How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (2024)

Last updated on Feb 17, 2024

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Know your purpose


Define your values


Express your personality


Create your assets


Test your identity


Here’s what else to consider

Your brand identity is the way you communicate your values, personality, and promise to your audience. It's more than just a logo, a slogan, or a color scheme. It's a story that resonates with your customers and sets you apart from your competitors. But how can you ensure that your brand identity is genuine and not just a copycat or a gimmick? Here are some tips to help you create a brand identity that reflects your true essence and connects with your target market.

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  • Aashiq Shariff MasterKey at Echo East Africa | MD at Echo Tanzania | Founder 78inc.

    How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (3) 6

  • Tony Chapman Host/Speaker | Chatter that Matters Podcast | Storyteller

    How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (5) 5

How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (6) How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (7) How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (8)

1 Know your purpose

Before you design any visual or verbal elements of your brand identity, you need to have a clear vision of your purpose. Why does your brand exist? What problem do you solve? What impact do you want to make? Your purpose should be the core of your brand identity and guide your decisions and actions. It should also be aligned with your audience's needs and expectations, so that you can create value and trust.

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  • Jennifer Banton Co-Founder at Lucid Studio | Swiss Army Knife

    A genuine brand identity starts with a solid foundation - knowing your values, purpose, mission & vision is key. Being honest with yourself, setting achievable goals but stretching yourself just enough within that foundation is extremely important. What can you stand on with a confidence so strong that any storm that comes won't knock you off? That's the foundation that will keep your identity authentic and genuine! AND reevaluate along your journey - you will grow and your identity will change, that is certain. Learn to adapt and flow with it.


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  • Paola De la Barreda Propósito | Empresas sustentables | ESG | Comunicación

    To succesfully position a brand, authenticity and clear identity are fundamental. And in order to have this, it is basic to understand the essence and DNA of the brand, its core values (aligned with those of the company it beongs to) and its purpose... why does this brand exist? Why does it matter to each of its stakeholders? Once the purpose is set, the path will be clear to develop an assertive comminication and positioning strategy and become a relevant brand.


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  • Alexander Gallé Creative director for premium and luxury brands

    A genuine brand is a brand that is coherent at every brand contact point, from ad to product.The best way to be coherent is to stick to just one thing. Preferably something you can say in a single word, like Volvo's "safe". Or a couple of words to express one thing, like Coca-Cola's "the real thing".Sticking to just one thing is also what makes it more memorable from the consumer's POV. And it's what humans generally resonate with when they tell each other folk tales: the protagonist usually wants just one thing: love, or revenge, or freedom, ...So, sticking to just one thing makes it more likely that other people than yourself will say your message without sounding phoney: "I love X, they are the only brand that do this one thing".


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  • Kris-Ann Carduff, M.S. Co-Founder of Yare Group LLC | Marketing, Sales Integration

    Start internally because employees are the customers' primary interaction with the brand. They can delight or derail a customer with one conversation or customer service experience. When customers are treated consistently and hear the same message from any level of the organization, it backs up the planned messages coming from your marketing efforts. There's nothing more genuine than being who you say you are!


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  • Tony Chapman Host/Speaker | Chatter that Matters Podcast | Storyteller

    You feel it in your heart. It makes your eyes shine as you see how you are helping others. It’s about the destination and the people you help get there, not the profit.


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2 Define your values

Your values are the principles that shape your brand culture and behavior. They are the beliefs that motivate you and your team to do what you do. They are also the standards that you uphold and the promises that you keep. Your values should be consistent and transparent across all your touchpoints, from your website to your social media to your customer service. They should also be relevant and meaningful to your audience, so that you can build loyalty and advocacy.

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  • Ingrid LiLL ☀️ I teach entrepreneurs to draw | Visual selling | Brand storytelling | Having fun with marketing! Free iPad Illustration Workshop on Feb 29th

    Define your superpowerVisually map your superpower - the overlap of your profession, personality, passion and people's problems you can solve. This Venn diagram encapsulates your purpose and strengths. Let your superpower be the guiding force for your genuine brand identity.The superpower diagram is a great tool for distilling your core essence and ensuring your brand identity aligns with and expresses it authentically.

  • Start hiring an authentic agency & team of professionals, with clear, strong and common values and ethics, that know the market but also think out of the box. Likeminded individuals are key but do not underestimate outsiders that can bring a fresher view…And of course, bring Paola de la Barreda on board! Blessings


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  • Defining values comes with time and deep learning, listening and reflection of yourself (founders of the brand), the audience you serve, the teams you hire or seek to hire. Values are not individual, they are communal, cultural and sometimes even political. As much as people may not admit, values are based on needs of the time or the desire to impact/influence your social environment which reflects the political standing of the community.Values to me represent the hope and vision of what you would like to see within your community, reflected within your organisation.


