Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (2024)

What’s the biggest determinant of career and business success? While several factors come into play, your success depends largely on your network and the relationships you build. In fact, 80% of professionals consider networking as “essential” for their career success.

And the benefits of networking aren’t limited to a rewarding career. It’s equally important for your client/customer relationships and business growth. 75% of customers prefer meeting before making a purchase, and the closing rate of in-person meetings is 40%.

Whether you want to climb up the corporate ladder or skyrocket your sales and revenue, you must grow your network and build meaningful relationships.

But networking is changing rapidly, and the age-old networking tactics like traditional business cards and trade shows don’t work as well as before. You need to upgrade your networking efforts in order to grow your network effectively.

And here’s where digital business cards come into the picture.

Digital business cards are redefining networking across industries. You can use digital business cards to share your contact information instantly and grow your network.

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If you’re new to digital business cards, you’re at the right place. Here’s the only guide to digital business cards you’ll ever need.

Table of Contents

  1. How is networking changing?
  2. Why won’t traditional business cards suffice?
  3. What is a digital business card?
  4. How to create a digital business card?
  5. What should you include on a digital business card?
  6. How to share your digital business card?
  7. Best practices for digital business cards
  8. Digital business card mistakes to avoid
  9. Summary

How is networking changing?

Before the pandemic, face-to-face communication was the norm. All you needed to do was attend a trade show or in-person event and distribute your business cards. Interested people would save your contact and call you back.

Then came the pandemic, and networking changed completely.

Restrictions were imposed, and in-person events like trade shows were halted. According to Forbes, 83 million in-person events were canceled or postponed due to the pandemic.

As an obvious response to this change, digital networking replaced in-person events.

People began using LinkedIn and online forums to connect with others. Phone calls and video meetings gained popularity, and online channels became the norm for networking.

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Once the pandemic ended, in-person networking resumed as normal. But 63% of people continue to prefer digital networking for its accessibility and ease of use.

Today, both in-person and digital networking have a place, and effective networking is all about integrating both elements.

Digital business cards enable you to integrate digital and in-person networking.

You can use digital business cards to share your contact information instantly and leverage the potential of digital networking.

Moreover, you can create a QR code for your digital business card and print it on your physical business card. People can scan the QR code to reach your digital business card and contact you.

This way, you can not only continue using physical business cards but also enhance their effectiveness by integrating them with your digital business cards.

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Why won’t traditional business cards suffice?

Business cards have been the cornerstone of networking for decades. And rightly so. All you need to do is print your contact information on a paper card and distribute it to people. They’ll save your details and contact you.

Fast, simple, and effective, right?

This used to be the case some time back, but not anymore.

The human attention span is low, 8 seconds to be precise. People want instant experiences. If an action is tedious and time-consuming, they’ll likely not complete it.

Saving contact from a traditional business card is one such action. Users need to manually enter the name and phone number to save the contact. Not only is it time-consuming but also error-prone. A user may enter the wrong name or phone number, leading to a lost networking opportunity.

That’s the reason why 88% of all business cards handed out are tossed away within a week.

What is a digital business card?

A digital business card is a web page containing your contact details, social links, web links, images, videos, and other information. It also has buttons to allow users to save and share contact with a single click.

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Think of a digital business card as an online profile page comprising all your professional details. Users can visit the page to obtain your information, save your contact details, and contact you.

Hence, digital business cards eliminate the need for manually entering the contact details and expedite the contact-saving process.

How to create a digital business card?

QRCodeChimp allows you to create a mobile-friendly digital business card in a few easy steps. You don’t need any tech knowledge or experience, and the learning curve is negligible.

Follow these steps to create a digital business card:

1. Go to QRCodeChimp’s Digital Business Card page. Alternatively, you can visit, go to the Solutions tab, click on vCard Plus, and click on “Go to the new version.”

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2. Go to the Content tab and enter your information. Add other components like profile shortcuts, social links, web links, images, videos, etc. You can also edit the URL of your digital business card.

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3. Click on the Design/Settings page to customize your profile page with colors, fonts, card styles, and other options.

Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (7)

Note: You can also save a style for future digital business cards by clicking on “Save this Style.” Your saved styles will appear under the “Saved Style” tab.

4. Click on the QR Code tab to create a customized QR code for your digital business card. Use QR shapes, stickers, colors, shapes, and other customization options to decorate your QR code. You can also add a logo to your QR code for better branding.

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5. Once done, click on “Save” to save your digital business card and QR code.

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Now, you can share the digital business card URL or QR code to bring people to your digital business card.

Can you edit your digital business card?

Yes, digital business cards created with QRCodeChimp are dynamic and editable. You can edit the contents of your digital business cards without changing their URL or reprinting the QR code.

Follow these steps to edit your digital business card in QRCodeChimp.

  • Log into your QRCodeChimp account and go to the Dashboard.

Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (10)

  • Find your digital business card in the Individual QR Codes or Bulk QR Codes list.

Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (11)

  • Click on “Edit” in the action column of the digital business card you want to edit.

Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (12)

  • Edit the contents of your digital business card.
  • Save the changes.

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Note: You can’t change the short URL of your digital business card page. Also, if you change the QR code design, you’ll need to reprint it.

What should you include on a digital business card?

Your digital business card will act as the one-stop destination for all your professional information. So, be sure to include everything you want your audience/clients to know about you.

Here are some elements you should have on your digital business card:

  • Name
  • Contact information
  • Occupation/designation, company name, and other professional details
  • Social media profile links
  • Web links
  • Images and videos

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Besides, you can add components to your digital business card as per your profession and requirements.

Creating a digital business card is only half the work done. You need to share it effectively to reach more people and grow your network.

There are two ways to share your digital business cards:

  • Share the digital business card URL with your connections.
  • Print the QR code on a physical business card, and users can scan the QR code to reach your digital business card.

Printing the QR code on your business card is the most effective way to share your digital business card.

Including a QR code on your business card enables you to:

  • Make your business card modern and visually appealing.
  • Enhance the functionality of your business card and make it actionable.

Benefits of using digital business cards

Digital business cards offer numerous networking benefits. They make contact sharing faster, helping you reach more people and build more connections. If you want to build relationships for career or business growth, digital business cards help you do that.

Let’s look at the key advantages of using digital business cards.

Seamlessly share your contact information

A digital business card lets you share your contact details in a flash and allow people to effortlessly save your information.

The biggest drawback of paper cards is the tedious contact-saving process. People need to enter the details manually on their phones, which takes time and also increases the risk of errors. The user may enter the wrong name or phone number, resulting in a lost networking opportunity.

A digital business card resolves this hurdle. Instead of entering your details, users can open your digital business card and obtain your contact information.

Digital business cards created with QRCodeChimp also have a Save to Contact button to save your contact details with a single click. There are also buttons for sharing the contact and adding it to the home screen.

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Expedite networking and build more connections

A digital business card enables you to share your contact information quickly and easily. This, in turn, results in faster networking and helps you build more connections. If you need to frequently share your contact, you must make the contact-saving process lightning fast. And digital business cards make it possible.

Share all your information in one place

People are smarter than ever, and they want to know everything about you before connecting with you. Unfortunately, paper cards have limited space, and you can’t share all your details there.

Digital business cards resolve this hurdle. You can include in-depth information on a digital business card, including your contact details, occupational information, social media links, web links, images, and videos.

As a result, your connections can know everything about you and make informed decisions.

Edit your information anytime

Imagine creating hundreds of business cards, and then your phone number changes.

What are your options here?


The only thing you can do is reprint your business cards with new information. And doing so will be costly and time-consuming.

You don’t have to undergo this tedious procedure with digital business cards. A digital business card is editable, and you can edit all its contents in real-time. Also, your digital business card page URL will remain the same after editing your information, so you don’t need to reprint your QR code or business card.

Flexibility = Digital business cards

Make your business cards modern and futuristic

Think of a business card.

What do you see? A card with a person’s name and contact details? That’s pretty much it, right?

Most business cards are similar in design and content, and that’s why so many business cards don’t produce results. If your business card looks unique and compelling, more users will engage with it.

One way to make your business card appealing is by printing a QR code on it. A QR code not only adds a unique design to your business card but also makes it intriguing and actionable.

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So, you can create a QR code for your digital business card and print it on your business card.

Enhance user experience and satisfaction

In the end, it’s all about offering the best possible user experience. A digital business card makes it effortless for a user to save contact information. All they need to do is scan the QR code on your business card to visit the digital business card page. There, they can find all your information and save your contact info in seconds.

Hence, you can make the contact-saving process hassle-free for the user, resulting in an improved experience and higher satisfaction.

If your sales and marketing strategy involves handing out business cards, you can also incorporate digital business cards in your marketing strategy.

Best practices for digital business cards

Digital business cards offer tremendous networking potential, but you need to use them correctly. If you’re new to digital business cards, here are some best practices to follow.

Add a professional profile picture

People will draw conclusions about you based on your photo in 40 milliseconds (0.04 seconds). Clearly, your photo plays the biggest role in creating a solid first impression.

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Therefore, it’s crucial to have a good, professional-looking profile picture. If you’re uncertain about your photo, here are some quick tips to click the best profile picture for your digital business card:

  • Smile with your teeth
  • Dress in formals
  • Click a head-to-waist photo with both shoulders visible
  • Ensure asymmetrical composition and eyes
  • Use a light, simple background

Additionally, here are a few things you should avoid in your profile picture:

  • Unnecessary accessories, like hats and sunglasses
  • Flashy and casual clothes

Use your full name, job title, and company name

The next thing people will notice after your profile image is your name and job title.

