Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (2024)

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Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (1)

MyRecipes Member

Rating: 5 stars


My go to every Thanksgiving. Make 2 days ahead for best flavor. Follow exactly, it’s foolproof!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (2)


Rating: 5 stars


Delicious! It came out very very tangy the first time which I surprisingly didn't mind but I'm making it right now and I don't have orange juice on hand so I substituted mango juice. I used about 2/6's cup of sugar instead (so a third less), upped the honey, and it's coming out more sweet and less tangy! Do your own thing with it, it's a delicious basic recipe!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (3)


Rating: 5 stars


Best cranberry sauce ever. I used Simply Orange instead of squeezing my own oranges. Much better than white sugar, water, and cranberries!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (4)


Rating: 5 stars


Made this for Thanksgiving. It was outstanding and will be a definite side dish for the annual Thanksgiving feast. I love the spices and flavor to it, I found it was the perfect combination of sweet and tart. I had small but juicey oranges so it only took 1.5 oranges. It was also very easy and simple to make. I made it the day before Thanksgiving, and am still using it a couple days after to accompany my left over turkey.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (5)


Rating: 5 stars


I swore by the jellied canned cranberry sauce until this recipe! It is perfectly balanced, sweet & spicy, but not too spicy. Perfect sauce, in my book, and I make it every year a few days ahead of Thanksgiving.

Rating: 5 stars


I made this in my crock pot for two hours. I didn't use the allspice only the cinnamon. when the cranberiies are tender I used my immersible blender to smooth the cranberries. this is a sauce if you want it more like the canned jelly add use one pkg of unflavored gelatin following directions on the box after sauce is done but use the sauce as the hot water.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (7)


Rating: 5 stars


I made it tonight and will serve it tomorrow for our early Thanksgiving dinner. The recipe is very easy and perfect just as is. I had a few tastes as I was stirring it and it was yummy!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (8)


Rating: 5 stars


The recipe is great as it is. Didn't have cinnamon stick, added 1/2 teaspoon of ground cinnamon instead and it worked fine. Excellent!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (9)


Rating: 5 stars


I made this yesterday; it was great! I followed the recipe exactly and would not recommend any changes. It is super easy and quick to make. Chill it before serving. Only bit of advice; it doesn't make a lot; make sure to read the number of servings and if you have a large dinner party, double the recipe.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (10)


Rating: 5 stars


I have made this recipe several times over the past 5 years - it's quick, easy, can be made ahead, and much more flavorful than canned cranberry sauce - no high fructose corn syrup! Made exactly as written. It makes just enough - people like it, but you don't want too much of it left over!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (11)


Rating: 5 stars


easy, delicious and perfect every time

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (12)


Rating: 5 stars


This is a keeper. It will be my go to recipe for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I did double the amount of brown sugar after reading the reviews. Excellent!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (13)


Rating: 5 stars


Made this for our family Thanksgiving dinner this year and it was a bit hit. It was a bit tart though.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (14)


Rating: 4 stars


Agree with the other comments: need to tinker with the sugar; my cranberries were not as ripe as they could have been, and while it tasted okay during prep, I thought it was still a bit too tart at the table.. Also, I popped the berries with the back of spoon as the other reviewer mentioned - for thicker sauce and a smoother presentation.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (15)


Rating: 5 stars


I make this every year now. It is so easy and I usually do it the day before when baking pies.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (16)


Rating: 5 stars


So good and super quick and easy to make! The allspice gives it a real holiday flavor. I just needed to cook it a little longer to get the right consistency.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (17)


Rating: 5 stars


I have made this every Thanksgiving for the last three or four years. EVERYONE loves it and it is so incredibly easy to make (and you can make it a day or two ahead of time as well). I highly recommend this recipe as a staple at your Thanksgiving (and Christmas) table.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (18)


Rating: 5 stars


Have made this for a couple of years now, and it's wonderful. I do think that you need to be willing to tinker with the sugar and honey; sometimes my cranberries seem to be sweeter and need less sugar, but this past time they needed more. Once the sauce has simmered for a while, I use the back of a spoon to pop most of the cranberries so that they will release their pectin and the sauce will congeal a little better. My three year old ate more of this than he did his dessert!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (19)


Rating: 5 stars


Ive never even had cranberry sauce before but this is awesome. I made this as a healthy replacement to the canned stuff my husband grew up with (I wont even touch that stuff) and he liked it. You cant go wrong with this one!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (20)


Rating: 5 stars


Yummy! Excellent cranberry sauce. Followed exact instructions except used a dash of cinnamon instead. Will be making again!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (21)


Rating: 5 stars


This is my favorite cranberry sauce recipe. I make it every Thanksgiving! I don't make any adjustments to the recipe. It is so delcious!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (22)


Rating: 4 stars


Very good - much better than the canned variety! So easy to make and tastes really fresh. All my Thanksgiving guests loved it. I will definitely make this every Thanksgiving from now on.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (23)


Rating: 5 stars


This was great! I only used 2 tblsp of brown sugar, because I like it tart.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (24)


Rating: 5 stars


Everyone raves about this sauce every time I make it. I don't know if its the brown sugar instead of white, or the honey, or the allspice - but it is fantastic and I'm now the go-to person for cranberry sauce every holiday!

