Risk of Rain 2 Best Items Guide (2024)

Risk of Rain 2 has a number of items for you to acquire and power up your character with. In this Risk of Rain 2 Items Guide, we will detail each and every item along with their respective effects.

Throughout your journey in RoR 2, you’ll encounter a total of 116 items.

These items in Risk of Rain 2 are divided into 6 rarities.

  • White (Common)
  • Green (Uncommon)
  • Red (Legendary)
  • Yellow (Boss)
  • Blue (Lunar)
  • Orange (Equipment)

Many items can be found lying around in supply crates. The great thing is, all of these items can be infinitely stacked with the same type.

You’ll find that stacking items is necessary to overpower your character for later levels in the game.

Common Items

Common Item(s)Description
Armor-Piercing RoundsDeal extra 20% damage to bosses.
Backup MagazineAdd an additional charge to your secondary skill.
Bundle of FireworksActivating an interactable launches 8 fireworks that deal 300% base damage.
Bustling FungusIf you stand still for 2 seconds, create a zone around you that will heal you and your allies for 4.5% of your health.
Cautious SlugIncrease your passive health regeneration by 3 hp/s while out of combat.
CrowbarDeal 150% damage to enemies that are above 90% health.
Energy DrinkImprove your sprint speed by 30%.
Focus CrystalIncrease damage dealt to enemies by 15%, if they’re within 13-meters of range.
Fresh MeatIncrease your base health regeneration by +2 hp/s for a total of 3 seconds after you kill an enemy.
GasolineKilling an enemy will ignite all nearby enemies within a 12-meter range. Enemies burn for 150% base damage.
Lens-Maker’s GlassesHave a 10% chance to deal critical strikes.
MedkitHeal for 10 health 1.1 seconds after you get hurt.
Monster ToothSpawn a healing orb after killing an enemy that will heal for 8 health.
Paul’s Goat HoofIncrease your movement speed by 14%.
Personal Shield GeneratorGain a shield equal to 8% of your maximum health.
Rusted KeyA hidden cache containing an item will appear in a random location on each stage.
Soldier’s SyringeIncrease your attack speed by 15%.
Sticky Bomb5% chance to attach a bomb upon hitting an enemy, which detonates for 180% total damage.
Stun Grenade5% chance on hit to stun an enemy for 2 seconds.
Topaz BroochGain a temporary barrier on kill for 15 health.
Tougher Times15% chance to block any incoming damage.
Tri-Tip Dagger15% chance to bleed an enemy for 240% base damage.
WarbannerUpon leveling up, drop a banner that will strengthen all allies within 16m, and raise your attack and movement speed by 30%.


Uncommon Item(s)Description
AtG Missile Mk. 110%chance to fire a missile that deals300% of the totaldamage.
Bandolier18%chance on kill to drop an ammo pack thatresets all skill cooldowns. Increases by a scale of 10% with each stack.
Berzerker’s PauldronKilling 3 enemieswithin1second sends you into afrenzyfor6s(+4s per stack). Increasesmovement speedby50%andattack speedby100%.
ChronobaubleSlowenemies on hit for2 seconds, making them move at -60% of their movement speed. Add an additional 2 seconds with each stack of Chronobauble.
Fuel CellHold anadditional equipment charge.Reduce equipment cooldownby15%.
Ghor’s Tome4%chance on kill to drop a treasure worth$25.The chances increase with the passage of time.
Harvester’s ScytheGaina 5% critical chance. Critical strikeshealfor8health. Add a +4 to health gained with each stack.
Hopoo FeatherGain+1maximum jump count.
InfusionKilling an enemy increases yourhealthpermanentlyby1, up to amaximumof100 per stack.
Kjaro’s Band8%chance on hit to strike an enemy with arunic flame tornado, dealing500%total damage. Additional 250% with each stack.
Leeching SeedDealingdamagehealsyou for1heal. Increase health gained with each stack.
Lepton DaisyRelease ahealing novaduring the Teleporter event,healingall nearby allies for50%of their maximumhealth. Can happen more than one depending on how many stacks you have.
Old GuillotineInstantly killElitemonsters below20%(+20% per stack)health.
Old War StealthkitChance on takingdamageto gain40%movement speedandinvisibilityfor3s(+1.5s per stack). The chance increases the more damage you take.
Predatory InstinctsGain5% critical chance.Critical strikesincreaseattack speedby12%. Maximum cap of36%(+24% per stack)attack speed.
RazorwireGetting hit causes you to explode in a burst of razors, dealing160%damage. Hit 5 enemies within 25 meters range, +2 enemies, and +10 meters with each stack.
Red WhipLeaving combat boosts yourmovement speedby30%(+30% per stack).
Rose BucklerIncreasearmorby30 while sprinting. Additional +30 with each stack.
Runald’s Band8%chance on hit to strike an enemy with arunic ice blast,slowingthem by80%and dealing250%of their total damage. Additional +125% with each stack.
Ukulele25%chance to firechain lightingfor80% totaldamageon up to3(+2 per stack)targets within20m(+2m per stack).
War HornActivating your Equipment gives you+70% attack speedfor8s. Additional 4 seconds with each stack.
Wax QuailJumpingwhilesprintingboosts you forward by10m(+10m per stack).
Will-o’-the-wispOn killing an enemy, spawn alava pillarin a12m(+2.4m per stack)radius for350%(+280% per stack)basedamage.

