the peanut butter & syrup – oh so decadent and loved it.


  68. Leery says

    Enough for four people to have 5 or 6 each, so approximately 20-24. I halved the recipe for two people and we ate it all – 6 each. Pour 1/3 cup of batter for each pancake.


  69. Lisa says

    We've been making this pancake for a few months now on a weekly basis, and just love it! I've successfully replaced 1/2 the flour with white whole wheat, and my kids will gladly eat these plain. Though syrup makes everything better :).

    Thank you so much for such a delicious recipe!!


  70. Suicidal Kitty says

    Thank you SOOO much for this recipe!! I make it ALL the time, to the point that I am about to make up a big batch of the dry mix to save some time!!. I think the key has been to sift the ingredients. My kids are about to enjoy yet another batch here in a few min!!


The BEST Buttermilk Pancake Recipe Ever! - The House of Smiths (2024)


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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

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Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.