History for Heartwarming/DragonBallSuper - TV Tropes (2024)

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* After fleeing, Future Trunks runs into Future Mai, and they share a small respite, including an appearance of Scratch.[[note]]The black cat that always hung out on Dr. Brief's shoulder.[[/note]] It's clear they've known each other for awhile, long enough to be comfortable around the other, friendly or otherwise.
** It's also implied that Mai had become friends with Bulma as well at some point, because Bulma tells Trunks to go meet up with Mai while wearing a smile on her face, and Mai is saddened to hear of her death. Considering the fact that Mai (along with Shu and Pilaf) had tried to kill Bulma many years ago, this speaks volumes of what a forgiving person Bulma can be and how much their relationship must have changed. Explicitly shown in Episode 52, where Trunks remembers back to happier times, where he, mom, and Mai enjoyed dinner together, on an occasional basis at the very least.
* Goku tells Goten and Chi-Chi that he worked extra hard on his farming work because he wanted to give them all something tasty to eat. Given Beerus' reaction to Goku's lettuces, he did a good job.
* Beerus enjoying lunch with Goku and Vegeta. For a god who spent most of his time sleeping and being a jerkass at the beginning of the series, he really has grown to enjoy their company when they come to train, and doesn't just sleep through their visits anymore.
* As the preview for the next episode shows, Present!Bulma and the others waste no time tending to Future Trunks when they find him unconscious.
** Want to know the thing that cinches it? Look at Vegeta's face after he sees Future Trunks lying on the bed, near-death. His reaction crosses between shock and outright [[TranquilFury enraged]] [[PapaWolf that someone went after his son.]] One gets the feeling that when Goku Black crosses onto their neck of the woods, Vegeta will have [[ItsPersonal a score to settle with him.]]
* Gohan transforming into the Great Saiyaman to play-chase his wayward baby daughter is ''adorable''. Trunks doesn't quite know what to make of the situation and is just confused, but Pan is just so happy to be playing with her daddy that you can't help but smile.
* Episode 48 revealed Trunks invited the Pilaf Gang to live at Capsule Corp. They also go to class with him and his private tutor. The scene with Trunks and Mai holding hands was also rather sweet.
* Vegeta asks Future Trunks why he still carries his sword, commenting that it's a little redundant compared to martial arts and ki attacks. Future Trunks says carrying it makes him feel calm, and Vegeta says he understands.
* In Episode 50, two things happen: One, Vegeta comforts Trunks and encourages him that they'll figure out a plan after [[spoiler: Goku Black destroyed his time machine]]. Secondly, [[spoiler: Future Mai is still alive]].
* In Episode 51 we see that despite putting on his usual indifferent face, Vegeta is actually [[TranquilFury really angry]] about Black [[spoiler: killing Future!Bulma]]. It's also quite clear he plans on [[RoaringRampageOfRevenge getting revenge.]]
* Future Trunks talking about how much Future Mai meant to him.
* After Goku Black curb-stomped Future Trunks the first time they fought, Future Mai saved him and nursed him back to health.
* In Episode 52, Future Trunk's image of what his life could have been like without Black attacking is a family meal with Future Bulma and Future Mai.
* When Future Trunks is told that Gohan abandoned the life of a warrior to be a scholar, he's happy because it was a dream that Future Gohan shared with him. When he meets Gohan and his family, while he initially seems a little disappointed that Gohan is no longer the fearsome warrior that he last remembered defeating Cell, he's ultimately happy that this version of Gohan was able to have such a peaceful, happy life and loving family.
* Similarly, when Future Trunks sees that 18 is now Krillin's wife and they have a child, after he gets over the shock, it's apparent that he realizes it's entirely because of his intervention that this situation was possible. From the other side, 18 shows no hard feelings towards Trunks despite the former trying to cut her down with his sword while she battled Vegeta, and even teases Trunks for killing her evil future counterpart, all while [[WhenSheSmiles smiling warmly.]]
** Also Trunks' reaction afterwards - he's surprised, but rather than disbelief he eventually reacts with an awe and happiness similar to when he saw Gohan's family. Which continues what seeing Gohan did for his HeroicResolve: 18 becoming a good person with a family rather than a homicidal monster is another wonderful thing that would never happened had he not meddled with the past.
* Despite being incompetent goofballs, Pilaf and Shu go out of their way to try and hook Mai up with Trunks, wanting her to be happy.
* Beerus warming up to Goku despite his antics and behavior. Even warning out loud that he will kill Goku several times barely carries any actual spite anymore and comes off as more a stern telling off. He even smiles with pride when he notices that others underestimate Goku's power and the Saiyan decides to cut loose.
* Beerus heaping praise on Goku whenever he's bragging about how powerful he is to someone, saying stuff like, 'he fought me, so he's very strong'.
** Beerus's CharacterDevelopment is made perfectly evident in this episode during a minor SugarWiki/{{Funny Moment|s}}. Goku tries to take a plate of food Beerus claims as his, leading to the two comically fighting over it. This is the same Beerus who once tried to destroy the Earth because he was denied pudding. Here, someone is actively taking food from him, and it merely annoys him. Earth might just be changing him as it changed Vegeta.
* Vegeta's RousingSpeech, encouraging Trunks to become the strongest in the universe — stronger than Black, stronger than Vegeta, stronger than ''anyone'' — mirroring his fight with Cabba. Another showcase of how much Vegeta truly has changed.
* Zen'o befriending Goku, as well as his intolerance of his subject's attempts to reprimand or justify Goku's lack of formality in a scene that managed to be [[SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments heartwarming,]] [[SugarWiki/FunnyMoments hilarious,]] [[SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome awesome,]] and [[NightmareFuel terrifying]] all at once. Zen'o even gives Goku a button that allows Goku to summon him at any time.
* A very weird form of heartwarming, but there's Goku Black's gushing over his SSR form at Goku, in a manner that is uncannily similar to a protege trying to impress his mentor. It simply shows how much Goku's power means to him.
* Trunks' tearful reunion with Mai, after he had thought that the latter had died.
* How much the survivors and resistance members of the future admire and look up to Trunks. After everything he's been through, it's nice to see him getting some recognition.
* Vegeta bringing food for the survivors of the future, even if he says it was Bulma's doing. All of whom clearly hadn't eaten in awhile, and there's enough to satisfy even a [[BigEater Saiyan]]. Also, the fact that the three Saiyans don't touch any food, leaving it all to the survivors to enjoy a proper meal, is pretty touching, particularly considering their usual attitude toward food.
* Vegeta smiling proudly at Trunks as he comforts the survivor kids and Mai. [[{{Tsundere}} Even though he stops once he notices Goku's teasingly grinning at him for it.]]
** He also smiled earlier when Future Trunks defended Goku from the missiles fired by the resistance, who mistakenly thought Goku was Black.
* Future Yajirobe [[spoiler:being revealed as one of the few survivors against the Androids]]. He's also very happy to see Goku ... and is the only one besides Future Mai who doesn't fear or attack him (due to his similar appearance to Black).
* Vegeta ordering Trunks to stay back, because in the event that Black defeats Vegeta and Goku, Trunks must escape with Mai to the past. Remember that Vegeta scolded Trunks when he came back again thinking he flew from a fight, and now he's explicitally ordering him to do so and survive. Not to mention, the mere fact that ''Vegeta'' admitted the possibility to lose out loud to tell Trunks what to do shows just how much he cares.
* Future Mai doing her very best to cheer up the remaining resistance fighters, despite hope looking very bleak after [[spoiler:Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks were all defeated soundly by Goku Black and Future Zamasu.]]
* Beerus and Whis demonstrating that despite being Agents of Destruction, they do care about their fellow Gods and friends and won't tolerate any harm coming to them. [[spoiler:Zamasu learned this the hard way when he tried killing Gowasu and then attempted to attack Goku.]]
** Bears extra mentioning since [[spoiler:''Beerus'' went to defend Goku from Zamasu's attack when Goku has already proven that he could've taken on Zamasu. [[TranquilFury Boiling with anger,]] Beerus wastes no time and instantly atomizes the arrogant Zamasu. You do '''not''' mess with the God of Destruction's friend.]]
* After a short brawl, Present Trunks manages to motivate Future Trunks [[spoiler:to not give up hope after he was feeling down for leaving Future Mai behind again. [[CallBack This is much like when Vegeta motivated Future Trunks to become stronger than everyone]].]] LikeFatherLikeSon.
** A smaller moment is the sheer amount of pride Present Trunks has. His father's influence is strong and it's a subtle indicator of just how close they are.
--->'''Present Trunks:''' And you call yourself a Saiyan?!
** Before this, Mai was still crushing on Future Trunks, and either misunderstanding/being awkward about the attempts of Present Trunks trying to get her attention. However, the above moment clearly made an impact on her: when both Trunks are knocked away by Whis/Beerus/Goku's accidental crash, her first impulse is to tend to ''Present'' Trunks.
* In episode 60, Vegeta declares to his enemies [[spoiler: (Zamasu and Goku Black)]] that he will fight them not for the thrill of battle, or for his own satisfaction (to overturn the last battle's results), but to protect Future Trunks and his world. Remember how this man used to be a {{Space Pirate|s}} out to destroy everyone on earth?
* Future Trunks giving Present Trunks a talk about the differences between their timelines, like how he grew up without his father and how he never had a sight as beautiful as West City without it being in ruins. You can see from Present Trunks' face that he realizes how lucky he is and how it was Future Trunks' actions that gave him his peaceful life. Present Trunks gives a very loud scream of good luck to his future self after he departures one last time.
* From an over-arching sense, it's heartwarming to see that the Masenko, Gohan's favorite ki blast, is a regular part of Future Trunks's move arsenal. It serves as a reminder that Trunks's mentor and best friend was his timeline's Gohan.
** And then considering that the Masenko actually originates from Piccolo who was Gohan's initial teacher, when Future Trunks ends up learning the [[spoiler: Evil Containment Wave]] via a video recording of Piccolo, it's somewhat touching when you think about it, that it in a way gives Trunks one more thing to relate to Gohan: being 'taught' by Piccolo.
* Goku's rage boost once he was told not only about what Black did to [[spoiler: his spirit in Zamasu's body, but what he did to Chi-Chi and Goten]] in an alternative present timeline. It's yet another demonstration that Goku is not only about fighting and genuinely cares about others, especially his family.
* While watching the fight with a [[spoiler: newly empowered Trunks]] and Goku Black, when he sees that [[spoiler: Future Zamasu]] is butting into the fight, [[PapaWolf Vegeta puts himself between him and his future son]] to take the extra pressure off his back.
* Chi-Chi searches for Goku who hasn't been home since he left to train on Beerus' planet back in Episode 47. Instead of being angry that Goku hasn't come home, she's worried since he might be hungry and has been cooking for him ''the entire time''. When she does see him, instead of scolding him like one would expect, she is worried when he sees how beating up he is. Goku for his part also sounds happy to see Chi-Chi, [[spoiler: most likely because how Black bragged about how he murdered her]]. He even asks her permission to eat the food she made for him instead of just diving in.
* When Goku tells Chi-Chi [[spoiler:about the fact that Goku Black killed Goten]], Chi-Chi's first reaction is to [[MamaBear race over to her little boy and make sure he was alright.]]
** The best thing is while checking on Goten and scolding Goku for not being able to [[spoiler:defeat the person who killed Goten]], she doesn't even say a single word concerning herself making it clear [[spoiler:whose death she's more upset about]].
* Beerus, despite acting like the situation with [[spoiler: Goku Black and Future Zamasu]] doesn't bother him in front of everyone else, is actually looking for ways that he can go to the future along with Goku, Vegeta and Trunks in order to lend them a helping hand in putting an end to them. Seems that this God of Destruction is starting to care about the lives that in his duty is supposed to take.
* Master Roshi training Goku to use the [[spoiler: Evil Containment Wave]] is presented comedically, but it's still really nice to see Goku learning something new from one of his earliest teachers. Especially since Goku's first instinct was to go to Roshi to learn it, despite Piccolo being fully prepared to teach it himself.
* Vegeta's TheReasonYouSuckSpeech, [[spoiler: as well as being quite the vicious burn at Goku Black's true identity, is a sort of BackhandedCompliment to Goku, considering that as Vegeta pounds Goku Black into mincemeat, he explicitly states to him that the real Goku is stronger than him because only Goku himself can access the full potential his body can hope to offer, while Black is [[PretenderDiss merely a poser]] who simply stole the power he both coveted and couldn't ever hoped to gain]].
** More even than that, [[spoiler: it's a matter of Black not being able to harness and unleash true Saiyan power - suggesting Vegeta's come to acknowledge Goku as being a Saiyan in spirit as well as blood]].
* When Trunks tries fighting [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu]] by himself, Vegeta manages to pick himself up and fight alongside his son. When they manage to do some damage, Vegeta gives Trunks some genuine praise, which puts a smile on his son's face.
* When Trunks charges his Galick Gun to stop [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu's]] attack, images of all his loved ones and friends flash around him, including [[ShipTease Mai]], his mother, and even minor characters like the two kids he bonded with or [[MauveShirt Mai's two lieutenants]].
-->'''Trunks:''' My power! Be a shield to this world... to the humans!
* In a callback to a memorable scene from the Saiyan Saga, the bad guy tries to destroy the Earth and there is an epic beam struggle. Except this time, Vegeta and his son are using Galick Gun to ''protect'' the Earth. Another example of how much he has changed from the heartless bloodthrsty monster he used to be. Plus the fact that we get to see a father-son Galick Gun attack is pretty sweet itself.
* When Zamasu fires a blast in an effort to kill Trunks, Vegeta ''immediately'' jumps in front to shield his son. Think back on the Prince's early days, he'd ''never'' have done anything of the sort.
* In the DarkestHour, when [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu]] disables both Goku and Vegeta, with Future Trunks being the final warrior still standing, the remains of humanity cries out as one in support for their champion and subconsciously [[spoiler: sends their energy to Trunks' in a manner not unlike a Spirit Bomb. Trunk absorbs the Spirit Bomb and channels its energy into his sword. Now wielding a radiant blade literally burning with the majestic light of Hope itself, Trunks fearlessly charges Merged Zamasu and cleft the mad god in twain. All this occurs to the majestic and uplifting backdrop of the heart stirring musical motif [[AwesomeMusic "Birth of A God"]]]].
* Whis [[spoiler:choosing to help Mai and Future Trunks by going to the future and warning Future Beerus about Zamasu before his death, splitting the timeline and creating one where Future Zamasu and Black never existed for them to go back to where everyone is still alive.]]
** Beerus gets one after Whis explains his plan: [[spoiler:by saying that he'll forgive Future Trunks' constant meddling with time out of consideration for Whis going through the trouble of creating a new timeline for Trunks and Mai to live in. Beerus then caps it off by telling Future Trunks to take care of himself.]] Universe 7's God of Destruction has come a long way since the beginning of the series.
* Goku ''does'' fulfill his promise to bring Present Zen'o a friend. [[spoiler:It's Zen'o himself, from destroyed Future Trunks timeline. Both gods are very happy with it.]]
* Whis suggests that the Grand Priest drop by Universe 7 for a visit, revealing that tiny man is actually his father.
* Vegeta, being Vegeta, [[spoiler: doesn't say goodbye to Trunks the normal way. Instead he throws a punch and Trunks catches it.]] [[SoProudOfYou The look on his face says it all.]]
* [[spoiler:Gohan]] taking the time to visit Future Trunks and telling him to stay well and wishing him the best as [[spoiler:Future Trunks and Future Mai use the time machine to travel to the new timeline that Whis created for them. Trunks eyes just light up upon seeing Gohan come into his view before he heads off. It shows off clearly how much Gohan still means to Trunks, even if present day Gohan isn't the same as the one who trained him. And when Trunks visualizes future Gohan superimposed over present day Gohan as he tells Trunks to take care of himself, you could say it's as if Future Gohan is telling it to Trunks too.]]