Legendary Items

Legendary Item(s)Description
57 Leaf CloverRoll all your random effects +1 times for a favorable outcome.
AegisGain a temporary barrier for 50% of the amount of you excessively healed.
Alien HeadReduce skill cooldownsby25%. Additional +25% each stack.
BrainstalksUpon killing anelitemonster,enter a frenzyfor4s, allowing you to use all your skills without any cooldowns. Add 4 seconds to your frenzy with each additional stack.
Brilliant BehemothAll yourattacks explodein a4mradius for a bonusof 60%totaldamageto nearby enemies. Add 2.5 additional meters of range for each stack.
Ceremonial DaggerKilling an enemy fires out3homing daggersthat deal150% damage. Add additional +150% damage with each stack.
Dio’s Best FriendCome back to life with invulnerability for 3 seconds upon death. Good insurance.
Frost RelicKilling an enemy surrounds you with anice stormthat deals600%damageper second. The stormgrows with every kill, increasing its radius by1 meter. Stacks up to6 meters. Can increase by 6 meters with each stack.
H3AD-5T v2Increaseyour jump height. Create a kinetic explosion with a range of 10 meters upon hitting the ground that deals 2300% base damage and scales up with more speed. 10 second cooldown that scales by -50% with each stack.
Happiest MaskKilling enemies has a7%chance tospawn a ghostof the killed enemy with1500%damage. Lastsfor 30 seconds, gain an additional 30 seconds with each stack.
Hardlight AfterburnerAdd+2(+2 per stack)charges of yourUtility skill.Reduces Utility skill cooldownby33%.
N’kuhana’s OpinionStore100%(+100% per stack)of healing asSoul Energy. After yourSoul Energyreaches10%of yourmaximumhealth,fire a skullthat deals250%of yourSoul Energyasdamage.
Rejuvenation RackHeal +100%(+100% per stack)more.
Resonance DiscKilling enemies charges the Resonance Disc. The disc launches itself toward a target for300%basedamage(+300% per stack), piercing all enemies it doesn’t kill, and then explodes for1000%base damage(+1000% per stack). Returns to the user, striking all enemies along the way for300%base damage(+300% per stack).
Sentient Meat Hook20%chance on hit tofire homing hooksat up to10(+5 per stack)enemies for100% totaldamage. Additional 20% chance with each stack.
Shattering JusticeAfter hitting an enemy5times, reduce theirarmorby60for8(+8 per stack)seconds.
Soulbound CatalystKills reduceequipment cooldownby4s. Additional 2 seconds reduced with each stack.
Unstable Tesla CoilFire outlightningthat hits3enemies for200%basedamageevery0.5s. The Tesla Coil switches off every10 seconds. Hit an additional 2 enemies with each stack.
Wake of VulturesGain thepowerof any killedelitemonster for8s(+5s per stack).

Boss Items

Boss Item(s)DescriptionBoss
Genesis LoopCause an explosion that deals 6000% base damage when you fall below 25% health. Recharges every30 secondswith -50% per stack.Wandering Vagrant
Halcyon SeedSummonAurelioniteduring the teleporter event. It deals100%damageand100%health. +50% increase in damage with each stack, and +100% health per stack.Aurelionite
Irradiant PearlIncreasesall statsby10%. Additional +10% with each stack.Cleansing Pool
Little DiscipleFire atracking wispfor100%damage. Fires every 0.5 seconds while sprinting. Additional +100% damage with each stack.Grovetender
PearlIncreasesmaximumhealthby10%. Additional +10% per stack.Cleansing Pool
Queen’s GlandEvery 30 seconds,summon a Beetle Guardwith a bonus300%damageand100%health. Can have 1 guard per stack.Beetle Queen
Titanic KnurlIncrease maximumhealthby40andhealth regenerationby1.6health per second. +40 health per stack.Stone Titan