Include your full name on your digital business card. For instance, if your name is John Kevin Welsh, use John Kevin Welsh or John K. Welsh as the name on your digital business card.

Avoid using only your first name, as it can be ambiguous and confusing for your connection.

Next comes your job title, and it’s crucial to clearly state your job title or profession. If you represent an organization, name it too on your digital business card.

For example, if you are a Marketing Manager at JP Morgan, your job title can be:

Marketing Manager at JP Morgan


Marketing Manager, JP Morgan

Pro Tip: Always use the title case for your name, job title, and organization name.

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Add all the essential contact details

Next, include all your important contact details to allow people to contact you without any issues.

You should have the following contact information on your digital business card:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Office address with a location

Apart from this, you can provide other contact details as needed, like fax, office telephone, WhatsApp, etc.

Don’t forget your social media and website links

Social media is the go-to networking channel in this digital age. People who want to know you better will start by looking you up on social media. Therefore, don’t forget to have all your important social media profile links on your digital business card.

It’s equally important to provide your website URL on your digital business card. Your website is your brand’s representative, and over 38% of users judge a business by its website. So, include your website’s link on your digital business card to enable users to visit your website and learn about your brand.

Prioritize design, look, and feel

Remember we talked about first impressions a while ago? The design, look, and feel of your digital business card also play a pivotal role in creating a solid first impression.

The most important design element of a digital business card is the color scheme. Opt for a simple but compelling color scheme to make your digital business card visually pleasing.

You should keep the following things in mind when choosing a color palette for your digital business card:

  • Choose colors that align with your brand to ensure consistency and improve brand recall.
  • Choose contrasting colors for the background and foreground to make the page elements easy to view.

The font is another important design element. It’s crucial to select a font that aligns with your brand and persona.

For instance, if you want to look professional and formal, opt for fonts like Work Sans, Open Sans, and Roboto. On the other hand, you can choose playful fonts like Concert One, Federo, and Handlee if you want to have a casual and informal persona.

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Your background image and page loader will also impact the overall design, look, and feel of your digital business card. So, spend some time choosing the right background image and page loader.

Pro tip: QRCodeChimp offers an array of design and customization options to help you create stunning digital business cards. You can choose from templates, colors, font styles, and other options to design your digital business cards to perfection.

Use QR codes to share your digital business cards

Once you’ve created a digital business card, you need to share it effectively so that it reaches a wide audience.

The most effective way to share your digital business card is by printing its QR code on your physical business card. By doing so, you can transform your traditional business cards into a powerful networking tool.

When users receive your business card with a QR code, they can simply scan the QR code and obtain your contact details.

Digital business card mistakes to avoid

Digital business cards have numerous benefits, and integrating them with your physical business cards can take your networking to another level. That said, here are some mistakes you should avoid when using digital business cards.

Not designing the digital business card well

Design is one of the most crucial aspects of your digital business card. A stunning design will grab users’ attention and encourage them to engage with you. So, create a well-designed digital business card that leaves a lasting impact on your connections.

Not updating your information regularly

A big advantage of digital business cards is you can update your information in real-time. You can change all your details without changing the page URL or reprinting the QR code.

That said, not updating your information regularly is a mistake.

Sharing outdated information with your connections can ruin your impression and hinder your networking efforts.

Therefore, update your details regularly to ensure your contacts get the latest information.

Not using a QR code to share your digital business card

Printing a QR code on your business card is the best way to share your digital business card. Not doing so can affect your networking efforts, as business cards are still the norm in networking.

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Having incorrect or mistyped information

Mistakes are a big no-no in digital business cards. For instance, if your phone number is incorrect, people won’t be able to contact you.

Typos in your name or designation may not result in a lost networking opportunity, but they can make you look unprofessional.

So, carefully check all the content on your digital business card and make sure it’s free of any errors.

Not using images or using low-quality photos

Adding images and videos to your digital business card can improve your networking efforts significantly. However, you should avoid using low-quality images and videos, as they can do more harm than good. Be sure to include high-quality, professionally-shot photos and videos to get the best results.

Not sharing the complete information

A digital business card allows you to share in-depth information about yourself. Not sharing the complete information would be missing out on the real potential of digital business cards. Be sure to provide all the information your connections might need to build a relationship with you.

Not including website or social links

Sharing your name and contact details isn’t enough in this digital age. It’s vital to share your website and social media links so that your connections can know you better. So, always include your website and social media links on your digital business card.


Digital business cards are no longer a networking trend — they’re the new normal. Traditional business cards alone aren’t as effective as they used to be, as they require users to manually save the information.

A digital business card allows you to instantly share your contact information and helps you expedite your networking efforts.

QRCodeChimp is the #1 rated digital business card solution that lets you create stunning, professional-looking digital business cards. Sign up for QRCodeChimp today to create a free digital business card.

Create a Digital Business Card

Digital Business Card: A Complete Guide - Free QR Code Generator Online (2024)


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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.