** There's a bittersweet catch to it: [[spoiler: the new timeline already has a Future Trunks and Mai in it. Suggesting that to avoid complications, they might have to stay out of the way of their other selves. Whis asks Trunks and Mai if they're okay with that. ''Mai'' is the one to decides to go ahead, saying that it's worth it to spare the other Trunks and Mai from having all their friends die, or they may double up much like what they did in the present timeline. Future Bulma will just have the awkwardness of two sons]].
* Goten literally tackling his dad into a hug when he sees that he's back. Despite his wounds and the fact that Goten's pounce hurt, Goku is happy to see him and Chi-Chi as well.


* After fleeing, Future Trunks runs into Future Mai, and they share a small respite, including an appearance of Scratch.[[note]]The black cat that always hung out on Dr. Brief's shoulder.[[/note]] It's clear they've known each other for awhile, long enough to be comfortable around the other, friendly or otherwise.
** It's also implied that Mai had become friends with Bulma as well at some point, because Bulma tells Trunks to go meet up with Mai while wearing a smile on her face, and Mai is saddened to hear of her death. Considering the fact that Mai (along with Shu and Pilaf) had tried to kill Bulma many years ago, this speaks volumes of what a forgiving person Bulma can be and how much their relationship must have changed. Explicitly shown in Episode 52, where Trunks remembers back to happier times, where he, mom, and Mai enjoyed dinner together, on an occasional basis at the very least.
* Goku tells Goten and Chi-Chi that he worked extra hard on his farming work because he wanted to give them all something tasty to eat. Given Beerus' reaction to Goku's lettuces, he did a good job.
* Beerus enjoying lunch with Goku and Vegeta. For a god who spent most of his time sleeping and being a jerkass at the beginning of the series, he really has grown to enjoy their company when they come to train, and doesn't just sleep through their visits anymore.
* As the preview for the next episode shows, Present!Bulma and the others waste no time tending to Future Trunks when they find him unconscious.
** Want to know the thing that cinches it? Look at Vegeta's face after he sees Future Trunks lying on the bed, near-death. His reaction crosses between shock and outright [[TranquilFury enraged]] [[PapaWolf that someone went after his son.]] One gets the feeling that when Goku Black crosses onto their neck of the woods, Vegeta will have [[ItsPersonal a score to settle with him.]]
* Gohan transforming into the Great Saiyaman to play-chase his wayward baby daughter is ''adorable''. Trunks doesn't quite know what to make of the situation and is just confused, but Pan is just so happy to be playing with her daddy that you can't help but smile.
* Episode 48 revealed Trunks invited the Pilaf Gang to live at Capsule Corp. They also go to class with him and his private tutor. The scene with Trunks and Mai holding hands was also rather sweet.
* Vegeta asks Future Trunks why he still carries his sword, commenting that it's a little redundant compared to martial arts and ki attacks. Future Trunks says carrying it makes him feel calm, and Vegeta says he understands.
* In Episode 50, two things happen: One, Vegeta comforts Trunks and encourages him that they'll figure out a plan after [[spoiler: Goku Black destroyed his time machine]]. Secondly, [[spoiler: Future Mai is still alive]].
* In Episode 51 we see that despite putting on his usual indifferent face, Vegeta is actually [[TranquilFury really angry]] about Black [[spoiler: killing Future!Bulma]]. It's also quite clear he plans on [[RoaringRampageOfRevenge getting revenge.]]
* Future Trunks talking about how much Future Mai meant to him.
* After Goku Black curb-stomped Future Trunks the first time they fought, Future Mai saved him and nursed him back to health.
* In Episode 52, Future Trunk's image of what his life could have been like without Black attacking is a family meal with Future Bulma and Future Mai.
* When Future Trunks is told that Gohan abandoned the life of a warrior to be a scholar, he's happy because it was a dream that Future Gohan shared with him. When he meets Gohan and his family, while he initially seems a little disappointed that Gohan is no longer the fearsome warrior that he last remembered defeating Cell, he's ultimately happy that this version of Gohan was able to have such a peaceful, happy life and loving family.
* Similarly, when Future Trunks sees that 18 is now Krillin's wife and they have a child, after he gets over the shock, it's apparent that he realizes it's entirely because of his intervention that this situation was possible. From the other side, 18 shows no hard feelings towards Trunks despite the former trying to cut her down with his sword while she battled Vegeta, and even teases Trunks for killing her evil future counterpart, all while [[WhenSheSmiles smiling warmly.]]
** Also Trunks' reaction afterwards - he's surprised, but rather than disbelief he eventually reacts with an awe and happiness similar to when he saw Gohan's family. Which continues what seeing Gohan did for his HeroicResolve: 18 becoming a good person with a family rather than a homicidal monster is another wonderful thing that would never happened had he not meddled with the past.
* Despite being incompetent goofballs, Pilaf and Shu go out of their way to try and hook Mai up with Trunks, wanting her to be happy.
* Beerus warming up to Goku despite his antics and behavior. Even warning out loud that he will kill Goku several times barely carries any actual spite anymore and comes off as more a stern telling off. He even smiles with pride when he notices that others underestimate Goku's power and the Saiyan decides to cut loose.
* Beerus heaping praise on Goku whenever he's bragging about how powerful he is to someone, saying stuff like, 'he fought me, so he's very strong'.
** Beerus's CharacterDevelopment is made perfectly evident in this episode during a minor SugarWiki/{{Funny Moment|s}}. Goku tries to take a plate of food Beerus claims as his, leading to the two comically fighting over it. This is the same Beerus who once tried to destroy the Earth because he was denied pudding. Here, someone is actively taking food from him, and it merely annoys him. Earth might just be changing him as it changed Vegeta.
* Vegeta's RousingSpeech, encouraging Trunks to become the strongest in the universe — stronger than Black, stronger than Vegeta, stronger than ''anyone'' — mirroring his fight with Cabba. Another showcase of how much Vegeta truly has changed.
* Zen'o befriending Goku, as well as his intolerance of his subject's attempts to reprimand or justify Goku's lack of formality in a scene that managed to be [[SugarWiki/HeartwarmingMoments heartwarming,]] [[SugarWiki/FunnyMoments hilarious,]] [[SugarWiki/MomentOfAwesome awesome,]] and [[NightmareFuel terrifying]] all at once. Zen'o even gives Goku a button that allows Goku to summon him at any time.
* A very weird form of heartwarming, but there's Goku Black's gushing over his SSR form at Goku, in a manner that is uncannily similar to a protege trying to impress his mentor. It simply shows how much Goku's power means to him.
* Trunks' tearful reunion with Mai, after he had thought that the latter had died.
* How much the survivors and resistance members of the future admire and look up to Trunks. After everything he's been through, it's nice to see him getting some recognition.
* Vegeta bringing food for the survivors of the future, even if he says it was Bulma's doing. All of whom clearly hadn't eaten in awhile, and there's enough to satisfy even a [[BigEater Saiyan]]. Also, the fact that the three Saiyans don't touch any food, leaving it all to the survivors to enjoy a proper meal, is pretty touching, particularly considering their usual attitude toward food.
* Vegeta smiling proudly at Trunks as he comforts the survivor kids and Mai. [[{{Tsundere}} Even though he stops once he notices Goku's teasingly grinning at him for it.]]
** He also smiled earlier when Future Trunks defended Goku from the missiles fired by the resistance, who mistakenly thought Goku was Black.
* Future Yajirobe [[spoiler:being revealed as one of the few survivors against the Androids]]. He's also very happy to see Goku ... and is the only one besides Future Mai who doesn't fear or attack him (due to his similar appearance to Black).
* Vegeta ordering Trunks to stay back, because in the event that Black defeats Vegeta and Goku, Trunks must escape with Mai to the past. Remember that Vegeta scolded Trunks when he came back again thinking he flew from a fight, and now he's explicitally ordering him to do so and survive. Not to mention, the mere fact that ''Vegeta'' admitted the possibility to lose out loud to tell Trunks what to do shows just how much he cares.
* Future Mai doing her very best to cheer up the remaining resistance fighters, despite hope looking very bleak after [[spoiler:Goku, Vegeta and Future Trunks were all defeated soundly by Goku Black and Future Zamasu.]]
* Beerus and Whis demonstrating that despite being Agents of Destruction, they do care about their fellow Gods and friends and won't tolerate any harm coming to them. [[spoiler:Zamasu learned this the hard way when he tried killing Gowasu and then attempted to attack Goku.]]
** Bears extra mentioning since [[spoiler:''Beerus'' went to defend Goku from Zamasu's attack when Goku has already proven that he could've taken on Zamasu. [[TranquilFury Boiling with anger,]] Beerus wastes no time and instantly atomizes the arrogant Zamasu. You do '''not''' mess with the God of Destruction's friend.]]
* After a short brawl, Present Trunks manages to motivate Future Trunks [[spoiler:to not give up hope after he was feeling down for leaving Future Mai behind again. [[CallBack This is much like when Vegeta motivated Future Trunks to become stronger than everyone]].]] LikeFatherLikeSon.
** A smaller moment is the sheer amount of pride Present Trunks has. His father's influence is strong and it's a subtle indicator of just how close they are.
--->'''Present Trunks:''' And you call yourself a Saiyan?!
** Before this, Mai was still crushing on Future Trunks, and either misunderstanding/being awkward about the attempts of Present Trunks trying to get her attention. However, the above moment clearly made an impact on her: when both Trunks are knocked away by Whis/Beerus/Goku's accidental crash, her first impulse is to tend to ''Present'' Trunks.
* In episode 60, Vegeta declares to his enemies [[spoiler: (Zamasu and Goku Black)]] that he will fight them not for the thrill of battle, or for his own satisfaction (to overturn the last battle's results), but to protect Future Trunks and his world. Remember how this man used to be a {{Space Pirate|s}} out to destroy everyone on earth?
* Future Trunks giving Present Trunks a talk about the differences between their timelines, like how he grew up without his father and how he never had a sight as beautiful as West City without it being in ruins. You can see from Present Trunks' face that he realizes how lucky he is and how it was Future Trunks' actions that gave him his peaceful life. Present Trunks gives a very loud scream of good luck to his future self after he departures one last time.
* From an over-arching sense, it's heartwarming to see that the Masenko, Gohan's favorite ki blast, is a regular part of Future Trunks's move arsenal. It serves as a reminder that Trunks's mentor and best friend was his timeline's Gohan.
** And then considering that the Masenko actually originates from Piccolo who was Gohan's initial teacher, when Future Trunks ends up learning the [[spoiler: Evil Containment Wave]] via a video recording of Piccolo, it's somewhat touching when you think about it, that it in a way gives Trunks one more thing to relate to Gohan: being 'taught' by Piccolo.
* Goku's rage boost once he was told not only about what Black did to [[spoiler: his spirit in Zamasu's body, but what he did to Chi-Chi and Goten]] in an alternative present timeline. It's yet another demonstration that Goku is not only about fighting and genuinely cares about others, especially his family.
* While watching the fight with a [[spoiler: newly empowered Trunks]] and Goku Black, when he sees that [[spoiler: Future Zamasu]] is butting into the fight, [[PapaWolf Vegeta puts himself between him and his future son]] to take the extra pressure off his back.
* Chi-Chi searches for Goku who hasn't been home since he left to train on Beerus' planet back in Episode 47. Instead of being angry that Goku hasn't come home, she's worried since he might be hungry and has been cooking for him ''the entire time''. When she does see him, instead of scolding him like one would expect, she is worried when he sees how beating up he is. Goku for his part also sounds happy to see Chi-Chi, [[spoiler: most likely because how Black bragged about how he murdered her]]. He even asks her permission to eat the food she made for him instead of just diving in.
* When Goku tells Chi-Chi [[spoiler:about the fact that Goku Black killed Goten]], Chi-Chi's first reaction is to [[MamaBear race over to her little boy and make sure he was alright.]]
** The best thing is while checking on Goten and scolding Goku for not being able to [[spoiler:defeat the person who killed Goten]], she doesn't even say a single word concerning herself making it clear [[spoiler:whose death she's more upset about]].
* Beerus, despite acting like the situation with [[spoiler: Goku Black and Future Zamasu]] doesn't bother him in front of everyone else, is actually looking for ways that he can go to the future along with Goku, Vegeta and Trunks in order to lend them a helping hand in putting an end to them. Seems that this God of Destruction is starting to care about the lives that in his duty is supposed to take.
* Master Roshi training Goku to use the [[spoiler: Evil Containment Wave]] is presented comedically, but it's still really nice to see Goku learning something new from one of his earliest teachers. Especially since Goku's first instinct was to go to Roshi to learn it, despite Piccolo being fully prepared to teach it himself.
* Vegeta's TheReasonYouSuckSpeech, [[spoiler: as well as being quite the vicious burn at Goku Black's true identity, is a sort of BackhandedCompliment to Goku, considering that as Vegeta pounds Goku Black into mincemeat, he explicitly states to him that the real Goku is stronger than him because only Goku himself can access the full potential his body can hope to offer, while Black is [[PretenderDiss merely a poser]] who simply stole the power he both coveted and couldn't ever hoped to gain]].
** More even than that, [[spoiler: it's a matter of Black not being able to harness and unleash true Saiyan power - suggesting Vegeta's come to acknowledge Goku as being a Saiyan in spirit as well as blood]].
* When Trunks tries fighting [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu]] by himself, Vegeta manages to pick himself up and fight alongside his son. When they manage to do some damage, Vegeta gives Trunks some genuine praise, which puts a smile on his son's face.
* When Trunks charges his Galick Gun to stop [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu's]] attack, images of all his loved ones and friends flash around him, including [[ShipTease Mai]], his mother, and even minor characters like the two kids he bonded with or [[MauveShirt Mai's two lieutenants]].
-->'''Trunks:''' My power! Be a shield to this world... to the humans!
* In a callback to a memorable scene from the Saiyan Saga, the bad guy tries to destroy the Earth and there is an epic beam struggle. Except this time, Vegeta and his son are using Galick Gun to ''protect'' the Earth. Another example of how much he has changed from the heartless bloodthrsty monster he used to be. Plus the fact that we get to see a father-son Galick Gun attack is pretty sweet itself.
* When Zamasu fires a blast in an effort to kill Trunks, Vegeta ''immediately'' jumps in front to shield his son. Think back on the Prince's early days, he'd ''never'' have done anything of the sort.
* In the DarkestHour, when [[spoiler: Merged Zamasu]] disables both Goku and Vegeta, with Future Trunks being the final warrior still standing, the remains of humanity cries out as one in support for their champion and subconsciously [[spoiler: sends their energy to Trunks' in a manner not unlike a Spirit Bomb. Trunk absorbs the Spirit Bomb and channels its energy into his sword. Now wielding a radiant blade literally burning with the majestic light of Hope itself, Trunks fearlessly charges Merged Zamasu and cleft the mad god in twain. All this occurs to the majestic and uplifting backdrop of the heart stirring musical motif [[AwesomeMusic "Birth of A God"]]]].
* Whis [[spoiler:choosing to help Mai and Future Trunks by going to the future and warning Future Beerus about Zamasu before his death, splitting the timeline and creating one where Future Zamasu and Black never existed for them to go back to where everyone is still alive.]]
** Beerus gets one after Whis explains his plan: [[spoiler:by saying that he'll forgive Future Trunks' constant meddling with time out of consideration for Whis going through the trouble of creating a new timeline for Trunks and Mai to live in. Beerus then caps it off by telling Future Trunks to take care of himself.]] Universe 7's God of Destruction has come a long way since the beginning of the series.
* Goku ''does'' fulfill his promise to bring Present Zen'o a friend. [[spoiler:It's Zen'o himself, from destroyed Future Trunks timeline. Both gods are very happy with it.]]
* Whis suggests that the Grand Priest drop by Universe 7 for a visit, revealing that tiny man is actually his father.
* Vegeta, being Vegeta, [[spoiler: doesn't say goodbye to Trunks the normal way. Instead he throws a punch and Trunks catches it.]] [[SoProudOfYou The look on his face says it all.]]