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (25)


Rating: 4 stars


Excellent! I loved these cranberries, and they were easy to make. They were pretty sour though. So, if you want it sweeter, add more sugar. Do a little taste test. Another recipe I found in Cooking Light called for 3x the sugar for the same amount of berries.

Basic Cranberry Sauce Recipe (2024)


What is cranberry sauce made of? ›

The most basic cranberry sauce consists of cranberries boiled in sugar water until the berries pop and the mixture thickens. Some recipes include other ingredients such as slivered almonds, orange juice, orange zest, ginger, maple syrup, port, or cinnamon.

How do you thicken homemade cranberry sauce? ›

Try reducing the sauce down even further so more of the liquid cooks off and the mixture thickens. If that doesn't work, add a thickener like gelatin, pectin or a cornstarch slurry (cornstarch whisked into juice or water). Let the sauce cool before refrigerating to completely set.

What is the difference between jellied cranberry sauce and whole cranberry sauce? ›

The major variation you're likely to come across is "whole berry" versus "jellied." The only difference between them is that the jellied sauce is cooked until the berries have completely broken down. They both slide out of the can as a wobbly red cylinder.

What are the two types of cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberry sauce can be served either as a gooey liquid or as a solid jelly. The jellied version is solid enough to retain the shape of the container in which it's placed whereas the sauce version is much more fluid. The difference between the fluid sauce and the jelly versions comes down to pectin.

What thickens cranberry sauce? ›

The sugar in the syrup helps the mixture thicken. It could also be because you haven't cooked the mixture long enough. The cranberries need to cook long enough to burst so that they release plenty of pectin which is a thickener naturally found in cranberries.

Why does my homemade cranberry sauce taste bitter? ›

Dear Evelyn: I had the same problem when I first started making my own cranberry sauce. I found out that you should cook them just until they pop. Further cooking will make them bitter, and once that happens, you need to start again.

How to improve cranberry sauce? ›

Adding a teaspoon or two of fresh lemon or orange zest, a tablespoon of chopped candied peel, or even a splash of juice to your canned sauce will brighten flavors and bring in some homemade flavor.

Why does my cranberry sauce taste weird? ›

If your cranberry sauce has an odd flavor, consider checking the quality of your cranberries, the amount of sugar and water used, and the cooking time and temperature. Ensure you're using fresh cranberries and following the recipe for sugar and water measurements.

How do you make Martha Stewart cranberry sauce? ›

Directions. In a saucepan, combine cranberries, sugar, orange zest and juice, cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/4 cup water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to medium and simmer, stirring occasionally, until cranberries burst and mixture thickens slightly, 12 to 15 minutes. (Sauce will thicken more as it cools.)

How Long Will homemade cranberry sauce last? ›

When to Toss Cranberry Sauce. Cranberry sauce will last for two hours at room temperature. Homemade cranberry sauce will last in the fridge for 10 to 14 days. Canned cranberry sauce that has been opened will last up to a week in the fridge.

Does homemade cranberry sauce thicken when it cools? ›

Serve warm, room temperature, or chilled. Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools.

Why is cranberry sauce so expensive? ›

But that's not the case for prepared cranberry sauces, where prices are up. Lochner pointed out that processors set those prices, not growers, and that there are higher input costs unrelated to berries — like “processing the fruit and getting it to market.” Ocean Spray isn't immune either.

What brand is the best cranberry sauce? ›

Best Jellied Cranberry Sauce: Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce. The Ocean Spray brand is pretty much synonymous with all things cranberry, so it's not really a surprise that they have their cranberry sauce dialed in.

How to jazz up jellied cranberry sauce? ›

Stir-in one (or more) of the following add-ins to one can of whole or jellied cranberry sauce:
  1. 2 Tbsp. of orange juice plus 1 tsp. of finely grated orange peel.
  2. ½ can of mandarin oranges.
  3. ½ cup pineapple.
  4. ½ tsp. cinnamon.
  5. ½ cup chopped dried apricots.
  6. ½ cup toasted pecans.
  7. 2 Tbsp. Zinfandel Wine.
Aug 11, 2022

Is cranberry sauce good or bad for you? ›

Health Benefits

Cranberries are also rich in vitamin C and fiber, as well as the metabolism-boosting mineral manganese. And yes, you reap all these benefits whether the cranberry sauce on your holiday table is homemade or canned, jellied or whole-berry.

Is it OK to eat a can of cranberry sauce? ›

Cranberries and cranberry products are usually safe for most people if consumed in moderation. However, excessive consumption may cause stomach upset and diarrhea — and may also increase the risk of kidney stones in predisposed individuals.

Is cranberry sauce just jam? ›

Calling this dish a “sauce” is a bit of a misnomer, as cranberry sauce is actually a simple fruit jam. Cranberries are naturally high in pectin (a naturally occuring gel). When cranberries are cooked with sugar and acid (such as orange or lemon juice), the pectin is released and gels the fruit.

Is cranberry sauce full of sugar? ›

First, most traditional cranberry sauces have lots of added sugar, so offer to make it yourself for the holiday gathering so you can control how much is added. Or, only take a small amount, about one or two tablespoons, and pair it with the turkey or other vegetables for a balanced meal.


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Name: Jamar Nader

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