Lunar Items

Lunar Item(s)Description
Beads of FealtySeems to do nothing…but…
Brittle Crown30% chance on hitto gain2 gold, an additional 2 gold per stack.Scales over time. Lose goldon takingdamageequal to100%, increase the limit by 100% with each stack.
CorpsebloomHeal +100%(+100% per stack)more.All healing is applied over time. Canhealfor amaximumof10%(reduced by 50% per stack)of yourhealthper second.
Gesture of the DrownedReduce Equipment cooldownby50%, an additional 15% per stack. Forces your Equipment toactivatewhenever it is offcooldown.
Shaped GlassIncrease basedamageby100%with an additional 100% per stack.Reduce maximumhealthby 50%with an additional 50% per stack.
Strides of HeresyReplace your Utility SkillwithShadowfade. Fade away, becomingintangibleand gaining+30%movement speed.Healfor25%of your maximumhealth, an additional +25% per stack. Lasts 3seconds, extend duration by 3 seconds per stack.
TranscendenceConvertall but1healthintoregeneratingshields.Get +50% maximum health, with +25% per additional stack.
Visions of HeresyReplace your Primary SkillwithHungering Gaze.Fire a flurry oftracking shardsthat detonate after a delay, dealing120%basedamage. Hold up to 12 charges(+12 per stack)that reload after 2 seconds(+2 per stack).

Active Items

Active Item(s)DescriptionCooldown
Blast ShowerRemove any negative effects, which include debuffs, damage over time, and any nearby projectiles.20s
Disposable Missile LauncherFire 12 missiles that will deal 300% damage per missile.45s
Eccentric VaseCreate a quantum tunnel of 1000 meters length which will last for 30 seconds.45s
Foreign FruitHeal for 50% of your maximum health.45s
Fuel ArrayLooks like it could power something.EXTREMELY unstable…
Gnarled WoodspriteGain a Woodsprite that will heal you for 1.5% of your maximum health every second. You can also send it to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health.15s
Jade ElephantGain500armorfor5 seconds.45s
Milky ChrysalisSprout wings andfly for 15 seconds. Gain+20%movement speedfor the duration.60s
Ocular HUDGain+100% Critical Strike Chancefor 8 seconds.60s
Preon AccumulatorFires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up to600%damage per second. On contact, detonate in an enormous 20m explosion for4000% damage.140s
Primordial CubeFire a black hole thatdraws enemies within 30m into its center. Lasts 10 seconds60s
Radar ScannerRevealall interactables within 500 meters for10 seconds.45s
Royal CapacitorCall down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing3000%damageandstunningnearby monsters.20s
The Back-upCall4 Strike Dronesto fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.100s
The CrowdfunderFires a continuous barrage that deals100%damageper bullet. Costs $1 per bullet. Cost increases over time.
Volcanic EggTurn into adraconic fireballfor5seconds. Deal500%damageon impact. Detonates at the end for800% damage.30s

Lunar Equipment

Lunar EquipmentDescriptionCooldown
Effigy of GriefAny enemies that are caught in this will be slowed by 50% and have their armor reduced by 20.
Glowing MeteoriteCause a meteor strike which will damage all characters for 600% damage per blast. Lasts for 20 seconds.140s
Helfire TinctureIgnite all enemies present within an 8-meter vicinity. Deal damage to yourself for a total of 5% of your maximum health per second. The burn doesn’t hurt allies too strongly.45s
Spinel TonicDrink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increasesdamageby+100%. Increasesattack speedby+70%. Increasesarmorby+20. Increasesmaximumhealthby+50%. Increasespassive health regenerationby+300%. Increasesmovement speedby+30%.When the Tonic wears off, you have a20%chance to gain aTonic Affliction, reducing all of your statsby-5%with -5% reduction per stack.60s

Elite Equipment

Her Biting EmbraceBecome an aspect of ice.Glacial
Ifrit’s DistinctionBecome an aspect of fire.Blazing
N’kuhana’s RetortBecome an aspect of corruption.Malachite
Silence Between Two StrikesBecome an aspect of lightning.Overloading
Spectral CircletBecome an aspect of incorporeality.Celestine
Risk of Rain 2 Best Items Guide (2024)


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