* [[spoiler:Gohan]] taking the time to visit Future Trunks and telling him to stay well and wishing him the best as [[spoiler:Future Trunks and Future Mai use the time machine to travel to the new timeline that Whis created for them. Trunks eyes just light up upon seeing Gohan come into his view before he heads off. It shows off clearly how much Gohan still means to Trunks, even if present day Gohan isn't the same as the one who trained him. And when Trunks visualizes future Gohan superimposed over present day Gohan as he tells Trunks to take care of himself, you could say it's as if Future Gohan is telling it to Trunks too.]]
** There's a bittersweet catch to it: [[spoiler: the new timeline already has a Future Trunks and Mai in it. Suggesting that to avoid complications, they might have to stay out of the way of their other selves. Whis asks Trunks and Mai if they're okay with that. ''Mai'' is the one to decides to go ahead, saying that it's worth it to spare the other Trunks and Mai from having all their friends die, or they may double up much like what they did in the present timeline. Future Bulma will just have the awkwardness of two sons]].
* Goten literally tackling his dad into a hug when he sees that he's back. Despite his wounds and the fact that Goten's pounce hurt, Goku is happy to see him and Chi-Chi as well.

Changed line(s) 318,559 (click to see context) from:

* As it turns out, Goku actually has a life outside martial arts. He not only enjoys his job as a farmer, but appears to be a regular seller at a local farmers market where he even has a bunch of regular acquaintances. It's a nice little touch to see Goku actually taking the time to live a normal life as well as practicing martial arts.
* The way everyone drops everything to help a pregnant Bulma is really nice. Vegeta turns down a chance to train with Whis and Beerus so he can be Bulma's side when it happens, the Pilaf gang is standing by her side and at the ready should she give birth, and Goten and Trunks are seen bringing her food and waiting on her. When Whis stop by to pick up Goku for training, he even pauses to give Vegeta sincere congratulations.
** Remember how Vegeta was indifferent to Bulma, especially after Present Trunks was born? Chances were, he wasn't even there by Bulma's side when she gave birth to Trunks (and in the English dub of Episode 17, Bulma even ''said'' Vegeta didn't bother to show up). Now, he genuinely wants to be by Bulma's side when she gives birth a second time. This cements Vegeta's role a family man even more. The man who didn't give a crap about "that blasted woman and her child" is no more.
* Goku and Goten also have a moment together as they sneak out of the house while Chi-Chi is giving a rant.
** Goku and Goten having a little bonding moment when buying snacks for Beerus, especially with Goku being impressed with his son's set up. The little smile Goten gives his dad sells it.
** Actually, just the fact Goku is wanting to spend some time with his son while with Whis and Beerus is kind of sweet, since the two aren't always around and how much Goten wishes to be like his dad.
* Universes 1, 5, 8 and 12's high Mortal Levels mean that they won't be entering the tournament. This at least means all those innocent people are safe.
* After Gohan expresses reservations about joining the Tournament of Power to Goku, Videl encourages her husband to join his father in the preliminary match.
** Pan playing with Mr. Satan, Buu, and Bee.
* When Goku casually greets Zen'o and Future Zen'o he is seen as disrespectful by the other participants and embarrasses his universe. But Grand Priest says that it is thanks to Goku this event is happening, since he convinced Zen'o to have the tournament. Goku then speaks up saying that he heard that there were a lot of strong guys in other universes, that's why he wanted this event to happen and fight as many of them as he could.
* What ticks Buu off enough to get dangerous? [[spoiler:Mr. Satan getting hurt.]]
** Buu's first reaction actually isn't getting dangerous. His first thought is to drop everything and go to take care of him. It's only after Satan tells him to focus on the match before he passed out, but is otherwise fine. Thanks to this, Buu gives his opponent a thrashing for his friend.
** Following Buu's victory over Basil, Buu immediately heals Mr. Satan, who congratulates him on his victory, while giving him a hug. Mr. Satan and Majin Buu are indeed the best of friends.
** The Supreme Kai and Beerus also share a brief hug after Buu's match.
* After Gohan gets a draw against Lavenda, Goku immediately gives him a Senzu Bean and tells him how good he did.
* The Angels of the universes that get erased will be allowed to live. Seems the Grand Priest pulled some strings for his kids. Granted, they will probably go into stasis or slumber with no God to attend, but some would argue that is better than being erased.
* Say what you will about Universe 9, but, as seen in Episode 81, [[TrueCompanions they really do care about each-other, as they panic when Bergamo is beaten badly by Goku.]]
** Speaking of Bergamo, jerk as he is, [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold he was sincere when he pleaded with the Zenos in getting rid of the whole 'blow up the universes' thing altogether should he win.]] Naturally, [[InnocentlyInsensitive Goku ignored this due to wanting a good fight]] (and the fact that throwing a match would anger Zeno and get ALL of the universes erased) and Bergamo [[WhatTheHellHero was PISSED.]]
** Despite some truth in Bergamo's words about Goku's selfishness dragging almost every universe into danger of being erased, and even his own misgivings toward Goku, ''BEERUS'' is seen actually stamping his foot and cracking the ground in anger over Goku being insulted and made out to be the bad guy. The God of Destruction truly does care for those he considers his friends.
* Goku shows a lot of faith in Gohan during the Exhibition Match. When the Grand Priest announces the match will be a battle royale, Whis comments that Goku isn't the best at teamwork, but Goku brushes off Whis' comment. Because Gohan will be there, and he trusts Gohan to pick up the slack if Goku can't handle it.
* Vegeta meeting baby Bra for the first time. Despite keeping his distance at first, you can tell that he's actually struggling to maintain his composure through his conflicting emotions, torn between being a WellDoneSonGuy and DotingParent before actually ''holding'' her. Compare that to how he regarded baby Trunks way before, and how long it took him to actually hug his son.
** We also see his PapaWolf streak act up as well, as he was irritated-yet-tolerant of the gang's antics around Bulma and baby Bra, when Mr. Satan accidentally makes Bra cry, Vegeta, [[TranquilFury without changing facial expression and remaining completely silent]], goes [=SSJB=] as a nonverbal warning towards Mr. Satan (and later Yamcha) that if he should make Bra cry again, ''he most certainly will regret it.'' Goku simply asks [[ComicallyMissingThePoint if there's an enemy around]].
** The fact that he really wanted to give Bra a Saiyan name.
* Bulla taking an automatic liking to her big brother, Trunks.
** And Trunks taking an automatic liking to Bulla, despite wanting a brother. In fact, he even asks to hold her, and tries to change her diaper himself.
*** And then there's Vegeta. First meeting her aside aside, when Trunks realizes he doesn't know how to apply the diaper on Bulla, he calls for Vegeta, who swoops in and puts it on her himself with no difficulty. Bulla starts giggling, Trunks and Goten praise how competent Vegeta was at handling the situation, then Trunks picks up Bulla and talks to her.
* Android 18 coming to Krillin's rescue, kicking Goku's hands and knocking the Kamehameha into the sky. When 18 points out that the tournament isn't a battle to the death, but a battle royale with rules, she's ready to slug it out against Goku with Krillin by her side.
** Before she gets ready to throw down, the first thing she does after knocking Goku's Kamehameha away is to check on Krillin.
* After seeing Android 18 come to Krillin's rescue, Goku admits that he underestimated the value of teamwork and told Krillin that he truly is his best friend and is counting on the both of them for the Tournament of Power.
** Krillin remembering the first time he and Goku fought in the second World's Martial Arts Tournament they entered way back when they were kids. Before their match, the two bump fists. Fast forward to the present Krillin and Goku, who also remembers that day, bumps fists again before their sparring match. These two truly are the [[HeterosexualLifePartner best of friends]].
* When the other Gods of Destruction are complaining about Goku, Vados steps in to remind them that his intervention gave their universes a shot at continued existence. Granted, she doesn't have to suffer the consequences, but it's still nice that, even though they're from different universes, she'd stick up for him.
* First we see of Kahseral is him comforting Toppo and trying to cheer him up.
* Even if he was smug about it, seeing Champa comforting his Supreme Kai that they will make it is really touching.
* Let's keep talking about Champa, when the other gods ask him why he didn't also call Beerus, he seem stressed, and he isn't the one answering that question. It seems like, despite their rivalry, he doesn't like [[HypocriticalHeartwarming others mistreating him]]. FridgeBrilliance kicks him when you remember that he only called them to know about the Kai's reunion, and to ask them if they planned to cheat: he didn't leave him out on purpose, he realized that the Kais let Universe 7 out and checked to be sure they weren't acting behind his back.
* Khai is also a subtle one. First, we see his absolute faith in his fighters. Unlike the others, he doesn't even need to brag, he just ''knows'' how strong they are. This makes even sweeter how he tries to get the other universes to join him in a plea to Zen-O to spare all the others. From his point of view, his universe will survive either way, he's just trying to help the others too.
* Android 17 has generally abandoned his rebellious lifestyle and goal to kill Goku, settling down as a park ranger on an island and is much more mature and rational, even as far as to not kill the poachers that invade the island, unlike his future counterpart, who spent his life killing innocents at will. He also has a wife and family, showing photos of them on his phone to Goku, who he appears to get along with rather well.
** It could be said that Android 16's love for nature has rubbed off 17 enough for him to now have a job as a park ranger.
** It's also heartwarming to see he made the most of his second chance at life. Which makes a nice contrast to how Freeza handled his revival.
** While it IS par the course for Goku, it's still really nice seeing Goku actively interested in learning about 17's current life and his family and chatting with him like a familiar friend, despite them having only just met and knowing that 17 was originally created to kill him.
** In the Manga, 17 was more than willing to stay out of the tournament, until Goku mentioned that Krillin was going to fight as well. 17 then remembers speaking to 18 after Krillin wished to have the bombs removed, she explained that it was Krillin who basically gave them a second chance in life. 17 decides to enter the tournament to repay Krillin for his kindness.
* Android 17 wanting to use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for a cruise ship so he and his family can travel the world.
* Even though Goku admits that he is a BloodKnight with no desire to be a hero, he also can't stand by and let innocent people get hurt in front of him.
* The shot of Vegeta looking at his newborn daughter after she had her diaper changed. His face is one of pride. Remember how he was once a vicious, cold-blooded killer who would've killed anyone without a second thought?
* Piccolo retraining Gohan and telling him to put aside his concern in order to unlock his true potential.
* Cabba's relationship with his mentor Renso. Renso was even so excited Cabba came to visit that he forgot about his injured leg.
* The end of the Goku and Gohan fight has [[spoiler:Goku catching Gohan as his drained body drops to the ground. Both Goku and Gohan are so proud of what had happened - for once, Gohan could match his father and fought to his greatest potential. For a brief moment, they were ''equal''.]]
* Goku is starting to re-learn maturity after gathering fighters for the Tournament of Power. He has one clear choice in mind for the leader of the Universe 7 team: [[spoiler: it's Gohan.]]
* Kazheral taking the time to save a child's cat that was stuck high up close to some electrical wires, refusing a ''direct order'' from Toppo to continue recruiting warriors for the Tournament of Power to do so. When Toppo saw that the General did so to save a frightened kitten from being electrocuted, the giant warrior warmly smiled and petted the heads of the two children who owned said kitten.
* Caulifa refusing to join the tournament unless Kale joins, making it clear that the two are close. She's even ecstatic when Kale [[spoiler:unlocks the Super Saiyan Berserker form (basically Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form but with Super Saiyan 2's lightning), though it understandably switches to urgency when things get out of hand.]]
** Speaking of, when she notices [[spoiler: Cabba could be killed by one of Kale's blasts]], she steps in to save him.
** Additionally, Kale [[spoiler: doesn't attack Caulifla at all during her rampage, even when she's right in front of her. When Kale gets pacified, Caulifla grabs her and Kale is shown smiling (as opposed to nervous)]]
* Once it appears that Piccolo and 17 are ready to resume their fight from the Cell saga, they proceed to bury the hatchet instead by giving each other a handshake, with Piccolo being glad to have 17 as a participant for the tournament.
* A small one, but when Goku and Frieza meet each other, they take turns punching each other in the gut and then have a chuckle about it. As much as they despise each other, it's clear there is some sense of mutual respect.
* While waiting for Frieza at Baba's Goku re-enacts his fight against Grandpa Gohan. He still thinks of him years later.
* When Master Roshi makes his final preparations at Korin's tower, he admits he came to train there because he wanted to remember his early days training under Korin. Korin tells Roshi to give it his best shot.
* When Krillin and 18 go to meet up with 17, things are, understandably, rather awkward at first. However, the awkwardness dies down a bit when the conversation shifts to Goten and Trunks, with Krillin and 17 sharing a brief but noticeable bonding moment. In particular, the pleasantly surprised look on 18's face really sells the scene.
** Also worth noting is that 17 comments that his niece has gotten bigger, indicating he's stopped by at least once between his departure at the end of the Cell Saga and ''Super''.
* When the Tournament of Power is about to begin, we see that, miraculously, Universe 9 actually managed to get some other members besides the one we've seen. Not bad for a [[CrapsackWorld universe of its caliber.]]
* Gowasu seeing the eliminated Riribeu who feels as though she's let her universe down encourages her to not give up hope and to encourage and cheer on Universe 10.
** Speaking of Riribeu and her defeat, it's not that much of a relief, but it's at least nice to know that the Zen-Oh's and/or the Grand Priest were considerate enough to teleport defeated fighters into the audience stands instead of simply letting them fall into the abyss.
* A small one, but Frieza explicitly calls Goku "Goku-''San''" when observing his fight with the Trio de Dangers. Bear in mind that Frieza is out of anyone's earshot, and thus has no obligation whatsoever to be respectful or [[FauxAffablyEvil "polite"]] to Goku. Even if he hates Goku's guts and is undoubtedly planning to betray/kill him in the future, Frieza has a mediocum of genuine respect for his hated nemesis.
* Despite their action of erasing an entire universe, it's actually really nice to see both Zen-Oh's genuinely saddened and distraught over the thought Goku, their friend, and his friends might lose.
** Speaking of caring, we get an understated one from Liquur: when the others are still processing that Universe 9 was erased, we see him from behind - his fist is clenched, muscles tense. He's proud of his own Universe's mortal level, even smug about it, but he still feels for the loss of a lesser Universe's fate.
** Also, surprisingly, [[JerkassGod Beerus]] gives us one. His first reaction to Sidra and the others' erasure is asking Whis to check the fate of the rest of Universe 9. Seeing him care about the fate of his opponents is even more surprising since they were trying to take on Goku and Vegeta and cripple Universe 7. One'd expect him to be smug or cold about it, instead of concerned.
* The barrier. After seeing Goku blatantly ignoring Gohan's strategy in the last episode, it's nice to see that they worked together on something. Also, despite his rivalry attitude, Vegeta coming in to help out Goku, and he payed enough attention to adopt the barrier himself.
* [[OddCouple Botamo's and Auta Magetta's]] friendship is still strong in episode 99, Auta saved Botama from getting thrown of the edge, while Botama covered Auta's ears to keep him from hearing Vegeta's insults.
* When Shosha of Universe 4 is knocked out, it's Nink ([[MemeticMolester of all people]]) comforting him. Likewise, the wolf warrior does the same when Majora gets knocked off. It helps that both warriors were [[TenderTears sobbing]] after getting ringed out, likely because of [[KillEmAll what failure means.]]
* Anat opening his speech by remembering that Goku is the only reason one of the [[spoiler: now seven]] lower-level universes will survive. Considering that he's getting a lot of hatred, being seen as the reason they risk elimination, it is nice having a character openly remember it's the other way round.
* Caulifla rescues Kale from Napapa and Mechiopu as the two ganged up on her, beating one back and knocking the other off the stage before rushing to check on her protege, resulting in a tender moment between in the two women as Caulifla reaffirms her belief in Kale. [[LesYay She even touches her face quite gently, too.]] And later on, [[spoiler: when Kale transforms again, nearly killing everyone before getting knocked out by Jiren]], Caulifla is once again there to catch her, and even ties her hair up for her.
* Hit saved Caulifla by using his time stop ability.
** In general, Caulifla and Hit seem to have at least an amiable relationship. After been saved, she thanks him sincerely, afterwards they are seen discussing Kale together, and work together to retrieve her and escape the Pride Troopers. It's a really nice teamwork, at the very least. Cemented in episode 104, when she is shown concerned for Hit's well being during the tournament, but also extremely confident in it's fighting capability.
