Step-by-Step: The Perfect Hotel Lobby Design (2024)

Are you a first-time hotel buyer or wanting to furnish your hotel reception area with little experience? We’ve compiled our top 10 top tips for you to follow when considering hotel lobby design.

The function of a hotel reception area has changed considerably in recent years, moving away from the sole purpose of checking in and out guests. With that, hotel lobby design requirements have also changed, as the space is now a multi-functional; used for meetings, catch ups and relaxation.

Luxury Hotel Lobby Design

It’s crucial your hotel lobby design is constructed well, as it’s an opportunity to make a great first impression. First impressions can make or break a situation, so when guests first arrive through the main entrance into the lobby or reception area, what they are greeted with will influence their overall experience in your establishment.

Your hotel lobby plan should keep in mind that the space needs to cater to a multitude of clientele needs. By having a functional luxury hotel lobby design, you will be creating a great first and last impression on your guests. Below are our top 10 tips for hotel lobby design.

1. Comfortable Seating

When you think of a hotel, comfort is key – which should start even before arriving at the bedrooms. Seating within a hotel should be both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable, particularly in the reception area. The hotel lobby furniture should consider guests such as tired travellers who may want to relax before check-in, to busy families needing space to organise their belongings before going to their room.

When looking for the perfect hotel lobby furniture, consider welcominglounge chairsandtub chairs, which are attractive to those wishing to find some peace and quiet, or are perhaps grabbing a quick coffee.

2. Space for Casual Work

Bar stools are a great option for those who are on-the-go, theyenable guests to pause for a coffee or take a few moments to respond to emails on their laptops. This choice of hotel lobby furniture is great if you want to create a flexible area, keeping the traffic fluid as bar stools can easily be moved and take up little floor space. Seating options such as sofas are lower to the ground and therefore require a lower table such as coffee tables, which aren’t comfortable or practical to work from.

3. Flexible Areas

By consciously selecting certain types of hotel lobby furniture, you will be able to create flexible areas within your reception. Opting for armchairs positioned around dining tables means you can create an area which can be used by hotel guests having a coffee, or easily grouped around tables pushed together for a meeting. However, accent chairs tend to be larger and heavier than dining or armchairs and therefore are not a practical choice for a flexible area.

4. Positioning for Convenience

When considering your hotel lobby furniture layout, it is important to think about the pairings of which tables need to go with which seating, depending on the area.Coffee tablesare great paired with lounge chairs, as they create a relaxed space for meetings or coffee breaks. Higher seating and tables will suit the needs of your business guests, providing them with areas to work on their laptops.

Top Tip: Make sure these tables are situated near power sockets for convenience and are respectfully spaced apart to ensure privacy for business guests.

Step-by-Step: The Perfect Hotel Lobby Design (1)

5. Table Bases

A pedestal-based table does not obstruct chairs when tucked under the table, nor does it decrease leg space when tables are reconfigured. This is a great thing to consider when planning your lobby furniture layout. Pedestal-based tables are also easy to manoeuvre without damaging the base or the flooring. To help prolong the life of your hotel reception tables, you can put an edging around them to protect corners from wear and tear. Designed with both pedestal base and edge banding, why not consider our Luisa poseur table when cultivating your hotel lobby design?

6. Don’t Obstruct Others

More likely than not, a hotel lobby is a relatively small space, which gives added reason to be meticulous when considering your hotel lobby furniture layout. By allowing clear areas for footfall and space for guests checking in, you can avoid the area becoming unpleasantly overcrowded at prime check-in times. Careful consideration of your hotel lobby plan means you can create clear seating zones within the lobby.

7. Create Quieter Zones

If you’re considering adding quieter spaces to your hotel lobby design, you could benefit from choosing a combination ofposeur tables, bar stools and lower seating such as lounge chairs. Closer to the reception desk you could place strikingaccent chairs and a console table holding informative literature for those waiting to be checked in. It’s also important to keep the area clear and clutter free, keeping furniture tidy as lots of loose furniture as this discourages visitor movement.

Allow adequate seating zones either side of the main reception desk to give space for guests to check in. Making satisfactory space for checking in traffic avoids obstructing walkways and the unflattering look of a chaotic reception lobby.

8. Choose Contract Quality Fabric

All fabrics of a contract standard have passed the Martindale abrasion rub test, and have no less than 40,000 rubs. This means that the fabric is suited for use on commercial furniture that will see frequent use. Hotel receptions see a large amount of traffic and this results in wear and tear of fabrics. You want to be sure your upholstery looks its best for as long as possible.

9. Complimenting your Design Scheme

Choose fabrics that do not only complement your design scheme, but are also sympathetic to housekeeping. Your hotel lobby furniture needs to be easy to clean for employees. Perhaps consider faux leathers for easy wiping, or vibrant fabrics with colours and patterns to disguise accidental marks.

10. Prolong your Furniture Lifespan

Many of us are guilty of purchasing without having the future in mind. Choosing furniture with features such as loose upholstered seat pads, patterned fabric and wipeable surfaces will all help prolong the lifespan of your hotel lobby furniture. Having chairs and sofas with nylon glides or ski legs are ideal options for items of furniture that will be frequently moved around the reception, as it will help avoid damage to the furniture legs and flooring.

Contact Us Today

At Lugo, we’re experts at helping improve your hotel interior design. So, browse our website for a range of hotel reception furniture includingtables,chairsandottomans. For more information, or for advice on planning your hotel lobby furniture layout then contact us today. Still looking for inspiration for your hotel lobby design? Check out our Pinterest pagefor more ideas.

Browse seating options for your hotel lobby.

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Step-by-Step: The Perfect Hotel Lobby Design (2024)


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