15 Recipes That Prove You Can Make Awesome Omelets, Scrambles, and Benedicts Without Eggs (2024)

October 14th is World Egg Day, but we would prefer to celebrate by showing the world that eggs are just not necessary. This is the perfect day to show how we can substitute eggs for plant-based ingredients in any kind of recipe, from cakes and desserts to dishes where eggs take the center stage.

If you love to bake, then you’ll be happy to know that it is entirely possible tocook and bake without eggsby using ingredients likeflax seeds,chia seeds, and purĂ©ed fruit for binders and leavening agents. But what about dishes like omelets, frittatas, crĂȘpes, and quiches? Not a problem. We even have recipes like this Sunny Side Up Fried ‘Egg’and this Polenta Benedict With Coconut Cream so you can recreate your favorite breakfast dishes.

Plus, we’ve got tons of recipes that prove eggs are just not necessary. Look at these 20 Egg-Centric Dishes Without Eggs, 21 Dishes Made Without Eggs, 10 Recipes That Will Satisfy Your Egg Cravings, 15 Delicious Egg Recipes That Are Better Without Eggs, and 50 Egg-cellent Vegan Recipes Made Without Eggs. Then here are 15 of our eggiest, egg-free recipes for you to enjoy!

1. Polenta Benedict With Coconut Cream

This may look like Eggs Benedict but it’s actually Polenta BenedictWith Coconut Cream. In a super-creative twist, polenta, tomatoes, and avocado form a tower of yumminess and get topped with rich coconut cream sauce. This is the perfect dish for breakfast, brunch, or dinner.

2. Omelet Muffins

These Omelet Muffins may look fancy, especially if you call them soufflĂ©s and serve them as a part of a beautiful dinner, but it’s actually super simple. Made with silken tofu, chickpea flour, and veggies, these muffins will rise high just like a soufflĂ© does. No eggs necessary for these eggy little muffins.

3. Mixed Veggie Quiche

Quiches are a dish that you can pretty much add any flavors and ingredients to and still have something that tastes delicious. This Mixed Veggie Quiche has a spelt/almond meal crust and a chickpea flour filling. It’s filled with mushrooms, red onions, mushrooms, and tomato. Try adding your favorite seasonal vegetables 
 You really can’t go wrong with any combination!

4. Spinach and Artichoke Soufflé

This Spinach and Artichoke SoufflĂ© isn’t exactly like a traditional egg-based soufflĂ©, but that’s what makes it so great! Piping hot clouds of “cheesy” tofu and veggies are enclosed in a tender, flaky crust 
 This soufflĂ© definitely needs to make an appearance on your breakfast table!

5. Not-Smoked Salmon Scramble

You’ll be amazed by just how much these smoked carrot slivers look and taste like smoked salmon and how amazingly it pairs with egg-free scramble. This Not-Smoked Salmon Scramble will be your new favorite breakfast dish for taste and versatility. You can eat it on toast, wrap it in a burrito, or as part of a huge vegan breakfast platter with bacon, sausage, and home fries!

6. Baked Spinach and Herb Frittata

This egg-less Baked Spinach and Herb Frittata gets mixed in a bowl, poured in a pan, and baked until crispy and golden. Filled with veggies and completely versatile, it’s the ultimate vegan breakfast. It’s good hot, warm, room temperature and cold. It’s flavored with simple, but key spices and brightened by fresh herbs.

7. Deviled Veggs

If you’re missing deviled eggs, you’ll want to try making these Deviled Veggs. The secret to holding the soy cream, tofu, and sour cream all together is agar agar, which gives the white portion a gelatin-like texture. When you make these, stick as close as you can to this recipe, use the whitest ingredients you can find. Serve these at a party and they’re guaranteed to blow the minds of all your guests.

8. ‘Egg’ Salad Sandwich

If you like tofu scrambles, you’re going to love this ‘Egg’ Salad Sandwich recipe. Unlike the warm and savory scramble, this sandwich is served cold and contains two different types of mustard and relish for added flavor. Whip one up for breakfast, or take some on your next picnic!

9. Chickpea Flour Omelet With Spinach and Kale

Omelets are a great go-to option for breakfast or even dinner because they’re easy to make, they cook fast, and there are endless opportunities for toppings. This Chickpea Flour Omelet With Spinach and Kale loads up on leafy greens, fresh tomatoes, and avocado, but try mixing up the filling with ingredients like mushrooms, sun-dried tomatoes, and peppers.

10. Sunny Side Up ‘Egg’ on Toast

If you like to start your morning with a traditional breakfast, give this Sunny Side Up “Egg” on Toast a try. Tofu makes the “egg white,” polenta and chickpeas come together to make the “egg yolk” and all of it is piled on a piece of toast with avocado and tomato. And best of all, this recipe only takes 15 minutes!

11. Polenta ‘Egg’ and Soldiers

Eating plant-based doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give up eggs. Tofu can be used to recreate scrambled eggs and as this recipe for Polenta ‘Egg’ and Soldiers shows, polenta does a mighty fine job at recreating egg yolk. It’s even high in protein like eggs too! Serve with some bread strips for dipping fun.