* In Episode 101 Caulifla goes one on four with four Pride Troopers and is still more concerned about protecting Kale than her own safety. For her part, Kale's concern for Caulifla leads to her gaining control over her berserker Super Saiyan form.
** After two mindless berserker transformations fueled by her jealousy Kale is finally able to have a controlled transformation powered by her love for and desire to help Caulifla.
* Seeing Master Roshi and Tienshinhan work together to take out an enemy is both this and awesome. Tien checking if Roshi's too tired right after is pure hearthwarming. Do you remember the time when Tien's goal was to eliminate Roshi's school?
* After Caulifla and Kale beat the Pride Troopers, Goku lets them go because he knows they'll get stronger. Par for the course for Goku, but 17 and 18 go along with this despite being otherwise fairly pragmatic.
* When Sanka gets knocked out of the ring, Vikal flys and catches her, saving her teammate. For at first looking like a villain, she's actually rather heroic, and it's revealed and the two are in a [[TokenYuriGirls relationship]], as they embrace and hug each other. When Bikaru is eliminated by 17, Sanka attacks 17 to try and avenge Vikal.
* When [[spoiler: Universe 10 is annihilated for losing,]] it's telling how close Rumsshi and Cus were that when [[spoiler: he dies along with the rest of his Universe, Cus actually ''grieves'' for him.]] Of course she isn't blatant about the matter but coming from an ''Angel'' of all things, ''damn''.
** Gowasu [[spoiler: using his last words]] to confort and congratulate his warriors.
** That scene is more significant when you remember that Mojito doesn't particularly care for Sidra and Ro and appears to be glad [[spoiler: they're gone]].
* When Ribrianne and Rozie are about to be eliminated by Goku and 17, Jimizu appears and uses his Instant Transmission to teleport them to safety and later on is shown protecting them, acting as though a Knight protecting Maidens as Peru calls him.
* Kunshee deliberately sacrifices himself in an attempt to eliminate Hit so Dyspo can escape and recuperate.
* When it seems like [[spoiler:Hit is about to lose against Dyspo and Kunshee]], Vados actually looks worried - contrasting her usual uncaring attitude concerning the potential destruction of Universe 6.
* When Hit is being double teamed, Caulifla almost joins in to help him, but Goku shows up before she could.
* Speaking of which, Goku's rescue onto Hit opting Beerus to tell Champa to be grateful for the help, indicating Beerus still cares about Champa despite the Universe 6's attempt to defeat Universe 7. Although Champa is too proud to say "thank you" to Beerus...
* When Goku shows his ability to switch between his SSG and SSB forms to save energy and use the best of both of them, Beerus says "that's our Goku." One of the few times Beerus makes it clear he sees Goku as a friend and actually compliments him.
* When Master Roshi temporarily dies, both Goku and Krillin get entirely emotional, with Krillin trying to run back to the stage to save him despite not being allowed back in and Goku blasting off his opponent to get to Roshi. And when Roshi is revived, Goku hugs him in relief.
** There's also the fact that Roshi's action and near death actually ''impressed'' Beerus, asking Krillin for his name (there is even a genuine smile on his face).
** Even before that, when Roshi seemed about to lose against Ganos, Beerus just calmly notes that taking down two fighters was an unexpected jackpot already.
* Master Roshi's last words to his pupils shows just why they, despite being leagues stronger than him, they still consider him their master:
--> '''Roshi:''' My students! Move well!! Learn well!! Play well, eat well, and rest well!! Enjoy your lives, merrily and to the fullest! The Kame style is with you! This is the greatest, most powerful...KAMEHAMEHA!
* Ganos going all out on Roshi for taking out two of his teammates. For a universe made of ruthless pragmatists, Ganos explicitly calling out Roshi for knocking out two of his friends shows that he and his universe have just as much of a heart as the other competitors.
** Interestingly (and oddly enough), Quitela doesn't chew out his team for their losses, particularly with Ganos, averting the BadBoss attitude despite his overall {{Jerkass}} attitude (the same can't be said for Damon however ...).
* Beerus praising Tien for turning what would have been a ring-out into a TakingYouWithMe, and this is after Tien had screwed up by dropping his guard.
* In episode 107, we have a possible moment from [[TheStoic Jiren]] of all people. Maji Kayo attempts a sneak attack on Jiren and Dyspo jumps in to knock him away. Though it is very questionable that [[WorldsStrongestMan Jiren]] was in any danger at all, it appears that Jiren did appreciate his comrade for doing it. Because when Maji Kayo turns the tables on Dyspo and threatens to cut off his ears, Jiren himself goes to help him, even telling Toppo to move in a voice that is simultaneously [[TranquilFury calm but furious.]] Considering that the only other time Jiren has gotten involved so far was during Kale's rampage, it says a lot.
* Beerus ordering a senzu be prepared for Roshi. For a God of Destruction to show any concern for the life of a mortal who is of no further use to him is very rare.
* At the end of episode 107, Master Roshi has been beaten to an inch of his life and can't fight anymore. Vegeta of all people tells him to make sure to eat a senzu, and leave the rest him before walking back to the fight without a hint of his usual arrogance in his voice. Even more heartwarming is Vegeta's voice softening when he addressees roshi.
** It should be noted that the term he uses to refer to Roshi is ''Jiisan'', which means "Grampa." It carries '''much''' more respect (and more importantly affection) than what Vegeta normally uses to refer to old men, which is ''Jiji'' (analogous to "old geezer" or "miserable old fool")
* Beerus berates the "baldies" (Krillin, Tien, and Roshi) for getting eliminated, then smiles and says [[ChewOutFakeOut they did well despite that]], even telling Roshi directly that his opinion of him has improved. In fact, it was during Roshi's heroic performance which earned him that respect that Beerus even paid him enough attention to remember his name.
* After betraying Frost and knocking him out of the ring, Freeza turns to Gohan and asks him to join him and the other fighters in victory. It's a small moment that shows how Freeza, despite being the most evil son of a bitch in his universe, is starting to feel something resembling fondness for his team, even if it's only for the time being.
* Liquir's appreciation for universe 2 and Riribrianne's fighting style in particular is a nice touch. Compared to the other three gods' lack of reaction and Arat flat-out stating that it won't even matter which universes will be destroyed, it's nice to see someone showing interest in the lower-level universes.
* Jimeze acknowledging Gohan potential and offering to teach him his techniques, should they meet again. Particularly considering that, despite the stakes of the tournament, Jimeze still considers two fighters from different universes meeting again an actual possibility.
* Helles and Pell genuinely care for the Universe 2 fighters. Pell and Helles are concerned when Jimeze is badly hurt and Helles is supportive of Ribrianne's desire to use the Super Dragon Balls to become goddess of Love.
* When Goku asks to give him energy for a Spirit Bomb, ''everyone'' (except Vegeta) gives him it. ''[[ArchEnemy Even Frieza.]]''
** One can argue that Vegeta does this because of Saiyan honor, as he blasts Ribrianne when she tries to attack him during the Spirit Bomb's creation.
* He's low-key about it, but it's apparent that Beerus is genuinely upset when he temporarily believes that Goku is dead.
--> '''Beerus:''' ''[in a disbelieving, angry voice]'' Is this really... Is this really the end of you? Goku! Son Goku!
* Even both Zeno-samas were upset that Goku was "gone". And then seeing their eyes lighting up with joy when Goku came back. They truly consider Goku their friend.
* And then later, when the stage starts trembling [[spoiler: with Goku's new found power,]] Beerus shows even more how much he respects and considers Goku:
--> '''Whis:''' Beerus-sama, do you have anything to say?
--> '''Beerus:''' He's coming.
* Who is the first person to realize that Goku [[spoiler: wasn't killed by the Spirit Bomb? Krillin.]]
* When Goku rises from the rubble and starts powering up after having his own Spirit Bomb pushed back on him. Frieza says that he wouldn't expect [[VillainRespect anything less from Goku.]]
* Whis gets ''very'' excited when seeing Goku in his new form.
* Goku's first thought on how to use the Super Dragon Balls wish for is his wife and sons.
* Hit coming in to fight Jiren immediately after he takes Goku out is actually a slightly minor one, as although Hit wasn't able to catch him off guard as Jiren is a very advanced fighter (he still took Goku out as he dodged Hit's strike), it's definitely a way for him to return the favor from when Goku helped Hit take out Dyspo and Kunshee.
* Frieza HEALING GOKU. Yes, you read that right, the same galactic conqueror who would once have scoffed at the notion of needing help and gladly would have killed someone even if it wasn't in his best interest actually goes out of his way to ''help'' his hated nemesis. It's largerly PragmaticVillainy, to be sure, but it's also the ultimate proof that, deep down, Frieza [[WorthyOpponent acknowledges]] Goku in a genuine way. In Frieza's mind, it's probably also a huge chip off his shoulders considering how utterly humiliated he felt when Goku gave him some energy back on Namek.
** Also, Frieza is even "nice" enough to tell Goku about the Ultra Instinct and even entrusting him to beat Jiren with that power again. Whether this is out of genuine care or otherwise, this information alone should be Goku's best bet if he want to have a rematch against Jiren.
* Hit tells Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale that he believes in them and trusts them to survive and win. When Hit is finally eliminated, Champa says he did a good job.
** Champa even reassures Hit that, even if he lost, his work was still enough to inspire Caulifla, Cabba and Kale to keep fighting for their universe. And we immediately see that it's exactly what happened.
* Ribrianne fights Vegeta and gets overwhelmed by him, ending up smashed against a rock. Vegeta goes for the final blow, but Rozie shows up and takes her to safety. After that, Ribrianne starts to lose hope in their survival. Then, Rozie proceeds to [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan slap her]] and gives her an over the top love speech that cheers Ribrianne up, both Heles and Pell are moved by this. It is indeed sweet how Rozie cares for her teammate in such a dire situation for U2.
* Vegeta saving Cabba from being nearly eliminated in Episode 112. He chides Cabba for nearly losing, but then asks if he forgot his promise to Vegeta way back during the Champa Saga. That is, to take him to Planet Sadal one day. When Cabba says that would be impossible given what happens to the losing universes in the Tournament of Power, Vegeta then reveals that his wish for the Super Dragon Balls is to resurrect Universe 6 (Or at the very least use it to resurrect the U6 Saiyans). Meaning that way, Cabba will be able to keep his promise. Vegeta has truly come a long way.
** Even better. When Goku talks to him later, [[spoiler:after Cabba is eliminated by Frieza]], Vegeta says that it doesn't matter so long as he wins. He even has this to say as well:
--->'''Vegeta:''' Saiyans will live on!
** It's also touching to see Vegeta be one of the first fighters to say they are going to make an unselfish wish.
** Cabba says he's going to do the same for U7.
* Episode 113, whilst mainly [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome awesome]], does have several heartwarming moments within it:
** Just as Vegeta took Cabba under his wing (in his own way), Goku gladly decides to spar with Caulifla and later Kale to intentionally make them stronger, specifically helping them reach Super Saiyan 3. As Caulifla is very similar to Goku due to being something of a DistaffCounterpart, especially when it's noted how adaptable they are when it comes to fighting, so the mentor-student dynamic Goku fosters with her (and then Kale) may be due to how adaptable they all are, as they're fighters of similar caliber and spirit (if not power and skill yet).
** During Caulifla's sparring with Goku, the episode cuts to Kale for a brief moment, and in stark contrast to earlier in the tournament, where Kale was fretting on the sidelines, Kale is just seen smiling, remarking on how much fun Caulifla is having.
** During his sparring with Caulifla, Goku notes that when he told her she would have to master the Super Saiyan 2 form before even trying for 3, he wasn't expecting her to be as powerful as she already is, and that she may ascend even beyond 3. He then asks Kale if she wants to join in (again, in contrast to earlier where he asked her not to bother him during his fight with Caulifla). When Caulifla echoes the invitation, saying that they should become Super Saiyan 3 together [[spoiler: [[FusionDance which may end up being]] {{Foreshadowing}}]], Kale jumps at the opportunity without hesitation, and the two show an incredible amount of synergy whilst fighting Goku. This is especially heartwarming growth for Kale, who started out the tournament hesitant and terrified of failure; learning to control her power and knowing that she can stand alongside Caulifla has done wonders for her self-confidence.
* Episode 114 is this for the two Saiyan girls:
** Kale had just transformed into Super Saiyan Berserk and instead of being afraid of it, she comes up to her and tells her how awesome it is that she can get to this kind of form. In fact, when Caulifla is being crushed by Kale knowing that the power is making her unable to recognize her, she shows nothing but admiration on Kale's strength. These words of encouragement and praise allowed Kale to focus enough, driving her to tears, and she is able to overcome these setbacks and she is able to control her berserk state and use its power while retaining her sanity.
** The two also spend much of the episode holding hands.
** Caulifla's encouragement of Kale has her rebuke Kale's promise to follow her, because they're doing this ''together'' now. [[spoiler: Their fusion using the Potara earrings comes from the same sentiment, and Kefla seems just ecstatic to exist.]]
* In Episode 117:
** Krillin does it ''again'' when trying to leap back into the ring (even after [[DeaderThanDead witnessing what happens to people]] [[CessationOfExistence who violate the rules from the bench]]) and being forced back by the Supreme Kai and Tien as Android #18 is helpless before a gigantic Ribrianne. [[spoiler:This, in turn, gives #18 the strength to come back and ''flatten'' Ribrianne! The power of love was indeed on #18's side.]]
*** Just the fact that both 17 and 18- two cyborgs designed ''specifically'' to kill Goku in the past- came to Goku's defense when he needed them most, shows how much a positive effect both Krillin and Goku have had on both of them.
** Sanka and Su going to comfort Brianne after she's eliminated and even Heles tells her she fought well. What makes this scene conforting is the fact Brianne, in her way, starts to appreciate other types of love after being defeated by Android 18, and that despite losing her ace, Heles shows nothing but appreciation for the maiden. You would expect her to be angry, dissapointed, or anything else, but she is calm. Makes you see she truly is a lovely goddess.
* In Episode 118:
** When Universe 2 is erased, they bid farewell and all go out with smiles on their faces making the Heart symbol as they do.
*** The two drag queens Ribrianne confronted are also shown alive, meaning that she didn't kill them as it was thought. Adding on to that, they seem to have come to respect her and her teammates, as they are shown cheering them on.
*** The way the team as a whole face death with dignity. Helles also continues to praise them for how well they did.
*** It says a lot about Heles and Pell's abilities as God of Destruction and Supreme Kai that the people of Universe 2 know about the tournament and did not go into hysteria like what happened with Universe 9. The civilians even faced erasure gracefully just like their warriors.
** During Gohan and Piccolo's fight with Saonel and Pirina:
*** This time around, Gohan is protecting Piccolo from a powerful attack and encouraging him.
*** While Piccolo is briefly knocked out, he sees Kami and Nail in his inner world, silently encouraging him to fight. While they might not be as numerous as the Namekians that Saonel and Pirina absorbed, they are still a part of him and a part of his strength.
** Universe 6 erasure, despite being erased from existence, the members decide to face it with dignity.
*** Caulifla and Kale praising Saonel and Pirina, with Kale even helping one of them with their wounds. Of course, Caulifla then turns Super Saiyan trying to beat them for losing, but is shown as more playful than actual threatening. Kale holds onto Caulifla's hand as this is happening, and both have smiles on their faces right up until the end.
*** Cabba's last act before being erased is wishing Vegeta luck.
*** Even Beerus and Champa get a moment, with Beerus trying to remain composed and not look at Champa so as not to see him die. Champa...instead adopts a mocking gesture after remaining composed and dignified, just to playfully tease his brother one final time.
*** Vados giving Champa a bow as he's erased. Particularly touching considering how much she liked teasing him.
*** Though it's played for comedy, Vados joining her brother is sweet since all the other angels that lose their universe just sit alone.
** Zirloin tells Goku, 17, and 18 that he considers them worthy opponents, praising them for their skill, while Saonel gives his respect to Piccolo and even congratulates him as he is defeated.