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  • Emmanuel Lecugy 🎯 Directeur de la communication et du marketing chez ITIC Paris

    En tant que créatif, mon superpouvoir réside à l'intersection de ma curiosité insatiable, de ma capacité à percevoir et à exprimer le monde d'une manière unique, et de mon désir de résoudre des problèmes de manière innovante. Mon diagramme de Venn personnel fusionne ma profession de créatif, avec une personnalité qui se plaît dans l'exploration et l'expérimentation, une passion pour transformer les idées en réalités tangibles, et une aptitude à répondre aux besoins des autres par des solutions esthétiques et fonctionnelles.Ce superpouvoir me définit non seulement dans mon travail mais oriente aussi l'identité de ma vie.



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  • Susana Coerver

    Some companies have a very poor work in defining, their core values, not understanding that they are guides, the North Star of teams. When the values of the company are true to it self, you can see them reflected in every touch point and behavior of teams


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3 Express your personality

Your personality is the way you convey your brand identity through your tone, style, and voice. It's the impression that you make on your audience and the emotions that you evoke. Your personality should be distinctive and authentic, so that you can stand out from the crowd and create a memorable identity. It should also be appropriate and adaptable, so that you can communicate effectively and appropriately in different situations and channels.

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  • Christin King Strategic Communications, Marketing and Sales

    Think of your favorite person. When you describe them you typically describe their personality. A brand is no different. Brand personality differentiates the brand from its competitors and sets the brand apart. Consider how you want your customers to describe you and go all in, be consistent and ensure your personality is reflected across all of your organization.


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  • Expressing your brand's personality involves showcasing unique traits that resonate with your audience, setting you apart. Take Innocent Drinks as an example; their playful, friendly, and conversational tone across all communications embodies a personality that's approachable and relatable, making their brand memorable and distinct. This consistency in personality, from packaging to social media, strengthens their identity, making consumers feel a personal connection. Your brand's personality should align with your core values and purpose, ensuring authenticity. Whether it's through humor, sincerity, or innovation, the key is to maintain this personality consistently across all platforms, fostering a genuine relationship with your audience.


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  • Santiago Losada Creative Lead at Zemoga, Inc.

    Showing a brand identity is to present a persons identity, the more details that build the personality the closer to being unique, it has to be consistent, consequently evolving, it has to create its own rules of communicating but most importantly to have a purpose, a reason to be alive and spread an idea, product or service.


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  • Alexander Gallé Creative director for premium and luxury brands

    Have you ever wondered why it feels completely natural that The Lion King should be a lion? If the movie were called The Snail King, you'd probably think it was a comedy. The film would have to create an entirely different universe before you "buy into" the idea. And that might actually be what makes it interesting.

What sort of car would our snail have to drive to become a king? When we create a brand persona, we are looking to help consumers transform from who they are to who they want to be. We do this by using the same methods of personae and alter-egos that storytellers have used for thousands of years. The emotions they feel then lead consumers to the natural conclusion that they "buy into" the premise of our value proposition.


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  • Your brand personality brings your identity to life. Develop a distinctive, genuine personality that connects emotionally with your audience. Consistency across tone, language, visuals and experiences is key.Advice: "Here's to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers." - Apple's 'Think Different' campaignTips: Brand personality workshop, brand voice guidelines, content strategy


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4 Create your assets

Your assets are the tangible elements that represent your brand identity visually and verbally. They include your logo, your name, your tagline, your colors, your fonts, your images, your icons, and your copy. Your assets should be coherent and cohesive, so that you can create a strong and consistent identity across all your platforms and media. They should also be original and creative, so that you can showcase your uniqueness and appeal.

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  • Aashiq Shariff MasterKey at Echo East Africa | MD at Echo Tanzania | Founder 78inc.

    It’s not about popular, but more about what’s right for you. Don’t get trapped into what’s trending. Try more but stick to what feels natural to you.


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  • Creating Brand Assets: It’s about crafting visuals and messages that embody your brand’s soul. Key Steps: 1. Consistency is paramount—ensure your logo, colors, and fonts are uniform across all platforms. 2. Authenticity shines through creative design, making your brand relatable.3. Flexibility allows your assets to evolve, keeping your brand fresh. Pro Tip: Involve your audience in the design process for assets that resonate and stand out. Remember: Great assets tell your brand’s unique story at a glance.