12. Chilaquiles

These Chilaquiles are perfect for when you have overnight guests and need something that is already half done for the morning or for a quick dinner. The trick is to put the tofu over the chips before the sauce. It absorbs the flavor of the salsa and the chips withstand longer without becoming soggy.

13. Chickpea Flour Scramble With Mushroom Bacon

This may look like a Sunday breakfast but you can have this any day (or night) of the week. Revamp your classic American breakfast with this Chickpea Flour Scramble platter. In addition to the scramble, it has savory home fries, zucchini, and mushroom bacon! Diner food made wholesome.

14. The Ultimate Vegan Eggs

Be prepared for people to look twice and think you’ve gone mad when you tell them these eggs are vegan. Made with potato, these Ultimate Vegan Eggs taste every bit as good as actual eggs but without the cruelty. They are truly genius.

15. Eggy Bread With Kala Namak

If you miss the taste of eggs, all you need is some black salt. It’s perfect to use when you want that eggy flavor, like in this recipe for Eggy Bread! Serve this veggy bread with baked beans, grilled mushrooms, grilled tomatoes and a vegan sausage to make a perfect vegan English breakfast.

These recipes are proof: there’s just no need for eggs when we can make our favorite dishes without! Join us in celebrating World No Egg Day with these delicious recipes.

Lead image source: Chickpea Flour Omelet with Spinach and Kale

15 Recipes That Prove You Can Make Awesome Omelets, Scrambles, and Benedicts Without Eggs (2024)


What can you use instead of eggs for omelette? â€ș

What can I use instead of an egg in an omelette? You can make a chickpea flour omelette, a tofu omelette, or use a store bought vegan egg such as Just Egg.

What is similar to an omelette? â€ș

Frittata is an egg-based Italian dish similar to an omelette or crustless quiche or scrambled eggs, enriched with additional ingredients such as meats, cheeses, or vegetables. The word frittata is Italian and roughly translates to 'fried'.

What is a vegan omelette made of? â€ș

These vegan omelettes are made from chickpea flour aka garbanzo bean flour. If you have never used chickpea flour before, it's pretty amazing stuff! It is high in protein and fiber and when rehydrated and cooked, it has an egg-like flavor and texture like nothing else that I've found.

What is the best substitute for eggs in a recipe? â€ș

  • SILKEN TOFU. ...
  • YOGURT. ...

What can I add instead of eggs? â€ș

Egg replacers
  1. Vinegar & baking soda. Replace 1 egg with: 1 teaspoon baking soda, 1 tablespoon vinegar. ...
  2. Unsweetened applesauce. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup applesauce. ...
  3. Plain or vanilla soy yogurt. Replace 1 egg with: 1/4 cup yogurt. ...
  4. Silken tofu. ...
  5. Ripe banana. ...
  6. Ground flaxseed.

How to make an omelette for idiots? â€ș

Ingredients and Directions
  1. BEAT eggs, water, salt and pepper in small bowl until blended.
  2. HEAT butter in 7 to 10-inch nonstick omelet pan or skillet over medium-high heat until hot. ...
  3. GENTLY PUSH cooked portions from edges toward the center with inverted turner so that uncooked eggs can reach the hot pan surface.

How to make an omelette without scrambled eggs? â€ș

Omelette recipe
  1. Beat eggs well until smooth. Season with salt and pepper.
  2. Heat a large knob of butter in a heavy-based non-stick frying pan then pour in the eggs.
  3. Push with a spatula until mixture is just about set.
  4. Fold omelette in on itself a couple of times and slide out of the pan.
Mar 5, 2024

What is the hardest type of omelette to make? â€ș

The Japanese soft egg omelette (called 'omurice' in Japan) is one of the hardest egg dishes to make, but it isn't impossible! 🍳 We show you how it's done. Have you tried to make it? đŸ€·đŸœâ€â™‚ïž #fyp #foryou #egg #eggs #omelette #omurice.

What is a runny omelette called? â€ș

In Japan there is a dish named Omurice, which is a soft omelet served over fried rice and topped with ketchup, curry sauce or beef gravy. Many variations of this dish exist. Two of the most distinctive characteristics of Omurice are the rice and the runny omelette.

Is there an egg substitute for scrambled eggs? â€ș

If you want to frequently make scrambled eggs, a more budget-friendly, shelf-stable option might be smiled upon. Enter Orgran's egg alternative, made from chickpea flour, maize flour and veggie protein among other ingredients, which fits the bill.

Can I eat omelette instead of egg? â€ș

Both boiled eggs and omelettes have their own unique set of nutritional benefits. Boiled eggs are a great source of protein, vitamin D, and choline, while omelettes are rich in fibre, iron, vitamin C, and healthy fats. Ultimately, the better option for your health depends on your specific dietary needs and preferences.

How to make an omelette with no brown? â€ș

Here's the secret: The faster the eggs cook, the silkier the omelet. Swishing the eggs around in the pan allows them cook quickly without browning. You'll end up with the perfect omelet, and accidentally protein-packed breakfast ready in a flash.


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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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