** The erasure of Cabba and Universe 6 clearly worsens Vegeta's mood, again showing that he actually liked Cabba despite his bluster, telling Katopesla that he is going to take it out on him.
* Episode 120:
** Ever since the Cell Saga and Goku's massive blunder in misreading what type of fighter Gohan is, fans have erroneously said he was a terrible parent. Come this episode where Goku (with a little help from Vegeta) double punch the combined robots Gohan is having issues with. First, Goku apologizes for butting into a fight that Gohan was giving his all in, second, he praises him for giving him time to rest, and third, he explains that anyone that hurts one of his kids is going to get their ass kicked, just like how it's always been since we first got introduced to Gohan on Kame Island and Raditz kidnapped him.
---> '''Goku:''' I ain't about to let them hit you and get away from it.
* Episode 121:
** The Android twins and Krillin have a good chain of this going.
*** First Anilaza threatens to swallow 18, to which Krillin utterly panics, before Goku saves her and Krillin has his most relieved "crisis averted" moment since he and others thought Goku's Spirit Bomb had killed Frieza on Namek. Afterward, the normally cool and taciturn 17 expresses concern for his sister.
*** Then as Anilaza gradually overpowers 17's barrier and knocks him back over the edge, 18 saves him from falling out of the ring and takes the ring out instead, even blatantly giving him a "sappy" it's-up-to-you speech before double-booting him back up. And the reason she gives that sappy speech? Not because its needed, just because she knows he likes that kind of thing.
*** Krillin, while reaffirming the above sentiment in a shout to 17, calls him ''brother''. This all drives 17's motivation to take the charge in the group's defeat of Anilaza despite being the weakest out of the five U7 warriors left on the field.
** Being Frieza, he's able to make it a small one with why and how he does it, but right before Goku was thrown out of the ring, Frieza literally kicked him back into the ring. He even obliges Goku's request to join the fight.
** [[spoiler:[[UnroboticReveal Mule peeks out from inside his mech-suit]]]] Mosco [[spoiler:and]] thanks Kampari for his support before he's erased.
** In fact, the entire Universe 3, despite acting antagonistic and smug throughout the tournament, took their defeats really well, in contrast to Quitela and the Universe 9 team.
* Episode 123:
** After having been quiet ever since Universe 6's erasure, Vados answers Macarita's question of why she was sitting with Universe 7 even before the Grand Priest grouped all the remaining people on the benches together by saying that being with Universe 7 is like being with family.
** Goku not only using Krillin's Kienzan, but also using the version that Krillin used on him during their sparring match before the tournament. You can clearly see Krillin's pride in that his technique managed to almost eliminate Jiren, TheJuggernaut of the tournament.
** The reason Vegeta [[spoiler: ascends to a new transformation? He is hell bent on keeping his promise to Cabba, an end he is willing to work with Goku to achieve by beating Jiren. '''Both from his own free will.''' This transformation is basically Vegeta's ''entire character arc'' summed up in one form: how he's gone from being a monster to a selfless person.]]
* Episode 125
** Beerus congratulating Gohan while using his name for his performance in the tournament, especially while the team looks on proudly. Same goes for Goku who smiles as he looks at Team Universe 7 in the stands while Beerus compliments Gohan.
** While the ascension for Toppo is a sad moment, caused by him reaching the breaking point, it seems to be something that Belmond had been expecting for a while, and is proud of his student.
* Episode 126
** When Toppo explains to Vegeta that he has set aside every "unnecessary" things so he could ensure the survival of his Universe by becoming a God of Destruction, Vegeta then throws back his own retort, by basically fighting for everything that is necessary, which to him is not only the survival of his Universe, but the survival of Bulma, Trunks and Bulla and keeping his promise to Cabba. It was this motive that gave Vegeta the much needed edge he needed to deliver a beat down on the newly ascended Toppo into his elimination.
*** Not only did he defeat Toppo, but he used the very move he used in his first attempt to protect his loved ones, "Final Explosion", a move that literally killed him last time, only this time, he survives, counting as Moment of Awesome as well.
*** Another proof of Vegeta's development: after he uses that attack, everyone from Universe 7 is concerned about his safety, and glad when he turns out to be alive. Compare to the last time he used that attack, when his sacrificed was respected, but only Trunks and Bulma were really sad for his death.
** Jiren sincerely praising Team Universe 7 for beating Toppo and getting so strong and lasting so long without losing who they are for power.
*** And on that note it’s minor, but during Jiren’s scolding of Toppo, Goku rebuffs Jiren’s comments to his teammates and tells him off. He gets kicked out of Blue for it, but it’s always enjoyable seeing Goku’s kindness and good nature even with people who are his opponents.
* In Episode 127, Android 17's HeroicSacrifice via detonating his energy barrier to protect Goku and Vegeta from Jiren's attack. Despite his aloof behavior, he really ''does'' care about Universe 7.
--> '''Android 17:''' Hey, Son Goku, Vegeta. I gave up on the cruise ship... You guys can thank me later. ''[looks at Jiren's attack]'' Doing something so human... It's actually kind of nice.
* Episode 128
** Vegeta's refusal to give up and quit despite being so tired that he's not even being able to transform into Super Saiyan is amazing. Even broken, exhausted and without sight in one eye he won't stay down as he knows he has to fulfil his promise to Cabba and save his family and universe.
*** And not only he tells Jiren that he wouldn't understands what's like fighting for others, he proves once again that he's gone beyond his selfish self by saying that the important thing it's Universe 7's victory, even if he loses, giving Goku his energy to have him get back up. Just to make it clear: ''Vegeta'' is not fighting for his own sake, but for others as well, even accepting defeat for that.
** Goku similarly won't stop fighting as he knows everyone on his team, his family and his universe needs him to win and keep going. Indeed it is that belief in the trust of his friends and teammates (even Frieza) and them counting on him that finally pushes him to attain Ultra Instinct once more.
*** On a related note to Ultra Instinct, Vegeta's smile of pride in Goku is great to see. For all his harsh moments Vegeta's happiness and trust in Goku's capabilities is proven here. He knew Goku wouldn't go down without a challenge and is clearly proud of his friend and rival.
*** Beerus in turn is clearly quite proud and happy that he once more activated Ultra Instinct and looks forward to watching Goku show what he can do.
** Roshi's sheer sadness at watching his pupil and surrogate son receive Jiren's beating is both heartwarming and tearjerking as he can't bear to see Goku suffer.
** Whis expresses relief that Vegeta manages to recover from his beatdown as well as pride at Goku reattaining Ultra Instinct. Compared to the other angels, at least, it appears Whis genuinely cares for his Universe.
* Episode 129
** When Vegeta is talking about how the Saiyans moved past their limits during the tournament of power he's not talking just about Goku and himself, but of Cabba, Caulifla and Kale as well.
*** Even more, Vegeta says he put his pride, his faith, everything in Goku so he can't lose. And he unlike everyone else of the team never falters in his belief in Goku.
** Beerus during the entire Tournament of Power, as he's growing more fond of all of the U7 team (Not just Goku). Back in the beginning, he couldn't even be bothered to remember Goku's name, much less everyone else. But now he's calling everyone by their names and and praising them.
** You can hear the pride that both Beerus and Whis has for Goku for finally mastering Ultra Instinct
--->'''Beerus:''' Whis.\\
'''Whis:''' Yes?\\
'''Beerus:''' Goku's finally reached it, hasn't he?\\
'''Whis:''' Yes.\\
'''Beerus:''' Honestly....what an unbelievable guy!
** When it seemed like Goku, even in Ultra Instinct, is about to fall and lose the tournament, everyone is on the edge of their seats telling him to flee the corner Jiren put him in. Everyone except Beerus, who tells them all to shut up and watch. [[spoiler: Sure enough, Goku masters Ultra Instinct and lands a punch on Jiren so hard it stuns him.]]
* Episode 130
** After mastered Ultra Instinct Goku and full-powered Jiren were locked in a stalemate, Jiren reasons to himself that [[ThePowerOfFriendship Goku's friendship with the Z-Fighters]] is meaningless and tries to take a potshot at them. Cue an [[UnstoppableRage rage-filled Ultra Instinct Goku so strong,]] ''[[CurbStompBattle even a fully-powered Jiren ultimately lost to him!]]''
--->'''Jiren:''' The power you believe in is easily erased. ''Just like that!'' ''[throws an attack at the part of the stands where Universe 7 is sitting]''\\
'''Goku:''' ''[after flying to the stands and deflecting the attack, [[RageBreakingPoint barely even keeping his rage in check]]]'' [[TranquilFury I don't think I'm a hero of justice or anything]]. [[BerserkButton But those who'd hurt my friends]]... '''''[[UnstoppableRage I won't forgive!!]]'''''
** After everything, it ends with Jiren taking a rage-fueled Kamehameha beam to his body, forcing him back into his normal form. That's the power of a little monkey alien boy, a bald martial artist boy, and their perverted turtle master's friendship over 30 years in the making, including old enemies!
** The fact that it was ''Vegeta'' who screamed to Goku "beat (Jiren) for us!"
** Everyone's faith in Goku is bound to put smiles on the faces of long time Dragon Ball fans. We see flashbacks of the original series & Z in an nostalgic montage of images, taking us back to moments like Goku and Krillin's training under Master Roshi, Goku's first fight with Piccolo in the World Tournament, Goku introducing Gohan to his friends, his first battle with Vegeta, and so on. It's been a long and incredible journey up to this point in Super.
** Even Beerus acknowledges his faith in Goku, someone he normally treats like a idiot, and now has his full respect.
** Even after going through a beat-down the likes of which he never expected, even when Belmond is yelling at him to finish off Goku, Jiren can't help but respect the same opponent he previously wrote off as being not worth his time. He even honors him by calling him "a proud warrior". While he does try to eliminate Goku, he does express that he wished this showdown wouldn't end like this: the one opponent capable of besting him being paralyzed and practically defenseless.
** Goku being saved from being knocked off by ''Frieza''. And then, everyone's reaction when [[spoiler:Android 17 reveals he ''survived his own earlier attempted HeroicSacrifice via detonation of his own energy barrier'']].
* Episode 131
** [[spoiler: With Android 17 being the last man standing of the tournament, he earned a wish on the super dragon balls. What does he wish for exactly? All the universes that were erased to return.]]
*** When said wish happens, everyone looks panicked, including the gods from the [[spoiler:supposedly]] spared universes. [[spoiler:However, Goku and Vegeta are both smiling. This especially goes for Vegeta, which meant that Vegeta was able to uphold his promise to Cabba]].
*** [[spoiler: All the other Universes look happy and grateful. Special mention to Gowasu, who likely had his faith in mortals validated.]]
** In the note of 17 [[spoiler: there's the suspicion he has that the reason he used his wish for the other universes was due to Goku's influence on him, something 18 then warmly teases Goku about. It's this moment more than any that cements the OddFriendship Goku formed with 17 over this arc -- from their meeting, to their discussion over their lives' philosophy, to how time and time again they joined together throughout the battle royale, to 17 nearly sacrificing himself for Goku and Vegeta, ultimately to the two of them banding together amongst the last three standing. In one arc, Goku and 17 went from being total strangers with seemingly no common grounds to being true friends and comrades.]]
** [[spoiler: Once everything is over, we see 17 talking to the others on Bulma's boat from the start of Super. To say he earned that boat is an understatement.]]
** Frieza and Goku [[spoiler: teaming up, which takes ''everyone'' seeing it aback. Frieza, realizing that with as little time left as-is and Jiren being too powerful, decides that just winning/securing Universe 7's survival is more pressing than securing the Super Dragon Ball wish. After reminding Goku of their deal, Frieza and Goku battle ''excellently'' in sync and ring out Jiren by sacrificing themselves.]]
--->'''Frieza''': Goku! Do you remember your promise?\\
'''Goku''': As long as you don't break yours, I won't break mine. You of all people should know that.\\
'''Frieza''': Your naive nature sickens me,... but right now, I'm grateful for it.
** [[spoiler: When Whis brings Frieza back to life, the first thing Frieza says is that he might just go back to his evil ways, which Goku remarks that if he does, he will just stop him again. With reaffirmation of their rivalry, Frieza builds his army back up and looks forward to the day when he can best his arch-nemesis.]]
*** [[spoiler: Freeza ''fully'' expected to be sent back to Hell the moment he outlived his use in saving Universe 7, ''bitterly'' quipping that one such as him has no place in a warm and happy ending... only to be pleasantly ''shocked'' when Universe Seven actually ''rewarded'' him with life for honoring ''his'' word. This affirmation of decency visibly ''shattered'' his cynical world-view that everyone is fundamentally selfish as he is; enough that his body language (along with a nervous sweatdrop) indicated relief rather than defensive disgust when last shown kindness on Namek and Earth. Ryusei Nakao's delivery of "I just might go back to my evil ways" in particular glowed with the ''warm'' sarcasm he once reserved for trusted henchmen like Zarbon, Dodoria and Ginyu, rather than the ''venomous'' sarcasm for enemies; the flick of his tail like a happy cat at Goku challenging him all but reaffirming his growing fondness (or respect) for his enemies. Freeza may deny it, but being shown ''this'' much honor and kindness is enough to change even a monster like him, however subtly.]]
** [[spoiler: When Jiren was on his knees, about to be finished by Frieza, Toppo ended up giving him a pep talk, reminding him that even if Jiren doesn't have any friends, he believes in his strength.]]
*** [[spoiler: After the tournament, as the Pride Troopers stand in their restored universe, Toppo and Jiren have a talk that, perhaps now, Jiren can start to form connections with people again.]]
** [[spoiler:The Omni Kings aren't actually evil: the entire thing was a SecretTestOfCharacter and they knew from the get go that they would wish back the other universes and fully expected it. Had anything ''else'' happened, they would've been so enraged they'd have wiped out everything.]]
** [[spoiler: In a nutshell, the Tournament of Power takes the philosophy that Zamasu spent an entire arc bashing everyone who would listen over the head with and beats it to death with just how ''wrong'' it is! A mortal is presented with the ultimate tool for selfishness and in the end, placed others over himself.]]
*** [[spoiler: Even more so considering who got the wish and how he used it, Android 17. This was a man who at one point in time wanted to kill just for the sport of it, in another timeline, almost caused the genocide of the human race, and while he mellowed out immensely, he did not have any need for a wish but to get a boat for his family and travel the world. He uses the Super Dragon Balls to bring back all of the fallen universes, probably the most selfless wish anyone at that stage could make.]]
** [[spoiler: Caulifla inviting Cabba to come train with her and Kale to reach Super Saiyan 3, a testament to how close they became during the tournament. ]]
*** [[spoiler: The first thing Caulifla did after being restored was run to Kale and hug her.]]
*** [[spoiler:Kale looks so happy and relaxed among friends, a far cry from the timid, isolated and perpetually stressed young Saiyan we were introduced to near the beginning of the arc.]]
** [[spoiler: Gowasu smiling, having his faith restored in mortals.]]
** [[spoiler: Bergamo is seen with his arms around his brothers after Universe 9 is restored.]]
** [[spoiler: Just before they return home, both Zeno-samas beg Goku to come visit him again, which he promises with a fist dab.]]
** [[spoiler: Everyone back home at U7's reactions when the team arrives:]]
*** [[spoiler: Bulma rushing to hug Vegeta]]
*** [[spoiler: Trunks, Goten, and Marron catching several poachers and 17 checking upon the rare animal. Also, 17 does get his own wish granted after all, as he is last seen on a huge cruise liner, presumably traveling around the world with his family. And it looks like Bulma had a hand in it.]]
*** [[spoiler: A worn out Satan and a sleeping Buu in bed together, and Pan playing with Piccolo's antennae]]
*** [[spoiler: Roshi hanging with Korin and Yajarobi, while Tien and Chaozu assiting with the rebuliding of their town. Even Yurin is helping out.]]
*** [[spoiler: Chichi getting mad at Goku... par for the course. Then again, seeing him the state he was in probably had her [[AngerBornOfWorry worried too]].]]
** [[spoiler: Goku and Vegeta's final stand-off against each other in the closing moments of the episode, in the exact position and location they originally fought in Dragon Ball Z.]]