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  • Yana Dulina Product Lead and Art Director, TheCommonLanguage Founder

    A brand's identity is its unique language. This language tells your story in any format. A good style can easily be applied to different formats and forms without losing its parameters of recognizability


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  • All too often, I’ve seen a major element missing from the creation of brand identities when moving into the stages of asset creation. The audience and overall market terrain.So many brands allow their branding to be almost entirely an internally focused project. While beautiful branding can happen this way, it can fall short of being approachable or accessible.A brand’s identity is a conduit for communication between the people working at the brand and the target audience.If done well, it makes marketing efforts more impactful - not to mention much easier to connect authentically and memorably with current and future customers.


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  • Visual, verbal and written assets allow your brand identity to make an impact. Logos, colors, imagery, content and more should clearly communicate your purpose, values and personality. Maintain consistency.Advice: "Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works." - Steve JobsTips: Style guides, brand asset creation, campaign development

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5 Test your identity

Your identity is not something that you create once and forget. It's something that you need to test, measure, and improve constantly. You need to gather feedback from your audience, your team, and your stakeholders, and see how they perceive and respond to your brand identity. You need to analyze your performance, your strengths, and your weaknesses, and see how you can optimize your brand identity. You need to monitor your market, your competitors, and your trends, and see how you can evolve your brand identity.

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  • Emily Metcalfe Marketing led New Business Consultant | Director

    An important one, main thing is to ask your audience. Your brand is what people say about you when you're not there. Could you get a third party to ask a few of your customers what they think?


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  • Identity is important. In addition, so is story telling in its simplistic form. ArcThemeStakes That’s what makes a good story, and in conjunction, a good identity that’s true to who you are and what you’re trying to accomplish.


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  • Testing your brand identity, messaging and assets is crucial. Get feedback from target audiences to ensure your identity resonates as authentic and aligns with your purpose. Refine based on insights.Advice: "Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning." - Bill GatesTips: Surveys, focus groups, user testing, analytics


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  • Yana Dulina Product Lead and Art Director, TheCommonLanguage Founder

    The brand should align with the core values of the product/company, address the pain points of the target audience, differentiate itself from other competing companies, and be relevant to the times. To test it - tests and research would help a lot.If you want to print your logo on a t-shirt, then the logo is simply good;)


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  • Nick Ferran Senior Graphic Designer | Art Director | Illustrator

    Hire an outside consultant to provide a robust assessment of your brand. Agencies exist for this kind of research, and having legitimate, professional input on how your brand voice and overall identity is perceived both from their perspective as well we from your audience, is essential for growth. As an individual, you can't grow as a person without both self-reflection AND outside perspective. Why would your business be any different?


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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • David Schermer Freelanciest Copywriter Alive

    You asked how I can ensure my brand's identity is genuine. Thanks for asking. Wouldn't have been my question but hey, you do you. Now on with the answer.You can never be sure of anything in this world. Maybe not in any world. I've only lived in this one. And even so, from a very safe distance. Look your brand's identity in the eye. If it can't hold your gaze for at least 90 seconds, you should worry. More than that you should run. As far as your branding legs can carry you. Don't look back til you've found safety. Any White Castle will do. Wait there. Order some chicken rings. And pray that brand has forgotten your identity. Good luck.


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  • Steve Gatenby Account Manager, Advertising and Digital Marketing

    The most successful brands go beyond products or services; they embody values that resonate with their audience. By forging this connection, brands cultivate loyalty and build a community of dedicated supporters who share their beliefs and ideals. This emotional bond transcends transactions, fostering a sense of belonging and inspiring advocacy, laying the groundwork for long-term success.


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  • When refining your brand identity, it’s essential to look beyond the basics.Key Steps:1. Customer Feedback: Incorporate insights from your audience to refine your brand.2. Monitor Trends: Stay updated with industry trends without losing your brand’s core essence.3. Competitive Analysis: Understand your competitors to carve out a unique position.Pro Tip: Use storytelling to share your brand’s journey, making it relatable and memorable.Remember: Flexibility and adaptability can keep your brand relevant in a constantly evolving market.


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  • Marcin Gajewski I combine branding, storytelling, strategy and video production to develop emotionally engaging narratives for businesses.

    It’s important that you don’t try to be everything to everyone. Dare to be specific, and dare to to first understand what value you want to create in the world and THEN look for your target audience and not the other way around..


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  • Jason Patterson Founder of Jewel Content Marketing Agency

    A brand's identity is the boss's identity. If you want to make sure the former is valid, check it against the latter.See what the boss thinks. See what people close to the boss think. If they're fine with the brand identity, it'll probably be okay.


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How can you ensure your brand identity is genuine? (2024)


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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

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Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.