** [[spoiler: Tights showing up to Bra's party. It's the first time since the Jaco manga we've seen her spend time with her family in person.]]
** The final shot and the final speech ends up being a real heartwarming moment. Saying that no matter what happens, even though they may be gone from our screens for the moment, their adventures will continue. One day, they will be back to make us pump the air in excitement in some way or form, be it video games, anime, or even a movie.


* As it turns out, Goku actually has a life outside martial arts. He not only enjoys his job as a farmer, but appears to be a regular seller at a local farmers market where he even has a bunch of regular acquaintances. It's a nice little touch to see Goku actually taking the time to live a normal life as well as practicing martial arts.
* The way everyone drops everything to help a pregnant Bulma is really nice. Vegeta turns down a chance to train with Whis and Beerus so he can be Bulma's side when it happens, the Pilaf gang is standing by her side and at the ready should she give birth, and Goten and Trunks are seen bringing her food and waiting on her. When Whis stop by to pick up Goku for training, he even pauses to give Vegeta sincere congratulations.
** Remember how Vegeta was indifferent to Bulma, especially after Present Trunks was born? Chances were, he wasn't even there by Bulma's side when she gave birth to Trunks (and in the English dub of Episode 17, Bulma even ''said'' Vegeta didn't bother to show up). Now, he genuinely wants to be by Bulma's side when she gives birth a second time. This cements Vegeta's role a family man even more. The man who didn't give a crap about "that blasted woman and her child" is no more.
* Goku and Goten also have a moment together as they sneak out of the house while Chi-Chi is giving a rant.
** Goku and Goten having a little bonding moment when buying snacks for Beerus, especially with Goku being impressed with his son's set up. The little smile Goten gives his dad sells it.
** Actually, just the fact Goku is wanting to spend some time with his son while with Whis and Beerus is kind of sweet, since the two aren't always around and how much Goten wishes to be like his dad.
* Universes 1, 5, 8 and 12's high Mortal Levels mean that they won't be entering the tournament. This at least means all those innocent people are safe.
* After Gohan expresses reservations about joining the Tournament of Power to Goku, Videl encourages her husband to join his father in the preliminary match.
** Pan playing with Mr. Satan, Buu, and Bee.
* When Goku casually greets Zen'o and Future Zen'o he is seen as disrespectful by the other participants and embarrasses his universe. But Grand Priest says that it is thanks to Goku this event is happening, since he convinced Zen'o to have the tournament. Goku then speaks up saying that he heard that there were a lot of strong guys in other universes, that's why he wanted this event to happen and fight as many of them as he could.
* What ticks Buu off enough to get dangerous? [[spoiler:Mr. Satan getting hurt.]]
** Buu's first reaction actually isn't getting dangerous. His first thought is to drop everything and go to take care of him. It's only after Satan tells him to focus on the match before he passed out, but is otherwise fine. Thanks to this, Buu gives his opponent a thrashing for his friend.
** Following Buu's victory over Basil, Buu immediately heals Mr. Satan, who congratulates him on his victory, while giving him a hug. Mr. Satan and Majin Buu are indeed the best of friends.
** The Supreme Kai and Beerus also share a brief hug after Buu's match.
* After Gohan gets a draw against Lavenda, Goku immediately gives him a Senzu Bean and tells him how good he did.
* The Angels of the universes that get erased will be allowed to live. Seems the Grand Priest pulled some strings for his kids. Granted, they will probably go into stasis or slumber with no God to attend, but some would argue that is better than being erased.
* Say what you will about

9, but, as seen in Episode 81, [[TrueCompanions they really do care about each-other, as they panic when Bergamo is beaten badly by Goku.]]
** Speaking of Bergamo, jerk as he is, [[JerkWithAHeartOfGold he was sincere when he pleaded with the Zenos in getting rid of the whole 'blow up the universes' thing altogether should he win.]] Naturally, [[InnocentlyInsensitive Goku ignored this due to wanting a good fight]] (and the fact that throwing a match would anger Zeno and get ALL of the universes erased) and Bergamo [[WhatTheHellHero was PISSED.]]
** Despite some truth in Bergamo's words about Goku's selfishness dragging almost every universe into danger of being erased, and even his own misgivings toward Goku, ''BEERUS'' is seen actually stamping his foot and cracking the ground in anger over Goku being insulted and made out to be the bad guy. The God of Destruction truly does care for those he considers his friends.
* Goku shows a lot of faith in Gohan during the Exhibition Match. When the Grand Priest announces the match will be a battle royale, Whis comments that Goku isn't the best at teamwork, but Goku brushes off Whis' comment. Because Gohan will be there, and he trusts Gohan to pick up the slack if Goku can't handle it.
* Vegeta meeting baby Bra for the first time. Despite keeping his distance at first, you can tell that he's actually struggling to maintain his composure through his conflicting emotions, torn between being a WellDoneSonGuy and DotingParent before actually ''holding'' her. Compare that to how he regarded baby Trunks way before, and how long it took him to actually hug his son.
** We also see his PapaWolf streak act up as well, as he was irritated-yet-tolerant of the gang's antics around Bulma and baby Bra, when Mr. Satan accidentally makes Bra cry, Vegeta, [[TranquilFury without changing facial expression and remaining completely silent]], goes [=SSJB=] as a nonverbal warning towards Mr. Satan (and later Yamcha) that if he should make Bra cry again, ''he most certainly will regret it.'' Goku simply asks [[ComicallyMissingThePoint if there's an enemy around]].
** The fact that he really wanted to give Bra a Saiyan name.
* Bulla taking an automatic liking to her big brother, Trunks.
** And Trunks taking an automatic liking to Bulla, despite wanting a brother. In fact, he even asks to hold her, and tries to change her diaper himself.
*** And then there's Vegeta. First meeting her aside aside, when Trunks realizes he doesn't know how to apply the diaper on Bulla, he calls for Vegeta, who swoops in and puts it on her himself with no difficulty. Bulla starts giggling, Trunks and Goten praise how competent Vegeta was at handling the situation, then Trunks picks up Bulla and talks to her.
* Android 18 coming to Krillin's rescue, kicking Goku's hands and knocking the Kamehameha into the sky. When 18 points out that the tournament isn't a battle to the death, but a battle royale with rules, she's ready to slug it out against Goku with Krillin by her side.
** Before she gets ready to throw down, the first thing she does after knocking Goku's Kamehameha away is to check on Krillin.
* After seeing Android 18 come to Krillin's rescue, Goku admits that he underestimated the value of teamwork and told Krillin that he truly is his best friend and is counting on the both of them for the Tournament of Power.
** Krillin remembering the first time he and Goku fought in the second World's Martial Arts Tournament they entered way back when they were kids. Before their match, the two bump fists. Fast forward to the present Krillin and Goku, who also remembers that day, bumps fists again before their sparring match. These two truly are the [[HeterosexualLifePartner best of friends]].
* When the other Gods of Destruction are complaining about Goku, Vados steps in to remind them that his intervention gave their universes a shot at continued existence. Granted, she doesn't have to suffer the consequences, but it's still nice that, even though they're from different universes, she'd stick up for him.
* First we see of Kahseral is him comforting Toppo and trying to cheer him up.
* Even if he was smug about it, seeing Champa comforting his Supreme Kai that they will make it is really touching.
* Let's keep talking about Champa, when the other gods ask him why he didn't also call Beerus, he seem stressed, and he isn't the one answering that question. It seems like, despite their rivalry, he doesn't like [[HypocriticalHeartwarming others mistreating him]]. FridgeBrilliance kicks him when you remember that he only called them to know about the Kai's reunion, and to ask them if they planned to cheat: he didn't leave him out on purpose, he realized that the Kais let Universe 7 out and checked to be sure they weren't acting behind his back.
* Khai is also a subtle one. First, we see his absolute faith in his fighters. Unlike the others, he doesn't even need to brag, he just ''knows'' how strong they are. This makes even sweeter how he tries to get the other universes to join him in a plea to Zen-O to spare all the others. From his point of view, his universe will survive either way, he's just trying to help the others too.
* Android 17 has generally abandoned his rebellious lifestyle and goal to kill Goku, settling down as a park ranger on an island and is much more mature and rational, even as far as to not kill the poachers that invade the island, unlike his future counterpart, who spent his life killing innocents at will. He also has a wife and family, showing photos of them on his phone to Goku, who he appears to get along with rather well.
** It could be said that Android 16's love for nature has rubbed off 17 enough for him to now have a job as a park ranger.
** It's also heartwarming to see he made the most of his second chance at life. Which makes a nice contrast to how Freeza handled his revival.
** While it IS par the course for Goku, it's still really nice seeing Goku actively interested in learning about 17's current life and his family and chatting with him like a familiar friend, despite them having only just met and knowing that 17 was originally created to kill him.
** In the Manga, 17 was more than willing to stay out of the tournament, until Goku mentioned that Krillin was going to fight as well. 17 then remembers speaking to 18 after Krillin wished to have the bombs removed, she explained that it was Krillin who basically gave them a second chance in life. 17 decides to enter the tournament to repay Krillin for his kindness.
* Android 17 wanting to use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for a cruise ship so he and his family can travel the world.
* Even though Goku admits that he is a BloodKnight with no desire to be a hero, he also can't stand by and let innocent people get hurt in front of him.
* The shot of Vegeta looking at his newborn daughter after she had her diaper changed. His face is one of pride. Remember how he was once a vicious, cold-blooded killer who would've killed anyone without a second thought?
* Piccolo retraining Gohan and telling him to put aside his concern in order to unlock his true potential.
* Cabba's relationship with his mentor Renso. Renso was even so excited Cabba came to visit that he forgot about his injured leg.
* The end of the Goku and Gohan fight has [[spoiler:Goku catching Gohan as his drained body drops to the ground. Both Goku and Gohan are so proud of what had happened - for once, Gohan could match his father and fought to his greatest potential. For a brief moment, they were ''equal''.]]
* Goku is starting to re-learn maturity after gathering fighters for the Tournament of Power. He has one clear choice in mind for the leader of the Universe 7 team: [[spoiler: it's Gohan.]]
* Kazheral taking the time to save a child's cat that was stuck high up close to some electrical wires, refusing a ''direct order'' from Toppo to continue recruiting warriors for the Tournament of Power to do so. When Toppo saw that the General did so to save a frightened kitten from being electrocuted, the giant warrior warmly smiled and petted the heads of the two children who owned said kitten.
* Caulifa refusing to join the tournament unless Kale joins, making it clear that the two are close. She's even ecstatic when Kale [[spoiler:unlocks the Super Saiyan Berserker form (basically Broly's Legendary Super Saiyan form but with Super Saiyan 2's lightning), though it understandably switches to urgency when things get out of hand.]]
** Speaking of, when she notices [[spoiler: Cabba could be killed by one of Kale's blasts]], she steps in to save him.
** Additionally, Kale [[spoiler: doesn't attack Caulifla at all during her rampage, even when she's right in front of her. When Kale gets pacified, Caulifla grabs her and Kale is shown smiling (as opposed to nervous)]]
* Once it appears that Piccolo and 17 are ready to resume their fight from the Cell saga, they proceed to bury the hatchet instead by giving each other a handshake, with Piccolo being glad to have 17 as a participant for the tournament.
* A small one, but when Goku and Frieza meet each other, they take turns punching each other in the gut and then have a chuckle about it. As much as they despise each other, it's clear there is some sense of mutual respect.
* While waiting for Frieza at Baba's Goku re-enacts his fight against Grandpa Gohan. He still thinks of him years later.
* When Master Roshi makes his final preparations at Korin's tower, he admits he came to train there because he wanted to remember his early days training under Korin. Korin tells Roshi to give it his best shot.
* When Krillin and 18 go to meet up with 17, things are, understandably, rather awkward at first. However, the awkwardness dies down a bit when the conversation shifts to Goten and Trunks, with Krillin and 17 sharing a brief but noticeable bonding moment. In particular, the pleasantly surprised look on 18's face really sells the scene.
** Also worth noting is that 17 comments that his niece has gotten bigger, indicating he's stopped by at least once between his departure at the end of the Cell Saga and ''Super''.
* When the Tournament of Power is about to begin, we see that, miraculously, Universe 9 actually managed to get some other members besides the one we've seen. Not bad for a [[CrapsackWorld universe of its caliber.]]
* Gowasu seeing the eliminated Riribeu who feels as though she's let her universe down encourages her to not give up hope and to encourage and cheer on Universe 10.
** Speaking of Riribeu and her defeat, it's not that much of a relief, but it's at least nice to know that the Zen-Oh's and/or the Grand Priest were considerate enough to teleport defeated fighters into the audience stands instead of simply letting them fall into the abyss.
* A small one, but Frieza explicitly calls Goku "Goku-''San''" when observing his fight with the Trio de Dangers. Bear in mind that Frieza is out of anyone's earshot, and thus has no obligation whatsoever to be respectful or [[FauxAffablyEvil "polite"]] to Goku. Even if he hates Goku's guts and is undoubtedly planning to betray/kill him in the future, Frieza has a mediocum of genuine respect for his hated nemesis.
* Despite their action of erasing an entire universe, it's actually really nice to see both Zen-Oh's genuinely saddened and distraught over the thought Goku, their friend, and his friends might lose.
** Speaking of caring, we get an understated one from Liquur: when the others are still processing that Universe 9 was erased, we see him from behind - his fist is clenched, muscles tense. He's proud of his own Universe's mortal level, even smug about it, but he still feels for the loss of a lesser Universe's fate.
** Also, surprisingly, [[JerkassGod Beerus]] gives us one. His first reaction to Sidra and the others' erasure is asking Whis to check the fate of the rest of Universe 9. Seeing him care about the fate of his opponents is even more surprising since they were trying to take on Goku and Vegeta and cripple Universe 7. One'd expect him to be smug or cold about it, instead of concerned.
* The barrier. After seeing Goku blatantly ignoring Gohan's strategy in the last episode, it's nice to see that they worked together on something. Also, despite his rivalry attitude, Vegeta coming in to help out Goku, and he payed enough attention to adopt the barrier himself.
* [[OddCouple Botamo's and Auta Magetta's]] friendship is still strong in episode 99, Auta saved Botama from getting thrown of the edge, while Botama covered Auta's ears to keep him from hearing Vegeta's insults.
* When Shosha of Universe 4 is knocked out, it's Nink ([[MemeticMolester of all people]]) comforting him. Likewise, the wolf warrior does the same when Majora gets knocked off. It helps that both warriors were [[TenderTears sobbing]] after getting ringed out, likely because of [[KillEmAll what failure means.]]
* Anat opening his speech by remembering that Goku is the only reason one of the [[spoiler: now seven]] lower-level universes will survive. Considering that he's getting a lot of hatred, being seen as the reason they risk elimination, it is nice having a character openly remember it's the other way round.
* Caulifla rescues Kale from Napapa and Mechiopu as the two ganged up on her, beating one back and knocking the other off the stage before rushing to check on her protege, resulting in a tender moment between in the two women as Caulifla reaffirms her belief in Kale. [[LesYay She even touches her face quite gently, too.]] And later on, [[spoiler: when Kale transforms again, nearly killing everyone before getting knocked out by Jiren]], Caulifla is once again there to catch her, and even ties her hair up for her.
* Hit saved Caulifla by using his time stop ability.
** In general, Caulifla and Hit seem to have at least an amiable relationship. After been saved, she thanks him sincerely, afterwards they are seen discussing Kale together, and work together to retrieve her and escape the Pride Troopers. It's a really nice teamwork, at the very least. Cemented in episode 104, when she is shown concerned for Hit's well being during the tournament, but also extremely confident in it's fighting capability.
* In Episode 101 Caulifla goes one on four with four Pride Troopers and is still more concerned about protecting Kale than her own safety. For her part, Kale's concern for Caulifla leads to her gaining control over her berserker Super Saiyan form.
** After two mindless berserker transformations fueled by her jealousy Kale is finally able to have a controlled transformation powered by her love for and desire to help Caulifla.
* Seeing Master Roshi and Tienshinhan work together to take out an enemy is both this and awesome. Tien checking if Roshi's too tired right after is pure hearthwarming. Do you remember the time when Tien's goal was to eliminate Roshi's school?
* After Caulifla and Kale beat the Pride Troopers, Goku lets them go because he knows they'll get stronger. Par for the course for Goku, but 17 and 18 go along with this despite being otherwise fairly pragmatic.
* When Sanka gets knocked out of the ring, Vikal flys and catches her, saving her teammate. For at first looking like a villain, she's actually rather heroic, and it's revealed and the two are in a [[TokenYuriGirls relationship]], as they embrace and hug each other. When Bikaru is eliminated by 17, Sanka attacks 17 to try and avenge Vikal.
* When [[spoiler: Universe 10 is annihilated for losing,]] it's telling how close Rumsshi and Cus were that when [[spoiler: he dies along with the rest of his Universe, Cus actually ''grieves'' for him.]] Of course she isn't blatant about the matter but coming from an ''Angel'' of all things, ''damn''.
** Gowasu [[spoiler: using his last words]] to confort and congratulate his warriors.
** That scene is more significant when you remember that Mojito doesn't particularly care for Sidra and Ro and appears to be glad [[spoiler: they're gone]].
* When Ribrianne and Rozie are about to be eliminated by Goku and 17, Jimizu appears and uses his Instant Transmission to teleport them to safety and later on is shown protecting them, acting as though a Knight protecting Maidens as Peru calls him.
* Kunshee deliberately sacrifices himself in an attempt to eliminate Hit so Dyspo can escape and recuperate.
* When it seems like [[spoiler:Hit is about to lose against Dyspo and Kunshee]], Vados actually looks worried - contrasting her usual uncaring attitude concerning the potential destruction of Universe 6.
* When Hit is being double teamed, Caulifla almost joins in to help him, but Goku shows up before she could.
* Speaking of which, Goku's rescue onto Hit opting Beerus to tell Champa to be grateful for the help, indicating Beerus still cares about Champa despite the Universe 6's attempt to defeat Universe 7. Although Champa is too proud to say "thank you" to Beerus...
* When Goku shows his ability to switch between his SSG and SSB forms to save energy and use the best of both of them, Beerus says "that's our Goku." One of the few times Beerus makes it clear he sees Goku as a friend and actually compliments him.
* When Master Roshi temporarily dies, both Goku and Krillin get entirely emotional, with Krillin trying to run back to the stage to save him despite not being allowed back in and Goku blasting off his opponent to get to Roshi. And when Roshi is revived, Goku hugs him in relief.
** There's also the fact that Roshi's action and near death actually ''impressed'' Beerus, asking Krillin for his name (there is even a genuine smile on his face).
** Even before that, when Roshi seemed about to lose against Ganos, Beerus just calmly notes that taking down two fighters was an unexpected jackpot already.
* Master Roshi's last words to his pupils shows just why they, despite being leagues stronger than him, they still consider him their master:
--> '''Roshi:''' My students! Move well!! Learn well!! Play well, eat well, and rest well!! Enjoy your lives, merrily and to the fullest! The Kame style is with you! This is the greatest, most powerful...KAMEHAMEHA!
* Ganos going all out on Roshi for taking out two of his teammates. For a universe made of ruthless pragmatists, Ganos explicitly calling out Roshi for knocking out two of his friends shows that he and his universe have just as much of a heart as the other competitors.
** Interestingly (and oddly enough), Quitela doesn't chew out his team for their losses, particularly with Ganos, averting the BadBoss attitude despite his overall {{Jerkass}} attitude (the same can't be said for Damon however ...).
* Beerus praising Tien for turning what would have been a ring-out into a TakingYouWithMe, and this is after Tien had screwed up by dropping his guard.
* In episode 107, we have a possible moment from [[TheStoic Jiren]] of all people. Maji Kayo attempts a sneak attack on Jiren and Dyspo jumps in to knock him away. Though it is very questionable that [[WorldsStrongestMan Jiren]] was in any danger at all, it appears that Jiren did appreciate his comrade for doing it. Because when Maji Kayo turns the tables on Dyspo and threatens to cut off his ears, Jiren himself goes to help him, even telling Toppo to move in a voice that is simultaneously [[TranquilFury calm but furious.]] Considering that the only other time Jiren has gotten involved so far was during Kale's rampage, it says a lot.
* Beerus ordering a senzu be prepared for Roshi. For a God of Destruction to show any concern for the life of a mortal who is of no further use to him is very rare.
* At the end of episode 107, Master Roshi has been beaten to an inch of his life and can't fight anymore. Vegeta of all people tells him to make sure to eat a senzu, and leave the rest him before walking back to the fight without a hint of his usual arrogance in his voice. Even more heartwarming is Vegeta's voice softening when he addressees roshi.
** It should be noted that the term he uses to refer to Roshi is ''Jiisan'', which means "Grampa." It carries '''much''' more respect (and more importantly affection) than what Vegeta normally uses to refer to old men, which is ''Jiji'' (analogous to "old geezer" or "miserable old fool")
* Beerus berates the "baldies" (Krillin, Tien, and Roshi) for getting eliminated, then smiles and says [[ChewOutFakeOut they did well despite that]], even telling Roshi directly that his opinion of him has improved. In fact, it was during Roshi's heroic performance which earned him that respect that Beerus even paid him enough attention to remember his name.
* After betraying Frost and knocking him out of the ring, Freeza turns to Gohan and asks him to join him and the other fighters in victory. It's a small moment that shows how Freeza, despite being the most evil son of a bitch in his universe, is starting to feel something resembling fondness for his team, even if it's only for the time being.
* Liquir's appreciation for universe 2 and Riribrianne's fighting style in particular is a nice touch. Compared to the other three gods' lack of reaction and Arat flat-out stating that it won't even matter which universes will be destroyed, it's nice to see someone showing interest in the lower-level universes.
* Jimeze acknowledging Gohan potential and offering to teach him his techniques, should they meet again. Particularly considering that, despite the stakes of the tournament, Jimeze still considers two fighters from different universes meeting again an actual possibility.
* Helles and Pell genuinely care for the Universe 2 fighters. Pell and Helles are concerned when Jimeze is badly hurt and Helles is supportive of Ribrianne's desire to use the Super Dragon Balls to become goddess of Love.
* When Goku asks to give him energy for a Spirit Bomb, ''everyone'' (except Vegeta) gives him it. ''[[ArchEnemy Even Frieza.]]''
** One can argue that Vegeta does this because of Saiyan honor, as he blasts Ribrianne when she tries to attack him during the Spirit Bomb's creation.
* He's low-key about it, but it's apparent that Beerus is genuinely upset when he temporarily believes that Goku is dead.
--> '''Beerus:''' ''[in a disbelieving, angry voice]'' Is this really... Is this really the end of you? Goku! Son Goku!
* Even both Zeno-samas were upset that Goku was "gone". And then seeing their eyes lighting up with joy when Goku came back. They truly consider Goku their friend.
* And then later, when the stage starts trembling [[spoiler: with Goku's new found power,]] Beerus shows even more how much he respects and considers Goku:
--> '''Whis:''' Beerus-sama, do you have anything to say?
--> '''Beerus:''' He's coming.
* Who is the first person to realize that Goku [[spoiler: wasn't killed by the Spirit Bomb? Krillin.]]
* When Goku rises from the rubble and starts powering up after having his own Spirit Bomb pushed back on him. Frieza says that he wouldn't expect [[VillainRespect anything less from Goku.]]
* Whis gets ''very'' excited when seeing Goku in his new form.
* Goku's first thought on how to use the Super Dragon Balls wish for is his wife and sons.
* Hit coming in to fight Jiren immediately after he takes Goku out is actually a slightly minor one, as although Hit wasn't able to catch him off guard as Jiren is a very advanced fighter (he still took Goku out as he dodged Hit's strike), it's definitely a way for him to return the favor from when Goku helped Hit take out Dyspo and Kunshee.
* Frieza HEALING GOKU. Yes, you read that right, the same galactic conqueror who would once have scoffed at the notion of needing help and gladly would have killed someone even if it wasn't in his best interest actually goes out of his way to ''help'' his hated nemesis. It's largerly PragmaticVillainy, to be sure, but it's also the ultimate proof that, deep down, Frieza [[WorthyOpponent acknowledges]] Goku in a genuine way. In Frieza's mind, it's probably also a huge chip off his shoulders considering how utterly humiliated he felt when Goku gave him some energy back on Namek.
** Also, Frieza is even "nice" enough to tell Goku about the Ultra Instinct and even entrusting him to beat Jiren with that power again. Whether this is out of genuine care or otherwise, this information alone should be Goku's best bet if he want to have a rematch against Jiren.
* Hit tells Cabba, Caulifla, and Kale that he believes in them and trusts them to survive and win. When Hit is finally eliminated, Champa says he did a good job.
** Champa even reassures Hit that, even if he lost, his work was still enough to inspire Caulifla, Cabba and Kale to keep fighting for their universe. And we immediately see that it's exactly what happened.
* Ribrianne fights Vegeta and gets overwhelmed by him, ending up smashed against a rock. Vegeta goes for the final blow, but Rozie shows up and takes her to safety. After that, Ribrianne starts to lose hope in their survival. Then, Rozie proceeds to [[GetAHoldOfYourselfMan slap her]] and gives her an over the top love speech that cheers Ribrianne up, both Heles and Pell are moved by this. It is indeed sweet how Rozie cares for her teammate in such a dire situation for U2.
* Vegeta saving Cabba from being nearly eliminated in Episode 112. He chides Cabba for nearly losing, but then asks if he forgot his promise to Vegeta way back during the Champa Saga. That is, to take him to Planet Sadal one day. When Cabba says that would be impossible given what happens to the losing universes in the Tournament of Power, Vegeta then reveals that his wish for the Super Dragon Balls is to resurrect Universe 6 (Or at the very least use it to resurrect the U6 Saiyans). Meaning that way, Cabba will be able to keep his promise. Vegeta has truly come a long way.
** Even better. When Goku talks to him later, [[spoiler:after Cabba is eliminated by Frieza]], Vegeta says that it doesn't matter so long as he wins. He even has this to say as well:
--->'''Vegeta:''' Saiyans will live on!
** It's also touching to see Vegeta be one of the first fighters to say they are going to make an unselfish wish.
** Cabba says he's going to do the same for U7.
* Episode 113, whilst mainly [[CrowningMomentOfAwesome awesome]], does have several heartwarming moments within it:
** Just as Vegeta took Cabba under his wing (in his own way), Goku gladly decides to spar with Caulifla and later Kale to intentionally make them stronger, specifically helping them reach Super Saiyan 3. As Caulifla is very similar to Goku due to being something of a DistaffCounterpart, especially when it's noted how adaptable they are when it comes to fighting, so the mentor-student dynamic Goku fosters with her (and then Kale) may be due to how adaptable they all are, as they're fighters of similar caliber and spirit (if not power and skill yet).
** During Caulifla's sparring with Goku, the episode cuts to Kale for a brief moment, and in stark contrast to earlier in the tournament, where Kale was fretting on the sidelines, Kale is just seen smiling, remarking on how much fun Caulifla is having.
** During his sparring with Caulifla, Goku notes that when he told her she would have to master the Super Saiyan 2 form before even trying for 3, he wasn't expecting her to be as powerful as she already is, and that she may ascend even beyond 3. He then asks Kale if she wants to join in (again, in contrast to earlier where he asked her not to bother him during his fight with Caulifla). When Caulifla echoes the invitation, saying that they should become Super Saiyan 3 together [[spoiler: [[FusionDance which may end up being]] {{Foreshadowing}}]], Kale jumps at the opportunity without hesitation, and the two show an incredible amount of synergy whilst fighting Goku. This is especially heartwarming growth for Kale, who started out the tournament hesitant and terrified of failure; learning to control her power and knowing that she can stand alongside Caulifla has done wonders for her self-confidence.
* Episode 114 is this for the two Saiyan girls:
** Kale had just transformed into Super Saiyan Berserk and instead of being afraid of it, she comes up to her and tells her how awesome it is that she can get to this kind of form. In fact, when Caulifla is being crushed by Kale knowing that the power is making her unable to recognize her, she shows nothing but admiration on Kale's strength. These words of encouragement and praise allowed Kale to focus enough, driving her to tears, and she is able to overcome these setbacks and she is able to control her berserk state and use its power while retaining her sanity.
** The two also spend much of the episode holding hands.
** Caulifla's encouragement of Kale has her rebuke Kale's promise to follow her, because they're doing this ''together'' now. [[spoiler: Their fusion using the Potara earrings comes from the same sentiment, and Kefla seems just ecstatic to exist.]]
* In Episode 117:
** Krillin does it ''again'' when trying to leap back into the ring (even after [[DeaderThanDead witnessing what happens to people]] [[CessationOfExistence who violate the rules from the bench]]) and being forced back by the Supreme Kai and Tien as Android #18 is helpless before a gigantic Ribrianne. [[spoiler:This, in turn, gives #18 the strength to come back and ''flatten'' Ribrianne! The power of love was indeed on #18's side.]]
*** Just the fact that both 17 and 18- two cyborgs designed ''specifically'' to kill Goku in the past- came to Goku's defense when he needed them most, shows how much a positive effect both Krillin and Goku have had on both of them.
** Sanka and Su going to comfort Brianne after she's eliminated and even Heles tells her she fought well. What makes this scene conforting is the fact Brianne, in her way, starts to appreciate other types of love after being defeated by Android 18, and that despite losing her ace, Heles shows nothing but appreciation for the maiden. You would expect her to be angry, dissapointed, or anything else, but she is calm. Makes you see she truly is a lovely goddess.
* In Episode 118:
** When Universe 2 is erased, they bid farewell and all go out with smiles on their faces making the Heart symbol as they do.
*** The two drag queens Ribrianne confronted are also shown alive, meaning that she didn't kill them as it was thought. Adding on to that, they seem to have come to respect her and her teammates, as they are shown cheering them on.
*** The way the team as a whole face death with dignity. Helles also continues to praise them for how well they did.
*** It says a lot about Heles and Pell's abilities as God of Destruction and Supreme Kai that the people of Universe 2 know about the tournament and did not go into hysteria like what happened with Universe 9. The civilians even faced erasure gracefully just like their warriors.
** During Gohan and Piccolo's fight with Saonel and Pirina:
*** This time around, Gohan is protecting Piccolo from a powerful attack and encouraging him.
*** While Piccolo is briefly knocked out, he sees Kami and Nail in his inner world, silently encouraging him to fight. While they might not be as numerous as the Namekians that Saonel and Pirina absorbed, they are still a part of him and a part of his strength.
** Universe 6 erasure, despite being erased from existence, the members decide to face it with dignity.
*** Caulifla and Kale praising Saonel and Pirina, with Kale even helping one of them with their wounds. Of course, Caulifla then turns Super Saiyan trying to beat them for losing, but is shown as more playful than actual threatening. Kale holds onto Caulifla's hand as this is happening, and both have smiles on their faces right up until the end.
*** Cabba's last act before being erased is wishing Vegeta luck.
*** Even Beerus and Champa get a moment, with Beerus trying to remain composed and not look at Champa so as not to see him die. Champa...instead adopts a mocking gesture after remaining composed and dignified, just to playfully tease his brother one final time.
*** Vados giving Champa a bow as he's erased. Particularly touching considering how much she liked teasing him.
*** Though it's played for comedy, Vados joining her brother is sweet since all the other angels that lose their universe just sit alone.
** Zirloin tells Goku, 17, and 18 that he considers them worthy opponents, praising them for their skill, while Saonel gives his respect to Piccolo and even congratulates him as he is defeated.
** The erasure of Cabba and Universe 6 clearly worsens Vegeta's mood, again showing that he actually liked Cabba despite his bluster, telling Katopesla that he is going to take it out on him.
* Episode 120:
** Ever since the Cell Saga and Goku's massive blunder in misreading what type of fighter Gohan is, fans have erroneously said he was a terrible parent. Come this episode where Goku (with a little help from Vegeta) double punch the combined robots Gohan is having issues with. First, Goku apologizes for butting into a fight that Gohan was giving his all in, second, he praises him for giving him time to rest, and third, he explains that anyone that hurts one of his kids is going to get their ass kicked, just like how it's always been since we first got introduced to Gohan on Kame Island and Raditz kidnapped him.
---> '''Goku:''' I ain't about to let them hit you and get away from it.
* Episode 121:
** The Android twins and Krillin have a good chain of this going.
*** First Anilaza threatens to swallow 18, to which Krillin utterly panics, before Goku saves her and Krillin has his most relieved "crisis averted" moment since he and others thought Goku's Spirit Bomb had killed Frieza on Namek. Afterward, the normally cool and taciturn 17 expresses concern for his sister.
*** Then as Anilaza gradually overpowers 17's barrier and knocks him back over the edge, 18 saves him from falling out of the ring and takes the ring out instead, even blatantly giving him a "sappy" it's-up-to-you speech before double-booting him back up. And the reason she gives that sappy speech? Not because its needed, just because she knows he likes that kind of thing.
*** Krillin, while reaffirming the above sentiment in a shout to 17, calls him ''brother''. This all drives 17's motivation to take the charge in the group's defeat of Anilaza despite being the weakest out of the five U7 warriors left on the field.
** Being Frieza, he's able to make it a small one with why and how he does it, but right before Goku was thrown out of the ring, Frieza literally kicked him back into the ring. He even obliges Goku's request to join the fight.
** [[spoiler:[[UnroboticReveal Mule peeks out from inside his mech-suit]]]] Mosco [[spoiler:and]] thanks Kampari for his support before he's erased.
** In fact, the entire Universe 3, despite acting antagonistic and smug throughout the tournament, took their defeats really well, in contrast to Quitela and the Universe 9 team.
* Episode 123:
** After having been quiet ever since Universe 6's erasure, Vados answers Macarita's question of why she was sitting with Universe 7 even before the Grand Priest grouped all the remaining people on the benches together by saying that being with Universe 7 is like being with family.
** Goku not only using Krillin's Kienzan, but also using the version that Krillin used on him during their sparring match before the tournament. You can clearly see Krillin's pride in that his technique managed to almost eliminate Jiren, TheJuggernaut of the tournament.
** The reason Vegeta [[spoiler: ascends to a new transformation? He is hell bent on keeping his promise to Cabba, an end he is willing to work with Goku to achieve by beating Jiren. '''Both from his own free will.''' This transformation is basically Vegeta's ''entire character arc'' summed up in one form: how he's gone from being a monster to a selfless person.]]
* Episode 125
** Beerus congratulating Gohan while using his name for his performance in the tournament, especially while the team looks on proudly. Same goes for Goku who smiles as he looks at Team Universe 7 in the stands while Beerus compliments Gohan.
** While the ascension for Toppo is a sad moment, caused by him reaching the breaking point, it seems to be something that Belmond had been expecting for a while, and is proud of his student.
* Episode 126
** When Toppo explains to Vegeta that he has set aside every "unnecessary" things so he could ensure the survival of his Universe by becoming a God of Destruction, Vegeta then throws back his own retort, by basically fighting for everything that is necessary, which to him is not only the survival of his Universe, but the survival of Bulma, Trunks and Bulla and keeping his promise to Cabba. It was this motive that gave Vegeta the much needed edge he needed to deliver a beat down on the newly ascended Toppo into his elimination.
*** Not only did he defeat Toppo, but he used the very move he used in his first attempt to protect his loved ones, "Final Explosion", a move that literally killed him last time, only this time, he survives, counting as Moment of Awesome as well.
*** Another proof of Vegeta's development: after he uses that attack, everyone from Universe 7 is concerned about his safety, and glad when he turns out to be alive. Compare to the last time he used that attack, when his sacrificed was respected, but only Trunks and Bulma were really sad for his death.
** Jiren sincerely praising Team Universe 7 for beating Toppo and getting so strong and lasting so long without losing who they are for power.
*** And on that note it’s minor, but during Jiren’s scolding of Toppo, Goku rebuffs Jiren’s comments to his teammates and tells him off. He gets kicked out of Blue for it, but it’s always enjoyable seeing Goku’s kindness and good nature even with people who are his opponents.
* In Episode 127, Android 17's HeroicSacrifice via detonating his energy barrier to protect Goku and Vegeta from Jiren's attack. Despite his aloof behavior, he really ''does'' care about Universe 7.
--> '''Android 17:''' Hey, Son Goku, Vegeta. I gave up on the cruise ship... You guys can thank me later. ''[looks at Jiren's attack]'' Doing something so human... It's actually kind of nice.
* Episode 128
** Vegeta's refusal to give up and quit despite being so tired that he's not even being able to transform into Super Saiyan is amazing. Even broken, exhausted and without sight in one eye he won't stay down as he knows he has to fulfil his promise to Cabba and save his family and universe.
*** And not only he tells Jiren that he wouldn't understands what's like fighting for others, he proves once again that he's gone beyond his selfish self by saying that the important thing it's Universe 7's victory, even if he loses, giving Goku his energy to have him get back up. Just to make it clear: ''Vegeta'' is not fighting for his own sake, but for others as well, even accepting defeat for that.
** Goku similarly won't stop fighting as he knows everyone on his team, his family and his universe needs him to win and keep going. Indeed it is that belief in the trust of his friends and teammates (even Frieza) and them counting on him that finally pushes him to attain Ultra Instinct once more.
*** On a related note to Ultra Instinct, Vegeta's smile of pride in Goku is great to see. For all his harsh moments Vegeta's happiness and trust in Goku's capabilities is proven here. He knew Goku wouldn't go down without a challenge and is clearly proud of his friend and rival.
*** Beerus in turn is clearly quite proud and happy that he once more activated Ultra Instinct and looks forward to watching Goku show what he can do.
** Roshi's sheer sadness at watching his pupil and surrogate son receive Jiren's beating is both heartwarming and tearjerking as he can't bear to see Goku suffer.
** Whis expresses relief that Vegeta manages to recover from his beatdown as well as pride at Goku reattaining Ultra Instinct. Compared to the other angels, at least, it appears Whis genuinely cares for his Universe.
* Episode 129
** When Vegeta is talking about how the Saiyans moved past their limits during the tournament of power he's not talking just about Goku and himself, but of Cabba, Caulifla and Kale as well.
*** Even more, Vegeta says he put his pride, his faith, everything in Goku so he can't lose. And he unlike everyone else of the team never falters in his belief in Goku.
** Beerus during the entire Tournament of Power, as he's growing more fond of all of the U7 team (Not just Goku). Back in the beginning, he couldn't even be bothered to remember Goku's name, much less everyone else. But now he's calling everyone by their names and and praising them.
** You can hear the pride that both Beerus and Whis has for Goku for finally mastering Ultra Instinct
--->'''Beerus:''' Whis.\\
'''Whis:''' Yes?\\
'''Beerus:''' Goku's finally reached it, hasn't he?\\
'''Whis:''' Yes.\\
'''Beerus:''' Honestly....what an unbelievable guy!
** When it seemed like Goku, even in Ultra Instinct, is about to fall and lose the tournament, everyone is on the edge of their seats telling him to flee the corner Jiren put him in. Everyone except Beerus, who tells them all to shut up and watch. [[spoiler: Sure enough, Goku masters Ultra Instinct and lands a punch on Jiren so hard it stuns him.]]
* Episode 130
** After mastered Ultra Instinct Goku and full-powered Jiren were locked in a stalemate, Jiren reasons to himself that [[ThePowerOfFriendship Goku's friendship with the Z-Fighters]] is meaningless and tries to take a potshot at them. Cue an [[UnstoppableRage rage-filled Ultra Instinct Goku so strong,]] ''[[CurbStompBattle even a fully-powered Jiren ultimately lost to him!]]''
--->'''Jiren:''' The power you believe in is easily erased. ''Just like that!'' ''[throws an attack at the part of the stands where Universe 7 is sitting]''\\
'''Goku:''' ''[after flying to the stands and deflecting the attack, [[RageBreakingPoint barely even keeping his rage in check]]]'' [[TranquilFury I don't think I'm a hero of justice or anything]]. [[BerserkButton But those who'd hurt my friends]]... '''''[[UnstoppableRage I won't forgive!!]]'''''
** After everything, it ends with Jiren taking a rage-fueled Kamehameha beam to his body, forcing him back into his normal form. That's the power of a little monkey alien boy, a bald martial artist boy, and their perverted turtle master's friendship over 30 years in the making, including old enemies!
** The fact that it was ''Vegeta'' who screamed to Goku "beat (Jiren) for us!"
** Everyone's faith in Goku is bound to put smiles on the faces of long time Dragon Ball fans. We see flashbacks of the original series & Z in an nostalgic montage of images, taking us back to moments like Goku and Krillin's training under Master Roshi, Goku's first fight with Piccolo in the World Tournament, Goku introducing Gohan to his friends, his first battle with Vegeta, and so on. It's been a long and incredible journey up to this point in Super.
** Even Beerus acknowledges his faith in Goku, someone he normally treats like a idiot, and now has his full respect.
** Even after going through a beat-down the likes of which he never expected, even when Belmond is yelling at him to finish off Goku, Jiren can't help but respect the same opponent he previously wrote off as being not worth his time. He even honors him by calling him "a proud warrior". While he does try to eliminate Goku, he does express that he wished this showdown wouldn't end like this: the one opponent capable of besting him being paralyzed and practically defenseless.
** Goku being saved from being knocked off by ''Frieza''. And then, everyone's reaction when [[spoiler:Android 17 reveals he ''survived his own earlier attempted HeroicSacrifice via detonation of his own energy barrier'']].
* Episode 131
** [[spoiler: With Android 17 being the last man standing of the tournament, he earned a wish on the super dragon balls. What does he wish for exactly? All the universes that were erased to return.]]
*** When said wish happens, everyone looks panicked, including the gods from the [[spoiler:supposedly]] spared universes. [[spoiler:However, Goku and Vegeta are both smiling. This especially goes for Vegeta, which meant that Vegeta was able to uphold his promise to Cabba]].
*** [[spoiler: All the other Universes look happy and grateful. Special mention to Gowasu, who likely had his faith in mortals validated.]]
** In the note of 17 [[spoiler: there's the suspicion he has that the reason he used his wish for the other universes was due to Goku's influence on him, something 18 then warmly teases Goku about. It's this moment more than any that cements the OddFriendship Goku formed with 17 over this arc -- from their meeting, to their discussion over their lives' philosophy, to how time and time again they joined together throughout the battle royale, to 17 nearly sacrificing himself for Goku and Vegeta, ultimately to the two of them banding together amongst the last three standing. In one arc, Goku and 17 went from being total strangers with seemingly no common grounds to being true friends and comrades.]]
** [[spoiler: Once everything is over, we see 17 talking to the others on Bulma's boat from the start of Super. To say he earned that boat is an understatement.]]
** Frieza and Goku [[spoiler: teaming up, which takes ''everyone'' seeing it aback. Frieza, realizing that with as little time left as-is and Jiren being too powerful, decides that just winning/securing Universe 7's survival is more pressing than securing the Super Dragon Ball wish. After reminding Goku of their deal, Frieza and Goku battle ''excellently'' in sync and ring out Jiren by sacrificing themselves.]]
--->'''Frieza''': Goku! Do you remember your promise?\\
'''Goku''': As long as you don't break yours, I won't break mine. You of all people should know that.\\
'''Frieza''': Your naive nature sickens me,... but right now, I'm grateful for it.
** [[spoiler: When Whis brings Frieza back to life, the first thing Frieza says is that he might just go back to his evil ways, which Goku remarks that if he does, he will just stop him again. With reaffirmation of their rivalry, Frieza builds his army back up and looks forward to the day when he can best his arch-nemesis.]]
*** [[spoiler: Freeza ''fully'' expected to be sent back to Hell the moment he outlived his use in saving Universe 7, ''bitterly'' quipping that one such as him has no place in a warm and happy ending... only to be pleasantly ''shocked'' when Universe Seven actually ''rewarded'' him with life for honoring ''his'' word. This affirmation of decency visibly ''shattered'' his cynical world-view that everyone is fundamentally selfish as he is; enough that his body language (along with a nervous sweatdrop) indicated relief rather than defensive disgust when last shown kindness on Namek and Earth. Ryusei Nakao's delivery of "I just might go back to my evil ways" in particular glowed with the ''warm'' sarcasm he once reserved for trusted henchmen like Zarbon, Dodoria and Ginyu, rather than the ''venomous'' sarcasm for enemies; the flick of his tail like a happy cat at Goku challenging him all but reaffirming his growing fondness (or respect) for his enemies. Freeza may deny it, but being shown ''this'' much honor and kindness is enough to change even a monster like him, however subtly.]]
** [[spoiler: When Jiren was on his knees, about to be finished by Frieza, Toppo ended up giving him a pep talk, reminding him that even if Jiren doesn't have any friends, he believes in his strength.]]
*** [[spoiler: After the tournament, as the Pride Troopers stand in their restored universe, Toppo and Jiren have a talk that, perhaps now, Jiren can start to form connections with people again.]]
** [[spoiler:The Omni Kings aren't actually evil: the entire thing was a SecretTestOfCharacter and they knew from the get go that they would wish back the other universes and fully expected it. Had anything ''else'' happened, they would've been so enraged they'd have wiped out everything.]]
** [[spoiler: In a nutshell, the Tournament of Power takes the philosophy that Zamasu spent an entire arc bashing everyone who would listen over the head with and beats it to death with just how ''wrong'' it is! A mortal is presented with the ultimate tool for selfishness and in the end, placed others over himself.]]
*** [[spoiler: Even more so considering who got the wish and how he used it, Android 17. This was a man who at one point in time wanted to kill just for the sport of it, in another timeline, almost caused the genocide of the human race, and while he mellowed out immensely, he did not have any need for a wish but to get a boat for his family and travel the world. He uses the Super Dragon Balls to bring back all of the fallen universes, probably the most selfless wish anyone at that stage could make.]]
** [[spoiler: Caulifla inviting Cabba to come train with her and Kale to reach Super Saiyan 3, a testament to how close they became during the tournament. ]]
*** [[spoiler: The first thing Caulifla did after being restored was run to Kale and hug her.]]
*** [[spoiler:Kale looks so happy and relaxed among friends, a far cry from the timid, isolated and perpetually stressed young Saiyan we were introduced to near the beginning of the arc.]]
** [[spoiler: Gowasu smiling, having his faith restored in mortals.]]
** [[spoiler: Bergamo is seen with his arms around his brothers after Universe 9 is restored.]]
** [[spoiler: Just before they return home, both Zeno-samas beg Goku to come visit him again, which he promises with a fist dab.]]
** [[spoiler: Everyone back home at U7's reactions when the team arrives:]]
*** [[spoiler: Bulma rushing to hug Vegeta]]
*** [[spoiler: Trunks, Goten, and Marron catching several poachers and 17 checking upon the rare animal. Also, 17 does get his own wish granted after all, as he is last seen on a huge cruise liner, presumably traveling around the world with his family. And it looks like Bulma had a hand in it.]]
*** [[spoiler: A worn out Satan and a sleeping Buu in bed together, and Pan playing with Piccolo's antennae]]
*** [[spoiler: Roshi hanging with Korin and Yajarobi, while Tien and Chaozu assiting with the rebuliding of their town. Even Yurin is helping out.]]
*** [[spoiler: Chichi getting mad at Goku... par for the course. Then again, seeing him the state he was in probably had her [[AngerBornOfWorry worried too]].]]
** [[spoiler: Goku and Vegeta's final stand-off against each other in the closing moments of the episode, in the exact position and location they originally fought in Dragon Ball Z.]]
** [[spoiler: Tights showing up to Bra's party. It's the first time since the Jaco manga we've seen her spend time with her family in person.]]
** The final shot and the final speech ends up being a real heartwarming moment. Saying that no matter what happens, even though they may be gone from our screens for the moment, their adventures will continue. One day, they will be back to make us pump the air in excitement in some way or form, be it video games, anime, or even a movie.

History for Heartwarming/DragonBallSuper - TV Tropes (2024)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.